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Trisno (a*), Salahudin Robo (b), Sitti Nur Alam (c)

a) STIKOM Artha Buana Kupang, Jl. Samratulangi 3 Kota Kupang, Nusa Tenggara . 85111
b) Universitas Yapis Papua, Jl. Dr Samratulanggi Kota Jayapura, Papua, 99115
c) Universitas Yapis Papua, Jl. Dr Samratulanggi Kota Jayapura, Papua, 99115


Kasoami is a traditional food from Pemana village. This food mades from cassava and then processed in steaming. People who consume these foods are less aware of the values of the food content. Stabbing application stands for Calculating Food Content Value which aims to help the public in knowing the value nutrition of food content. The stabbing application development is an intelligent application that can help determine the value of food content developed by the NIR method and Artificial Neural Network Calibration. In addition to calculating the value of food content, the stabbing application can also provide a tutorial on the process of making food and provide a form for food sales. For the results obtained, namely determining the main composition of cassava taken twenty samples of sweet potatoes (whole seeds) scanned length of 20-30 cm. The calibration model for NIR measurements uses a three-layer Artificial Neural Network (ANN) technique. As the input layer ANN is the first input 5, 10 second, and 15 main components (PC). The output is the simultaneous composition to be predicted. The contribution of the STIK application is to predict the value of food content that is not yet known to the public in consuming it with the help of existing methods.

Keywords: Traditional food, Nondestructive Nir, artificial neural network, Nutrition value

Topic: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science


Conference: The 1st International Conference on Innovation in Science Technology (ICIST 2019)

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