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Model of Reclamation in Land Former of Coal Minung at PT. Senamas Energindo Mineral in East Barito Regency Central Kalimantan Province
Ermal Subhan

* Doctoral Student of Environmental Sciences, University of Palangka Raya, Indonesia
* ermal_subhan[at]


Coal mining at PT. Senamas Energindo Mineral is considered not in accordance with the rules of good mining practices. The impact of the activity is in the form of land topography changes, decreasing physical and chemical properties of the soil and loss of natural vegetation. The research objective is to develop a model of reclamation on land former of coal mining as a formation in which dominated by sand layers (nutrient-poor). The model of reclamation is based on an analysis of the land potential with a subjective-quantitative method using reclamation model with re-vegetation goal. One of the reclamation stages is the selection of re-vegetation in accordance to the conditions of land former of coal mining, melaleuca leucadendra plants are considered appropriate because they can grow either sandy, barren or infertile. In addition to the technical feasibility of melaleuca leucadendra plants, economic studies will be carried out using the net present value method based on the discounted cash flow analysis resulting in financial and economic feasibility.

Keywords: Coal, melaleuca leucadendra, model of reclamation, net present value

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Conference: The 2nd Conference on Issues in Social and Education Research (ICISER 2019)

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