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The Development of Authentic Assessment Rubric: A Solution for Educational Assessment
Fuaddi, Tomoliyus

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Jl. Colombo No.1, Karang Malang, Caturtunggal, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281


Background: Doing a research and writing about assessment is the key to improve teachers- professionalism quality. The assessment is a main competence which directly affects students- learning quality. A good assessment instrument can better support the assessment process which is transparent and accurate in giving score to students. Research Aim: This research aims to see the importance of the development and the using of authentic assessment rubric in assessing students- learning outcomes adjusted with the assessment in Indonesia-s curriculum 2013. Method: The method used in this research was literature study by implementing research steps by Wolfswinkel, et al 2013 which consisted of 5 research steps. Result: From the analysis conducted by the writer, authentic assessment rubric can give significant improvement to the students- improvement outcomes and also can improve students- motivation and readiness in deciding priority of the materials which will be learned. Therefore, the realization of transparent and more directed assessment of teacher can minimize teacher-s objectivity when giving assessment. Conclusion: Assessing is a main competence that should be mastered by teacher, because assessing is important part which directly affects students- learning outcomes. A good assessment supposed to choose the clear and standard guidance which is usually called as assessment rubric. An assessment rubric eases teacher in giving assessment to students. Besides the presence of rubric, an assessment rubric should fulfill valid and reliable requirements then it is able to accurately assess something.

Keywords: Educational Assessment, Authentic Assessment, Assessment Rubric, Assessment Solution

Topic: Sport Sciences and Physical Education


Conference: The 3rd International Conference of Health Sciences (ICHS 2019)

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