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The Correlation and Cohesion of Criminal Act of Money Laundering (TPPU) and Criminal Act of Human Trafficking (TPPO) Perceived from the Perspective of Criminal Law Reform in Indonesia
Edi Setiadi and Dian Andriasari

Universitas Islam Bandung


There are two criminal offenses that are interconnected, namely money laundering and human trafficking. Both are transnational crimes. Money laundering is a predicate crime from human trafficking. The problem in this research is how the cohesion and relation of money laundering and human trafficking. The results of the research prove that the proceed of crime is the blood of the crime meaning that the results of the crime are the blood that supports the crime itself as well as the weak point of the crime. Thus the effectiveness of the law will get a touchstone whether Law No. 8 of 2010 can be used as a tool to eradicate human trafficking.

Keywords: money laundering, human trafficking, law enforcement.

Topic: Law


Conference: Social and Humaniora Research Symposium (SoRes 2019)

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