Dengvaxia Phenomenon: Lived Experiences of Parents with Dengvaxia-Vaccinated Children Jerry V. Manlapaz1 , Marielle San Pedro2, Edine Reana Santos3, Joseph Angelo Silva4, Patricia Rose Soriano5, Amira Lea Sta. Maria6, Ma. Cheeny Sy7, Ice Alyhs Tan8, Gillian Endrea Umali9
1, 2, 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Senior High School, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines
Background: Dengue has always been a major public health problem in the Philippines and is endemic in all regions of the country. Because of the growing number of incidence of dengue in the country, many were convinced to vaccinate their children with anti-dengue vaccine. Dengvaxia is an anti-dengue vaccine licensed and approved for use by the government in December 2015. However, the second quarter of 2016 saw uproar and issues about the vaccine, causing panic and fear among parents of the vaccinees. Immediate suspension of the vaccine was ordered due to the multiple controversies following the Dengvaxia issue. Purpose: The main purpose of the study was to identify and describe the experiences of the parents who have children vaccinated with Dengvaxia. Methods: The study utilized a qualitative Hermeneutic phenomenological research design. Using a semi structured interview guide questionnaire, a total of 14 parents of Dengvaxia-vaccinated children were purposively selected and interviewed. Data were analyzed using Colaizzi-s phenomenological method in data analysis. Results: The experiences of the parents revealed four themes and fifteen categories. These themes are as follow: drives for participation, emotional disequilibrium, damage controls, and the phenomenon aftermath. Conclusion: Parents experienced difficult times emotionally, psychologically and physically especially at the height of the controversy while focusing on the health and well-being of their children. The mental trauma faced by the parents due to the fear for their children-s lives was an adversity that they had to hurdle through. The entire experience put uncertainties towards the immunization programs of the government but the lessons learned from the experience exhibited every family-s resilience in the midst of the controversy.
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