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Livestock Waste and Its Role in the Composting Process: A Review
Muhammad Irfan Said

Head of Laboratory of Animal Waste Processing and By Product Technology, Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University
Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km.10 Makassar 90245
Corresponding author: irfanunhas[at]; irfan.said[at]


Livestock waste, especially manure, is one source of pollution that needs attention. Increasing the number of the livestock industry will encourage increased livestock waste. An increase in livestock population will be directly proportional to waste production. Various efforts have been made to reduce the production of such waste. Along with technological advances, efforts to reduce livestock waste have been carried out such as biogas production, compost processing and bioenergy production. In Indonesia, composting is a simple technology that has developed. The use of a mixture of animal manure with materials from agricultural waste has been widely developed. The combination of these two ingredients will produce a better quality compost product. The application of microorganisms as decomposers has been widely developed in the process of composting livestock waste. Structurally, decomposers will increase and accelerate the process of degradation of compost raw material components. The effectiveness of microorganisms is influenced by the environment. The description in this paper aims to evaluate the role of waste from animal manure as a raw material in the composting process.

Keywords: Waste, Livestock manure, Compost, Microorganism, Fermentation

Topic: Animal waste and environmental technology


Conference: The 2nd Iternational Conference of Animal Science and Technology (ICAST 2019)

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