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Environmental Consciousness and Corporate Social Responsibility as drivers of Green Intellectual Capital
Dr. Yvonne Augustine Sudibyo Ak. MM. CMA & Karel Adam Sutanto

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Trisakti


The objective of this study are to examine the influence of Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Consciousness to Green Intellectual Capital which consists of Green Human Capital, Green Structural Capital, and Green Relationship Capital. At this research, Questionnaires were distributed to gather and sorting data. From 194 gathered questionnaires, only 130 questionnaires are used since some of them were not fully completed. The questionnaires were processed using Structural Equation. The result of this study showed that Corporate Social Responsibility has a positive effect on Green Human Capital, Green Structural Capital, and Green Relationship Capital, whereas Environmental Consciousness has a positive effect on Green Human Capital and Green Structural Capital, but not from dimension of Green Relationship Capital.

Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, Environmental Consciousness, Green Intellectual Capital, Green Human Capital, Green Structural Capital, Green Relationship Capital

Topic: Enviromental Accounting


Conference: International Conference on Sustainable Environmental Development and Economical Growth (ISEDEG 2019)

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