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Factors that influence Principals Organizational Commitment of Vocational High School in the City of Medan
Saut Purba1, Sukarman Purba2

1,2Postgraduate School, State University of Medan
e-mail: purbasaut[at]


The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of organizational culture, knowledge of academic supervision, stress management, and job satisfaction on Principals organizational commitment of Vocational High School. This study was conducted in 2019 with a sample of 106 using the Kreijcie Table, with Proportional Random Sampling techniques. Data were analyzed by path analysis after meeting the analysis requirements test, namely the Normality and Linerity test. The research findings show that Principals Organizational Commitment of Vocational High School is directly affected by organizational culture, knowledge of academic supervision, stress management, and job satisfaction. Based on these findings it can be concluded that any changes or variations that occur in Organizational Commitment are influenced by organizational culture, knowledge of academic supervision, stress management, and job satisfaction. Therefore, to increase the principals organizational commitment, organizational culture, knowledge of academic supervision, stress management, and job satisfaction must be included in the strategic planning of human resource development at the Vocational High School in Medan, while still considering other variables that influence organization commitment next research.

Keywords: Organizational Culture, Academic Supervision Knowledge, Stress Management, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment

Topic: Economics, Business and Management Education


Conference: The 4th Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership (AISTEEL 2019)

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