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Hendra Sipayung*, RB. Soemanto** and Argyo Demartoto***

* Magister Sociology, Faculty of Political and Social Science, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
** Magister Sociology, Faculty of Political and Social Science, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
*** Magister Sociology, Faculty of Political and Social Science, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia


The education system that has not been evenly distributed in Indonesia causes a disparity in knowledge between urban and rural communities. Youth in the village still have a minimal understanding of marriage as a process of forming social structures. Labeling "perawan tua " to unmarried women over the age of 20 in the village community is also the cause of early marriage in Central Kalimantan Dayak tribes are listed as one of the provinces with the highest rate of marriage in Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to analyze the forms of social control of adat institutions against early marriage in Central Kalimantan using qualitative methods with the phenomenology approach in Garantung Village, Maliku District, Pulang Pisau Regency, Central Kalimantan Province. Technique of data retrieval is done by observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation study. Validation of data is done by the triangulation technique. The results of this study indicate that there is a social control mechanism through the customary Dayak provisions called Kawin Hisek with 3 stages, namely the pre-marriage stage including Bisik Kukrik, Kahumbang Auh (exploratory), Mamanggul (wooing), Maja Misek or Kajan Bawi (engagement), and the stage of marriage include the Penganten Haguet/ Mandai and Haluang, and the post-marriage stage. This study provides a direction of renewal in the study of social control in society.

Keywords: Social Control, Dayak tribe, Family, Culture, Early-age Marriage.

Topic: What are the topics?


Conference: The 2nd Conference on Issues in Social and Education Research (ICISER 2019)

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