Event starts on 2019.07.17 for 2 days in Purwokerto
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Corresponding Author
Vitri Widyaningsih
Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta
Background: Indonesia faces challenges from the increasing burden from noncommunicable diseases (NCDs). NCDs are now the major causes of mortality and morbidity in Indonesia, with increasing cost for treatment. Two of the main modifiable risk factors for NCDs are smoking and alcohol consumption, and can be the target for early intervention. This study aims to assess the prevalence and patterns of smoking and alcohol consumption among Indonesian male youth: one of the key population in NCDs prevention. Methods: Data from Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS) 2017 was analyzed. A total of 13,079 male age 15-24 years old were interviewed, with relatively low missing data (0.05%). Smoking and alcohol consumption were obtained from questionnaire based interview. The IDHS 2017 further collect data on sociodemographic characteristics, including age, education, and area of residence. Results: The smoking prevalence among Indonesian male youth were 48.7%, with higher prevalence in rural area (50.5%) compared to urban area (47.2%). An alarming rate of 77.5% male youth had tried smoking, with almost 21% tried smoking during elementary school-age (<13 years old), and 75% tried smoking during secondary school-age (13-18 years old). Approximately 37% of male youth had drunk alcohol, although only less than 2% drank alcohol more than 30 days in the past three months. Similar to smoking, most (85.1%) of the male youth first tried drinking alcohol during school-aged years. Conclusion: The prevalence of smoking and alcohol consumption in Indonesia is relatively high, with school-aged children susceptible for initiation of smoking. Intervention to reduce these health-risk behavior should be aimed at school-aged children. School-based intervention intertwined with family and community support might be an effective strategy to reduce smoking and alcohol consumption among Indonesian male youth.
noncommunicable disease, smoking, alcohol, male youth
Communicable and Non Communicable Diseases
Corresponding Author
Doddy Abdul Karim
School of Pharmacy, Bandung Institute of Technology
Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
Background: The role of sport activities in any educational process in a college aimed to get graduates of higher quality is undoubtable. Generally, the materials of sport course acitvities provide various forms of physical condition exercises for students intended among others to enhance fitness. The objective of the present research was to determine the profiles of 2.4-km running test results of all faculties and to compare two different curriculum approach models. Method: The research mehod used was an ex post facto study or causal-comparative study. In this case, the research didn-t make treatment, nor manipulate the variables. The collection running test fitness data used the data possesed by the sport course by 2.4-km Cooper running test. The data collected was for 20017/2018 academic year. Result: It was found that the running test results of Initial Test, Final Test, and Gain have Sig. value score were < 0.05, thus Ho was rejected. It means that there were differences in average running times between the faculties.
Curriculum, Sport Course
Sport Sciences and Physical Education
Corresponding Author
Siti Nurhayati
Public Health Department, Faculty of Health Sciences, Jenderal Soedirman University
Background: It is urgently necessary to measure the success of an information technology system for management to examine its added value to institution. It is necessary to examine the success rate to detect any problems which may disturb service, management and decision making processes at health facilities.The Delone and Mc.Lean method is employed to obtain information of how e-health related to hardware, software, brainware and sociotechnical issues performs. Purpose: Examining the success rate of e-health implementation performs in the service area of department of health of Banyumas Regency Indonesia. Methods: This cross sectional analytical research has 39 public health centers as its sample and employs linear regression and correlation analyses. Results: The results of this research state that there is relationship between information system quality and e-health system use; There is no relationship between information system quality and user satisfaction; There is relationship between information quality and e-health system use; There is relationship between information quality and user satisfaction; There is relationship between service quality and user satisfaction; There is relationship between user satisfaction and e-health system use; There is relationship between system use and Net benefit; There is relationship between user satisfaction and Net benefit; There is relationship between organization and Net benefit. The following line equations are generated: e-health system use = 3.008 + 0.117 (Information system quality) + 0.126 (Information quality) + 0.018 (service quality). E-health system use = 3.843 + 0.273 (user satisfaction). User satisfaction = 6.432 + 0.036 (information system quality) + 0.203 (information quality) + 0.317 (service quality). Net Benefit = 10.349 + 0.842 (e-health system use). Net Benefit = 11.786 + 0.343 (user satisfaction). Conclusion: The determinants success model of e-health implementation of this research are: information system quality, information quality, user satisfaction, system use, and net benefit.
e-health, Delone and Mc.Lean
Health Technology and Medical Treatment
Corresponding Author
mahir dwi nugroho
Yogyakarta State University
the current study aims at describing the analysis results of the researcher on the students- ability in understanding law of the game futsal and referee signals. The fact that many student are not yet able to understand law of the game futsal and referee signals leads the researcher to conduct this research. The understanding of the mentioned rules is vital in terms of increasing the ability of futsal players to play the match in a good way. The subjects of this research are members of extracurricular junior high school. The method used in this is descriptive qualitative employing observation, interview, documentation, and research data analysis. The findings of this research showed that there are still many students who do not understand law of the game futsal and referee signals. 20% of them understood them and 80% do not understand. Therefore, it is important to educate students to know more about law of the game futsal game and referee signals.
analysis, law of the game futsal and referee signals, extracurricular
Sport Sciences and Physical Education
Corresponding Author
herlambangfajar wibowo
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Herlambang Fajar Wibowo Postgraduate Program of sports science Yogyakarta herlambangfajarwibowo@gmail.com ABSTRACT This study aims to investigate the methods used by national level football trainers in Indonesia in identifying talented football players. This research is based on how trainers explore talented athletes in modern football. The subjects of this study were Indonesian league first coaches who had the highest licenses in Indonesian football, with eight research subjects. This research uses descriptive qualitative approach method with in-depth interview technique. Based on the data obtained from the interview, the researcher concluded three aspects in determining and identifying talents in the game of football. The first in determining the talented player is how he excels in one on one while on the field, the second is how the player can read a match or can be known by the term (Reading the game) and the last aspect is that talented players are those who have good coordination. Keywords: Talent Identification, Football, National Coach
talent, soccer, coach
Sport Sciences and Physical Education
Corresponding Author
Feri Ahmadi
Researcher National Institute of Health Research and Development, MOH RI
e-mail : feriahmadi22[at]gmail.com
Background A nutritional deficiency in the period 1000 day of life causing disorder a growth that has resulted in stunting. Aims of study Descriptive analysis the prevalence of stunting by province based Health Research Basic years 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2018 Methods An analysis descriptive (minimum, maximum, the difference) was compared the percentage prevalence of per province based on from 2007 , 2010,2013 , and 2018. Results Based on the results of the analysis there has been increasing the prevalence of stunting happened in Jambi province, East Java, South Sulawesi, North Maluku, and Papua. While a decline in the prevalence of stunting occurring in the province of South Sumatra, Bangka Belitung and Banten. To drop in the percentage prevalence of stunting who greatest Lampung province from year 2013-2018 of 15.3 %, East Nusa Tenggara from year 2010-2018 of 15.7 %, and West Papua province from year 2010-2018 of 21,4 %. Besides been an increase in the percentage prevalence of stunting who greatest East Nusa Tenggara 11.7 % from year 2007- 2010, Papua Province 11,8 % from year 2010-2013 , and South Sulawesi Province 11,8 % from year 2007-2013. Conclusion Prevalence of stunting provincial differences between very large, and according the percentage increase and reducing the prevalence of stunting the percentage that varied.
Prevalence of stunting, Health Research Basic, Indonesia
Nutrition and Functional Food
Corresponding Author
Muhamad Fahmi Hasan
Sport Science Research Group, School of Pharmacy, ITB.
Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy Research Group, School of Pharmacy, ITB
Background: Related to work productivity, the fitness level is one of the important conditions to be able to work optimally. On the other hand, based on an analysis of the daily activities of ITB lecturers and staff, in general they lack physical activity. Such conditions are of course very concerning because if you have low physical activity for a long time can have an impact on health, bad habits have the potential to make it easier to get degenerative diseases such as metabolic disorders, heart disease, cholesterol, diabetes and others. Purpose: On that basis, mapping the fitness level and physical activity of lecturers and staff in the ITB environment is very appropriate to be done as a first step in an effort to increase work productivity. Methods: Retrieval of data through the Rocport test, which is a test to measure the ability of aerobics by constantly walking as far as 1.6 km, then the output of this test will produce predictions of VO2Max ability. The sample in this activity are lecturers and staff aged 45 years and over. Results: From this study it can be described that ITB lecturers and staff are divided into several categories, namely the 0% thin category, 40% normal, 45% fat, 10% obesity. Then the condition of fitness with a very low category of 10%, low 16%, enough 23%, good 23%, very good 2%, superior 6%. In daily activities doing physical activity in the low intensity category is 36%, moderate is 34% and high is 30%. Conclusion: Physical activity with a low category has a tendency to fall into the normal and fat category, seen from the Body Mass Index. But because of the support of nutritional intake and good rest, the fitness level tend to be in the moderate and good category.
Physical Activity, Fitness Level, Lecturer, Public Health
Health Promotion and Education
Corresponding Author
1. Department of Medical physic, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Andalas
2. Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Andalas
Corresponding author : aelliyanti[at]med.unand.ac.id
Background and purpose : Iodine is reported has antineoplastic effect on tumour. This study investigate the proliferation effect of three types of breast cancer cell lines after iodine (I2) , lugol and combination of both treatments. Materials and Methods : We used MCF7, SKBR3 and MDAMB 231 cell lines which represented luminal A, HER2+ and triple negative breast cancer subtypes. Those cells were treated with I2, lugol and combination of both. Cells proliferation was assed using colorimetric assay. Results : Cell proliferation rate of MDA MB321 cell which received combination of I2 and lugol with doses 1%, 0,1%, 0,01% are 2% ± 0%, 9% ± 1%, 10% ± 0% respectively. The treatment reduced cell proliferation significantly p<0.05 compare to I2 or lugol alone. Cell proliferation rate of MCF7 cell which received 20 nM, 40nM, 60nM of I2, lugol and combination of both are 39% ± 8%, 19% ± 8%, 11% ± 8%, 80% ± 59%, 8% ±10%, 11% ± 7%, 29% ± 15% respectively. Those treatments reduced cell proliferation rate in MCF7 significantly P<0.05. Iodine and lugol treatments in these doses show increase proliferation rate trend in SKBR3 cells. Conclusions: Iodine treatment reduced cell proliferation rate in triple negative and luminal A cell lines. Iodine might be involved in the pathogenesis of breast cancer cells depend on doses and types of cells. Further studies are needed to investigate the role of iodine in breast cancer.
breast cancer, anti-neoplastic, MCF7, SKBR3, MDAMB321
Communicable and Non Communicable Diseases
Corresponding Author
ekawati ekawati
Occupational Safety and Health Department, Faculty of Public Health, Diponegoro University
Background: Chromium, a heavy metals commonly used as an anti-corrosive agent. Clinical and laboratory evidence showed that inhaled chromium was very toxic. Talang sub-district, Tegal district has several groups of metal coating workers. As an informal sector, they were poor of legislation and health services and also poor of hygiene sanitation, poor of workplace arrangement. They were not use personal protective equipment also. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to describe the work posture and work stations on chromium metal coating workers. Methods: This research used a cross sectional design. Data collected using interview method, work station and work posture observation. A number of 35 worker at Talang metal coating industry participated in this research. Results: Most of the workers were in poor work stations, for example: insufficient location and size of ventilation, lack of lighting, slippery and moist floor. Most workers were not use personal protective equipment and had awkward work postures. Conclusion: The workers do their work in non-ergonomic work postures. The work station was not supportive for making ergonomic work posture. This study recommends to repair work station by adjusting ventilation size and the ventilation location should not be in front of the workers directly. If this was not possible, then workers who must adjust their work position away from ventilation. Entrepreneurs can provide local exhaust that was useful for sucking metal vapors so that the levels of metal vapors can be reduced to a minimum level.
work posture, work station, ergonomics
Environmental and Occupational Health
Corresponding Author
Eka Prasasti Nur Rachmani
Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health Sciences, Jenderal Soedirman University, Purwokerto, Central Java, Indonesia
Slatri leaves (Calophyllum soulattri) which contains flavonoids, tanin, xhantone, and cumarin, has potential as an antioxidant. This research objective is to find antioxidant activity and total flavonoid total extract and fraction of slatri leaves. This research was conducted with laboratory experimental methods which include antioxidant activity assay using DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-pikrilhidrazil) is determined by the amount of DPPH radical absorption barriers represented by IC50. Levels of total flavonoids was determined by colorimetric method with AlCl3 reagent routinely expressed as a percentage in the extract. The results showed IC50 leave ethanol extract against DPPH with slatri of 39.63 ± 14.99 ppm and total flavonoid content of leaf extracts slatri of 25.677 ± 0.046% in the extract routine
Antioxidants, Slatri (Calophyllum soulattri), DPPH, total flavonoids, Colorimetric
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Corresponding Author
Andi Eka Yunianto
1Departement of Nutrition, Faculty of Health Science, Siliwangi University, Tasikmalaya, Indonesia
2Departement of Community Nutrition, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, Indonesia
Background: Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disorder determined by the degree of hyperglycemia. High blood glucose status is a public health problem not only in urban areas but also in rural areas. The prevalence of diabetes in rural areas is increasing. Dietary shift, such as sweet food consumption, is associated with blood glucose status. Purpose: This study aimed to analyze the association between sweet food and blood glucose status of men and women in rural areas. Method: The design of this study was cross-sectional, and this study was conducted on 112 people aged 45-59 years from 56 households in Cisalak Village, Cibeber Subdistrict, Cianjur Regency. Chi-square test was used to analyze the association between sweet food and blood glucose status. Results: The results showed that sweet food consumption in women was more often than men. Sweet foods (OR = 8.438; 95% CI: 1.377 – 51.706) were significantly related to blood glucose status among men than women (OR = 0.837; 95% CI: 0.089 – 7.886). Conclusion: There is an association between sweet food consumption and blood glucose status in men. This study suggests the importance of limiting sweet food consumption so that the blood glucose status can be controlled.
Blood glucose status, rural area,sweet foods
Nutrition and Functional Food
Corresponding Author
Lutfatul Latifah
Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
Autogenic relaxation is known as therapy to treat psychological problems. Many studies have proven the effectiveness of this therapy to overcome physiological as well as psychological problems, including the perinatal period. The aim of this review was to identify autogenic relaxation therapy to overcome perinatal problems. The systematic scoping review method used in this review. The databases were several Indonesian electronic databases; Google scholar and Sinta. The keywords were bilinguals: Indonesia and English. The inclusion criteria of studies were focused on therapy for perinatal problems, research design included true and quasi-experimental, published from 2009 to 2019, full text. Results found that autogenic relaxation therapy in the perinatal period was used to treat post SC pain, anxiety in primigravida pregnant women, anxiety before labor, success of breastfeeding at the beginning of the postpartum period, blood pressure during pregnancy. Health workers need to consider using autogenic relaxation therapy to overcome problems in perinatal patients.
anxiety, mood state, pain, relaxation
Corresponding Author
Yudith Violetta Pamulang
1 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 55281
2 Department Surgery and Radiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 55281
3 Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 55281
4 Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 55281
Fracture is disconnection of bone continuity caused by trauma, pressure, or pathological disorder. On the other hand, fracture healing is a complex process and needed a long time to rejoin without leaving wound. To fasten this process, an implant material is needed as a replacement for damaged bone tissues. Biphasic calcium phospate (BCP) is a biomaterial phase of the building materials of bone and teeth, and collagen in bone implant is a structural protein that helps osteoblast mediators. This research is aimed to create formula from biphasic calcium phospate (BCP) and collagen in gel preparation as drug delivery system and bone filler. Gel bonegraft is made in two formulas with different compositions: 1) Formulation 1 (10% collagen in gel), 2) Formulation 2 (15% collagen in gel). Evaluation of gel preparation comprises of organoleptic, and pH testing. Test results show that the preparation is white in color, has smooth texture, semisolid form, pH of 5 - 6. Both gel formulation can be used to deliver bonegraft biomaterial on each bone fragments.
Fracture; bonegraft; biomaterial; gel; Biphasic Calsium Phosphate
Health Technology and Medical Treatment
Corresponding Author
Nur Laila
STIKES Muhammadiyah Gombong
Jl Yos Soedarso No.461 Gombong Kebumen Jawa Tengah 54412
Background: a baby at 6 months is a critical phase in starting to eat. The nutritional adequacy of the baby is strongly influenced by the correct feeding pattern. Breast Milk Complement is the initial food which is given to babies as a breast milk complement which is useful for supporting nutritional needs as well as supporting infant growth and development. Parents have a very important role in providing healthy breast milk complement, the behavior of giving breast milk complement which is good is influenced by the level of mothers knowledge about breast milk complement. Good consumption of breast milk complement supports prevention of stunting in infants. Purpose: Describe the behavior of giving breast milk complement in infants age of 6-12 months. Methods : This research used descriptive method. The sample in this study were 225 mothers who had babies age of 6-12 months who lived in Buayan District, Kebumen. This sample is taken by random sampling technique. The instruments used in this study were questionnaires on knowledge about giving breast milk complement, questionnaires and observation sheets for the behavior of giving breast milk complement. Results: The result of the study showed that the majority of mothers age of 21-30 years old (65.3%), while for the age of infants at most 11 months (16.9%). The majority of education is Senior High School about 99 respondents (44%), and 219 as housewives (97.3%). A total of 199 mothers have sufficient knowledge (88.4%) and 135 mothers have enough behavior of giving breast milk complement (60.0%). Conclusions: most of mothers have enough knowledge as many as 199 people (88.4%) and most mothers have the behavior of giving breast milk complement with enough categories as many as 135 people (60.0%).
knowledge, behavior, mother, breast milk complement
Corresponding Author
Muhammad Nur Akmal Hidayat
1) Nursing Student Department of Nursing Faculty of Health Sciences University of Jenderal Soedirman
2) Lecturer at the Department of Nursing Faculty of Health Sciences University of Jenderal Soedirman
Background: Academic disintegration behavior is still common. Academic integrity (AI) is the consistent behavior of students in upholding the values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility during the learning process. Self regulated learning (SRL) is the ability of students in using independence strategies, setting and controlling their learning goals. Objective: This study aims to determine the relationship between SRL and AI in Unsoed Faculty of Health Sciences Nursing Department students. Methodology: This research used quantitative study with the cross sectional design. The sampling technique used total sampling technique. The sample size was 136 respondents. The research instrument used a questionnaire and the data were analyzed using the correlation Pearson test. Research Results: The results of the study showed that the majority of respondents were female (93.4%) and less student live with parents (21.3%). The average score of SRL and AI values is relatively high. A Pearson correlation showed there was a weak, positive correlation between SRL and AI which was statistically significant in nursing students of Health Sciences Faculty (r = 0.399; p < 0.001). Conclusion: A better self regulated learning is associated with a better academic integrity.
Academic integrity; Nursing; Self regulated learning
Corresponding Author
Arum Kartikadewi
1 Faculty of Medicine Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang
Jl Kedungmundu Raya 18 Semarang
2 Faculty of Mathemathics and Natural Science Universitas Negreri Semarang
Jl Raya Sekaran Gunungpati Semarang
Type 2 Diabetic (T2DM) often accompanied with several metabolic syndrome such as hypertension. Blood pressure (BP) can interfere the Fasting blood glucose ( FBG) control, but this correlation in Javanese T2DM population never been explored. The aim of the study is to prove the correlation between BP and FBG among the Javanese T2DM population. The Study was analytic observation with cross-sectional approach. Consecutive sampling was done to Javanese T2DM patient of PROLANIS at Primary Health Care in Semarang. Age more than 70 years and Cardiovascular accident history (stroke, coronary heart disease) was excluded from sample. BP was measured by digital sphygmomanometer. BP stage was defined based on JNC VII. FBG was measured by GOD PAP method. FBG control was defined based on ADA Recommendation. Controlled FBG ranged between 90-130 mg/dL while uncontrolled FBG if the FBG was < 90 mg/dL or > 130 mg/dL. The differences between BP and FBG control was analyzed with Chi square and the correlation was analyzed with Kendall-s Tau About 97 Javanese T2DM were enrolled this study. There are 52 (53,61%) uncontrolled FBG and 45 (46,39%) controlled FBG. About 9,27 % uncontrolled FBG was Hypertension (HT) stage 2; 19,58 % was HT stage 1; 19,58 % was pre hypertension and 5,15% was normal BP. While, about 8,24 % controlled FBG was HT stage 2; 21,40% was HT stage 1; 13,40% was pre hypertension and 3,09% was normal BP. There was no significant difference in BP stage and FBG control (p=0,773) and no correlation between BP stage and FBG control (p=0,401)
Fasting Blood Glucose Control, Blood pressure, T2 DM, Javanese ethnic
Communicable and Non Communicable Diseases
Corresponding Author
Ayu Egayosi Prambandari
a) Universitas Aisyiah, Yogjakarta, Indonesia
Jl. Siliwangi (Ring Road Barat) No. 63 Mlangi, Nogotirto, Gamping, Sleman, Yogyakarta 55292.
Background: The initial two-year period of a babys life is an important period as well as a critical period in the process of physical, psychological and intelligence development. One of the factors that influence childrens growth and development is nutritional factors. Mothers milk is widely recommended as the best way to feed infants. The aim is to increase promotion and support for breastfeeding for the success of exclusive breastfeeding. Method: This research method uses electronic bibliographic database with database search using PubMed and Sciencedirect done systematically from 2008 to 2018. Quality articles are selected based on inclusion criteria and extraction results from 987 articles to 10 articles. Results: Based on the results of the review it was found the need to instill a professional attitude in order to facilitate the promotion of breastfeeding. However, the benefits of breastfeeding support have not been able to increase the success rate of exclusive breastfeeding. Establish a breastfeeding room at work at an important value as a form of priority action for nursing mothers who work. The government and private institutions are implementing efforts to create a work environment that supports mothers in choosing and providing the best nutrition for their babies. Conclusion: Full breastfeeding is highly recommended by nutritionists around the world. The success of exclusive breastfeeding can be done by providing breastfeeding support by health and non-health professionals. The success of the Exclusive ASI Health Promotion Program can be done with creativity and active efforts to carry out health promotion strategies.
Breastfeeding, Exclusive breastfeeding, Promotion, Support.
Health Promotion and Education
Corresponding Author
1) Magister Student at Adult Nursing Department Faculty of Medicine, Department of Nursing Universitas Diponegoro
2) Emergency and Critical Care Nursing Division of Adult Nursing Department, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Nursing Universitas Diponegoro
3) Community Nursing Division of Adult Management Faculty of Medicine, Department of Nursing Universitas Diponegoro
Abstract Background : Dying dignity is part of the purpose of the nursing care process given to the elderly. Dying dignity is the last goal for geriatric patient in their end of life. There are many intervention to deliver geriatric patient for dying dignity. Management of end-of-life critical patients still needs development in order to achieve the ultimate goal of dying dignity end-life critical for geriatric patients. Aim: The purpose of this study was to explore the experience of nurses and families in dealing with geriatric patients who are critically dying towards dying dignity Method :. This type of research is qualitative study. Data collection uses the method of in-depth interviews with a semi-structured interview guide, involving 10 respondents. This research resulted in 3 themes including: the availability of policies that facilitate service; adequate nurse competency and families who want to play a role and actively participate in service delivery by being with patients. Conclusion : The final conclusion is management of dying critical patients requires cooperation from all part of care. It starts from a supportive system, caring and committed nurses do according to the system instructions, as well as positive family acceptance of the services provided.
dying dignity, management care, critical geriatric patients
Corresponding Author
Wayne Freeman Chong Weien
(a) Nanyang Technological University
(b) National University of Singapore
Background: Stroke is the leading cause of long-term physical disability in Singapore, accounting for 6.1% of Disability-Adjusted Life Years. Despite the positive outcomes associated with stroke rehabilitation, only 33.3% of eligible stroke patients in Singapore use this service when referred. Purpose: We identified caregiver profiles based on their psychosocial needs, characterized profile movements over time, and investigated if these profiles differentiated patient-users of stroke rehabilitation from non-users. Methods: The full dataset comprises 378 patients who suffered from a recent stroke and their family caregivers, who completed measures of caregiver psychosocial need (burden, depression, health status, social support, social activities and relationship quality with patient) at baseline, 3-month and 12-month post-stroke. Latent profile analyses (LPAs) were conducted at each time point. Model fit indicators, entropy and the interpretability of competing solutions were considered when selecting an optimal profile solution. A latent transition analysis (LTA) was conducted with the optimal profile solution to characterize movements of latent profiles over time. Associations between caregivers- profile membership and patients- rehabilitation use over time were examined in a structural equation, with other caregiver and patient characteristics as covariates. Results: A two-profile solution, which comprises more adaptive caregivers (80.7% at baseline, 76.7% at 3-month and 87.4% at 12-month) and less adaptive caregivers, was selected. 31% of the less adaptive caregivers at baseline remained less adaptive at 12-month post-stroke (β = 2.15, p < .05). After controlling for covariates, the patients of more adaptive caregivers had 21.67 times higher odds of using, rather than not using, stroke rehabilitation (β = 2.64, p < .01) at 12-month post-stroke. Conclusion: Caregiver psychosocial need profiles differentiated longer-term stroke rehabilitation users from non-users. To increase patients- stroke rehabilitation use, direct caregiver psychosocial intervention should be provided at or before patients- discharge from acute hospital, and continue into the longer-term.
caregiver, psychosocial needs, stroke rehabilitation, latent profile analysis, latent transition analysis
Health Policy, Services and Economic
Corresponding Author
Deborah Siregar
a) Students Faculty of Nursing Universitas Pelita Harapan
b) Lecturer Faculty of Nursing Universitas Pelita Harapan
Background: Medication error is one of the problems that threaten patients safety in hospital. Medication errors can occur in some phases, one of them in the administrative phase. Errors that occur when administering medication to patients will have a detrimental effect and endanger the patient whether it causes even minor injury or severe injury. The way to overcome this medication error is by knowing the factors causing medication error in the hospital. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors causing medication errors in administration phase in X Hospital Methods: The design of the study was a cross sectional study. The total sample for this study was 40 nurses. Statistical analyses were conducted using chi square. Results: The results showed that the age and education level were not significant with medication error in X Hospital. Length of work has p value = 0 so it is concluded that length of work has a relationship with medication error in X hospital Conclusion: There is a correlation between length of work with medication error in X hospital. This study recommends to improve the standard of service in hospitals to preventing medication errors in hospital.
Administrative phase, nurse, medication error
Corresponding Author
Violin Irene Ninef
1 Master Student of Nursing Management in Nursing Department, Faculty of Medicine,Diponegoro University, Semarang
2 Lecturer of Nursing Department, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Semarang
3 Lecturer of Nursing Department, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Semarang
Background: Jobs related to the nursing profession will always be stressful, traumatic or difficult because of the difficulties inherent in nursing work. Some researchers have documented resilience among nurses and have conceptualized nurses as resilient populations of health services, but there is still a dearth of qualitative studies that hear personal narratives about why nurses remain and develop in stressful workplaces in the context of nurses working in remote areas. Objectives : The objectives of this study were to explore, understand, and ultimately illustrate the lived experiences and meaning of nurses work resilience in remote health centers areas, eastern Indonesia. Methodology: This qualitative study was conducted by qualitative content analysis approach. Six nurses selected for participation using purposive sampling technique and determined based on inclusion criteria. Data were collected through semistructured interviews in depth until saturation was reached. The interviews were transcribed verbatim, and the qualitative content was used to analyze the data. Results: The researcher identified two themes: tough nurses; they will depend on social support from colleagues, family, or even the work environment to continue to assume responsibility and continue to develop and move forward even in difficult situations. They will tend to think positively, use humor to have fun and laugh and depend on spiritual beliefs that allow them to continue to adapt to the difficulties during their duty. Conclusion: This study explains the superiority of resilience shown by nurses working in remote health centers in eastern Indonesia
Keywords: Resilience, Nursing,Remote Areas, Qualitative method
Corresponding Author
Nurul Izzah Shari
1Lifestyle Science Cluster, Advanced Medical and Dental Institute, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kepala Batas, Malaysia
2 Department of Psychological Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
*Corresponding author: Nurul Izzah Shari (izza_lesca[at]yahoo.com)
Background: Cognitive impairment related to cancer is often known as cancer related cognitive impairment (CRCI) and gained attention from researchers due to its subtle etiology and its effect on quality of life and well-being in cancer patient. Purpose: This study reviews published articles in order to examine the prevalence of cognitive impairment, affected cognitive domain, identify the relationship between objective and subjective cognitive impairment and to explore the associated factors that influence subjective cognitive impairment in breast cancer patient. Methods: A systematic and comprehensive search using combination of keywords on four electronic databases (CINAHL, Cochrane Library, Science Direct and PubMeD) and from references list. Findings: 36 articles were selected and represent 5537 patients. The studies demonstrated that the prevalence of subjective cognitive impairment (11% to 95%) was higher than objective cognitive impairment (1.4% to 65%). Only 17 studies measure the relationship between objective and subjective cognitive impairment, seven studies indicate low correlation and the remaining ten studies showed no correlation. Memory was the most affected domain in cognitive function. Subjective cognitive impairment was more likely to be associated with depression, fatigue and anxiety. Conclusion: The influence of emotional disturbance and physical weakness may have a significant impact on higher prevalence of subjective cognitive impairment. It is important to acknowledge all aspects correlated with cognitive impairment due to its influence on wellness, quality of life and survivorship trajectory of breast cancer patients.
Objective, Subjective, cognitive impairment, breast cancer, chemotherapy
Corresponding Author
Devi Octaviana
Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Jenderal Soedirman
Dengue Virus (DENV) infection is still an important public health problems including in Indonesia. Dengue prevention and control program must be based on integrated knowledge also related to public perceptions of this disease. The aim of this study is to find out community perception on their risk to have dengue infection and also their treatment seeking behaviour. This is qualitiatative study which involved 9 informants from community in Banyumas Regency, Central Java, Indonesia. Data collection was obtained by indept interview to the informants and data was analyzed by content analysis. Result of this study highlighted that most informants feel that they had less risk to contract with DENV infection. This perception could affect the less prevention and control effort which carried out in community. However, for they tend to seek treatment to health facility promptly after the symptoms of dengue appeared. Informants also emphasize that they support the prevention and control for minimize the dengue cases .
dengue, prevention, qualitative
Health Promotion and Education
Corresponding Author
Dyah Umiyarni Purnamasari
Nutrition Department
The growth standards for school children currently use the WHO-Antro 2017 standard. Who determines standards using the world population. The use of this world population probably different from the characteristics of school children in Indonesia, especially school children in Banyumas Regency. The local population can occur in determining the nutritional status category at a higher or lower range. The sample in this study amounted to 637 I-VI grade of children in 4 elementary schools: Santo Yosep, Larangan, Pasir Wetan and Purwojati. The sample included in the anthropometric model is only samples that have normal gzi status. Local anthropometric standards made for ranges of -3 SD to +1 SD values of BMI are higher than WHO standards, while in the range of +2 to +3 the value of BMI is lower than the value of WHO standards. It is recommended to monitor growth in school children regularly. The data obtained can be used as a basis for planning health programs for school children.
Growth Standars, World Health Organization, Body Mass Index
Nutrition and Functional Food
Corresponding Author
Riama Marlyn Sihombing
Faculty of Nursing
Universitas Pelita Harapan Jakarta, Indonesia
Background: Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience related to both actual and potential tissue damage. Uncontrolled pain had a negative impact on postoperative recovery, complications, poor quality of life and the risk of prolonged pain. Postoperative pain were subjective and can be influenced by gender. Visual analogue scale was a pain assessment tools that can be used to evaluation of postoperative pain. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare pain intensity of male and female postoperative patients using visual analogue scale. Methods: This study applied a observational analytic design with a cross-sectional approach. The sample included 89 postoperative patients who admitted to surgical ward were determined by purposive-sampling. Data was collected using observation sheet using visual analogue scale were evaluated for pain intensity within 24 hours after surgery which 3 times observation. Results: This study demonstrated that more than a half (60.70%) respondent were females. Mean visual analogue scale at 8 hours after surgery was 55.13 mm while mean visual analogue scale at 16 hours and 24 hours after surgery was 37.75 mm and 21.56 mm respectively. Using Mann-Whitney analysis, we found that none of the observation had significant difference correlation between visual analogue scale and gender. Conclusion: This study reflects that gender has no contributes to postoperative pain. According to this study it is recommended to evaluate the another factors that influence postoperative pain using visual analogue scale
postoperative pain, visual analogue scale, gender
Health Technology and Medical Treatment
Corresponding Author
Ismiati Ismiati
Midwifery Masters students at Aisyiyah Yogyakarta University
Background: Qualified midwives have comprehensive and professional abilities that can only be achieved through high quality midwife education. One effort to improve the qualifications of midwives is by implementing a Continuity of Care model in clinical education to ensure that the graduates are ready to keep responsibility for providing safe and effective delivery care. The majority of maternal and infant deaths can be avoided if Continuum of Care is provided in a structured pathway from pregnancy to birth and the first week of life for a newborn baby. Purpose : The purpose of this study was to review the Continuity of Care learning model for midwifery students. Methods: This Systematic Literature Review used the PubMed, Science Direct and ProQuest databases with a period of 2008-2018, out of the 989 initial articles identified, 4 articles were selected since they met the inclusion and exclusion criteria for final review. Results: The Continuity of Care learning model for midwifery students took place between students and patients, which enabled them to experience continuity with a woman through pregnancy, childbirth, birth and the postnatal period. In fact, students learnt directly from patients and from other health care providers who then consolidated students in understanding the philosophy of female-centered care. Conclusion: There were two CoC (Continuity of Care) learning models for midwifery students namely CoC (Continuity of Care) with Follow Through Experience (FTE) and CoC (Continuity of Care) with Case-loading models. The benefits of midwifery care with the Continuity of Care model had a very important role in reducing MMR and IMR and a positive impact on the continuity of the midwifery care model. On the other hands, students learnt directly from patients and from other health care providers who consolidated students in understanding the philosophy of female-centered care.
Learning Model, CoC, Midwifery Students
Health Promotion and Education
Corresponding Author
Carlo Bryan C. Borrico
1 College of Nursing, Dean, System Plus College Foundation, Angeles City, Philippines
1 College of Nursing, Faculty, System Plus College Foundation, Angeles City, Philippines
2 Alumni, Holy Angel University, Angeles City, Philippines
Corresponding author: Dr. Carlo Bryan C. Borrico (borrico.Carlo[at]auf.edu.ph)
Background: During menopause, there is a hormonal imbalance that would lead to variety of menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, weight gain, changes in the body shape, hair loss, hair becomes grayer and coarse, decreased elasticity of the skin, thinning of lining and dryness in the vagina, breast discomfort and urinary incontinence. These menopausal symptoms cause concern and discomfort for these women. It also affects their quality of life. Purpose: The study aimed to explore the women-s sense of body during their midlife years. Methods: A phenomenological-heuristic research design was used in the study. Eight informants willingly participated in the study under an informal, semi-structured interview with the main question, ““What are your experiences during midlife?” and “How did those experiences happened?” The transcribed verbatims were analyzed through the use of Moustakas method. Results: The study revealed 7 main themes: (1) “I-ve changed…” (2) “What is bothering me?” (3) Looking back into the windows of the past (4) my weapons for my battle (5) Metamorphosis: A new conquest (6) Dreams: The paramount of my life. The study reflected the entirety of the participant-s experiences. Conclusions: This study has shown that living the experience of wellness at menopause can accommodate the experience of change or symptoms. In this way the experience of menopausal change is not disruptive to the womans continuity of experience, she continues to feel well and to do all the things she wants to do. Furtherrecommendations are needed to enhance the understanding of the lived experience of women regarding their sense of body at midlife.
Menopause, Women at midlife, live experience
Corresponding Author
Yanuarita Tursinawati
1Medical Faculty, University of Muhammadiyah Semarang, Indonesia
2 Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia
Background: The prevalence of patients with Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) is increasing every year. The incidence of Diabetes Mellitus is in line with the level of obesity. Obesity can be measured through the body mass index (BMI). Age and gender also effect on the incidence of T2DM. Diabetic patients should meet their fasting plasma glucose target levels to avoid the risk of complications. Purpose: This study is to evaluate the correlation between age, gender, and BMI with fasting plasma glucose (FPG) as a parameter of glycemic control among Javanese T2DM patients. Methods: This study involved 97 T2DM patients who were registered at primary health care centers around Semarang who fulfilled inclusion criteria such as 30-70 years old Javanese individuals. Blood samples were taken to measure fasting plasma glucose levels, while BMI was obtained from anthropometric measurements. Correlation between Age and BMI and FPG was evaluated using Kendall-s tau b test. Meanwhile, the correlation between age and gender with FPG was analyzed using chi-square with p <0.05 as a significant result. Results: Most of the subjects were more than 60 years old (44.3 %), female (72.2%), poor glycemic control (57.7 %) and obese condition (49.5 %). There was no significant relationship between age (0.961), gender (0.968) and BMI (p=0.086) with FPG among Javanese T2DM patients. Conclusion: Age, Gender and Body Mass Index does not contribute to the level of Fasting Plasma Glucose among Javanese T2DM patients.
Age, Gender, Body Mass Index, Fasting Plasma Glucose, Diabetes Mellitus
Communicable and Non Communicable Diseases
Corresponding Author
Sulistiyani Sulistiyani
Public Health Faculty, Diponegoro University, Semarang. Indonesia
Background: Low birth weight (BBLR) babies are still the main cause of infant mortality in Lampung province. In 2016 infant mortality due to BBLR was 38.9% of the number of perinatal deaths and 31.9% of the total neonatal deaths in Lampung Province. The number of BBLR in Metro City has increased, in 2014 amounted to 446 cases, in 2015 amounted to 353 cases and in 2016 amounted to 477 cases. Metro Selatan sub-district is an agricultural area with vegetable products. Women workers on agriculture have a local habit of chewing tobacco and smoking, even though they are pregnant. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation between local specific tradition of women agriculture workers and the Low Birth Weight (BBLR) in South Metro, Lampung. Methods: This was observational study, with 99 samples. Data collected through interview with questioner instrument. The data has been analyzed using Pearson Correlation and Rank Spearman Result: The result showed there was a significant negative correlation between the number of cigarettes smoked and the babys birth weight (p=0,005 and pearson correlation= -0,283) and no correlation between chewing tobacco and the incidence of Low Birth Weight (p=0,557) Conclusion: There was negative correlation between the number of cigarettes smoked and the baby-s birth weight. It-s mean the more of numbers of cigarettes smoked it will lower the weight of the baby-s birth
Low Birth Weight (BBLR), cigarettes smoked, women, agriculture
Environmental and Occupational Health
Corresponding Author
Angga Susanto
Yogyakarta State University
Background: In learning, it says the better cognitive structure carried out by children thus it makes children mastery of subject matter that has been mastered more established. Considering factors in situation and condition within self and environment is very influential thus the higher students- achievement motivation will also make their academic achievement higher. Objective: The purpose of this study is to find out the correlation on achievement motivation and academic achievement in physical education. Method: The method used was descriptive method, using Likert Scale as the research instrument and achievement motivation questionnaire as the measuring instrument. While, the population and sample was students of tenth-grade science class in SMA Negeri 1 Tasikmalaya. The total population was 311 students while the sample was 40 students. Result: Based on data processing and analysis, it could be seen that the significance was 0.280 > 0.05 thus the null hypothesis was rejected (H0 was rejected). Conclusion: The result obtained is that there is a significant correlation on achievement motivation and academic achievement in physical education to students of tenth-grade science class in SMA Negeri 1 Tasikmalaya.
achievement motivation, academic achievement, physical education
Sport Sciences and Physical Education
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