Digital Communication Across Gender In Disaster Mitigation Rasidi(a)*, Anik Ghufron(b), Muhammad Nur Wangid(c)
(a) Primary Education program, Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang *rasidi[at] (b) Primary Education program, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Anikghufron[at] Primary Education program, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Yogyakarta, Indonesia m_nurwangid[at]
Elementary school students with gender are assets for public awareness to create resilient schools and communities. The importance of disaster mitigation education in potential disaster areas. Communication is carried out by students, especially high class about reality, response, attitude and critical thinking. Not yet formally mitigating disasters is applied in schools. Therefore, disaster mitigation needs to be integrated with digital media facilitated by teachers so that the communication process can lead to disaster awareness. the implementation of digital communication in disaster mitigation based on case studies. The study was conducted to identify whether there is gender equality in disaster mitigation in Education. Participants in this study were 42 male students and 48 female students. Interventions were conducted for participants in the form of digital communication treatments to obtain disaster knowledge (DK) and disaster awareness behavior (DB) in elementary schools. Multivariate Analysis MANCOVA is used to analyze the data collected. Pretest scores are used as covariates. The research findings show that the process of implementing digital communication has increased students awareness of disaster to obtain disaster knowledge (DK) and disaster awareness behavior. Female students score higher than male students on disaster knowledge and disaster conscious behavior. From multivariate analysis, λ = .503, at F (2,85) = 29,163, p .000 shows that there is a significant difference in awareness between male and female students. The results of univariate test on the DK-test score showed F (1,86) = 43,029, p.000 and the DB-test score F (1,86) 11.507, p .001 showed that the difference in average scores significant between male students and female students taking the DK and DB tests. the results of the study show that the process of creating digital communication has a positive impact on student disaster awareness but there are problems regarding gender bias on student disaster awareness.
Keywords: Digital Communication; Disaster Mitigation; Knowledge; Behaviour; Gender
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