Features of lymphocyte infiltration in rat lungs given ethanol extract of white oyster mushrooms and exposure to cigarette smoke Santun Bhekti Rahimah(a), Susan Fitriyana(b), Ieva B. Akbar (c), Nugraha Soetadipura(d)
(a) Department of Pharmacology FK Unisba Jalan Tamansari No. 22 Bandung (b) Department of Public Health FK Unisba (c) Department of Physiology FK Unisba (d) Department of Biochemistry FK Unisa
Cigarette smoke is a large source of free radicals and contains high levels of chemical and reactive oxygen species. Exposure to cigarette smoke can cause oxidative stress and inflammation in the lungs, which in turn will cause lung toxicity. This study aims to look at the effect of ethanol extracts of white oyster mushrooms in preventing changes in lymphocyte infiltration in rats exposed to cigarette smoke This experimental study used 32 rats divided into 4 groups. Group I (positive control, only given drinking water and standard food), group II (negative control) were given drinking water, standard food, and exposure to cigarette smoke 1 hour / day / group for 6 weeks. Group III (treatment group) were given cigarette smoke exposure 1 hour / day / group and ethanol extract of white oyster mushroom at a dose of 250 mg / KgBB of mice / day. Group IV (comparison group) were given cigarette smoke exposure 1 hour / day / group and were given N-acetyl cysteine at a dose of 600 mg / day. Lymphocyte infiltration can be seen from the histopathological picture of the lungs of rats treated with haematoxilin eosin staining. The results showed lymphocyte infiltration in rats exposed to cigarette smoke, but there was no significant difference in the proportion of lymphocyte infiltration between all groups (P= 0,14), which was assessed using the Fishers exact test. The conclusions from this study show that ethanol extracts of white oyster mushrooms can prevent changes in lymphocyte infiltration in strain male rats exposed to cigarette smoke exposure.
Keywords: White oyster mushroom ethanol extract, hematological profile, exposure to cigarette smoke
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