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The Development of Kacang Goat Based on the Feed of Metroxylon Sago Pulp
Rosalia Paulina Nogo (a*), Rahim Darma (b*), Syatrianty A. Syaiful (b**)

a) Program Studi Budidaya Ternak, Politeknik Pertanian Yasanto, Merauke
b) Program Studi Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Hasanuddin
b) Program Studi Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Hasanuddin


Sago processing as local food continues, however, the sago pulp is not utilized optimally even unused so that there is a buildup of sago pulp waste which is increasing and can pollute the environment. This research aimed (1) to investigate the potentials of sago pulp which could be used as the feeds of goat livestock; (2) to investigate the increase of thebody weight of goat livestock; and (3) to investigate the effect of use of sago pulp fermentation on the efficiency consumption, palatability, KcBK, given to kacang goat livestock.The research was conducted in Merauke Regency by using 12 kacang goats. The research was conducted for 2 months from May through July, 2018. The goats were given three types of treatments and were divided into four groups (TO T1 and T2) with the following model : TO as the control group and received 100% of grass, T1 as the control + 20% of sago pulp fermentation and T2 as the control + 30% of sago pulp fermentation. The method used was Randomized Block Design (RBD), and the Variance analysis was used to analyze the efficiency of the feed of sago pulp waste, the level of palatability, the digestibility of dry matters (KcBK), and the body weight gain of the livestock. And in order to look at the effect of the feeds before and after the treatments, T test was used. The research results indicated that the increases of the body weight of the male kacang goats treated with 20% and 30% were 7. 05 kg and 12. 3 kg, respectively. The treatments using the sago pulp fermentation at the level of 20% and 30% were lower (5.9 kg) of the 30% group and (4.48) of the 20% group, compared to that of the control group (6.7 kg), A significant difference was also shown between the body weights of the male goats and female goats (12.3 kg and 5,9 kg respectively. The feed consumption of the kacang goats in the 30% treatment was 28.930 gr better than the control group which was 22.370 gr, and the treatment with 30% of sago pulp fermentation was more eff icient 13. 1 % compared to the control group which had only 7.87%. The KcBK in kacang goats showed an increase of digestibily of the dry matter in the 30% treated male goats was significantly different (63.25%) compared to that in the 30% female goats (59. 40%). This proved that the addition of sago pulp fermentation given to the kacang goats could increase the body weight, feed efficiency, palatability level and therefore it could be used asthe substitute feeds in the dry season.

Keywords: Kacang goats, sago pulp fermentation

Topic: Agriculture system


Conference: The 2nd International Conference on Global Issue for Infrastructure, Environment, and Socio-Economic Development (GIESED 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Fadhilah Trya Wulandari)

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