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The Affecting Factors of Farmers Decision in Choosing Corn Harvest Time (Case in Jawilan District, Serang, Banten Province)
Dian Anggraeni

Prodi Ilmu Pertanian, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa


Research of the affecting factors of farmers decision in choosing corn harvest time in Jawilan District, Serang, aims to know: (1) factors affecting farmers decision in choosing corn harvest time, and (2) the farmers characteristics who harvest young corn and shelled corn in Jawilan District. The method used explanatory survey was applied by interviewing respondents. The sample size of 42 corn farmers were sorted out through simple random sampling. Analysis of the data used descriptive statistics and logistic regression. The results indicated, all independent variables simultaneously show significant influence to the farmers decision in choosing corn harvest time. Partially, corn price (X3) significantly affect to farmers decisions in choosing corn harvest time. Meanwhile, the formal education factor (X1), farming experience (X2) and marketing problems (D) have no significant influence on the farmers decision in choosing corn harvest time. The characteristic of farmers who harvesting shelled corn is categorized as a risk taker, meanwhile, the farmers who choose to harvest young corn is categorized as a risk aventer. The study is expected to contribute in the development of agribusiness primarily concerned with the decision theory.

Keywords: Farmers decision; affecting factors; corn farming

Topic: What are the topics?


Conference: The 2nd Conference on Issues in Social and Education Research (ICISER 2019)

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