Event starts on 2019.09.23 for 2 days in Medan
http://aisteel2019.unimed.ac.id | https://ifory.id/conf-abstract/qvP2gBL3C
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Corresponding Author
Anita Yus
Department of Early Childhood Education
Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Medan
Medan, Indonesia
e-mail: anitayus.dikdas[at]gmail.com
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Medan
Medan, Indonesia
e-mail: waksalim2019[at]gmail.com
STEAM education (science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics) is currently being studied by experts and in Indonesia, STEAM for early childhood begins to be studied. STEAM makes it easy for children to carry out various scientific processes (Colker and Simon, 2014). For children, the scientific process is a natural process (DeJarnette, 2018) that can increase childrens learning involvement and encourage creative and innovative thinking (Robelen (2011). This study aims to: 1) analyze the content learning used in kindergarten based on the STEAM education, and 2) identifying learning activities through strategies used by kindergarten teachers based on STEAM learning. This descriptive study was conducted in Medan City involving 50 kindergarten teachers. Data was collected using a questionnaire followed by focus group discussion (FGD). Data were analyzed by descriptive techniques and qualitative analysis, namely by linking data obtained from the FGD. The results of the analysis show that 1) the learning content used in kindergarten has not met the principles and characteristics of STEAM education because the material used is still separated, and 2) almost all the learning activities seen from the strategies used by kindergarten teachers are not yet in accordance with the principles and the characteristics of STEAM education. The results of this study need to be followed up to find out the factors that caused STEAM learning to be implemented in kindergarten.
STEAM learning, STEAM education content, STEAM learning stages and STEAM learning activities for early childhood
Education and Research Global Issue
Corresponding Author
universitas negeri medan
This study aims to analyze the high-order thinking skills through a scientific approach on respiration system. The population was all students of eleventh grade in SMA Negeri 4 Medan totaling 440 people. Samples were taken by purposive sampling technique, namely as many as 6 classes with a total of 210 students. This research was a descriptive study so that the data was analyzed to make a systematic, factual, and accurate description of students high-order thinking skills. The instrument for collecting data used cognitive tests at the C4-C6 level. The results showed that: (1) the students high-order thinking skills in SMA Negeri 4 Medan on respiration system at the C4 level (application) was 90.5 (very good). The percentage of graduation is 63.8% or 134 students, and (2) the students average cognitive skills per indicator on respiration system was 68.9. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the students high-order thinking skills in SMA Negeri 4 Medan was in a good category.
Higher Level Thinking, Scientific Approach
Mathematics,Science and Nursing Education
Corresponding Author
Riesyatul Khairiyah Nasution
Universitas Negeri Medan
The aim of this study was to determine the students knowledge on the structure and function of plant tissues in Senior High Schools of Medan in 2017/2018. The analysis of students knowledge can be seen from two aspects, namely: 1) an analysis of students knowledge on the structure and function of plant tissues in Senior High Schools of Medan; 2) an analysis of students knowledge on the structure and function of plant tissues in each State High School of Medan. This type of research was descriptive research with a quantitative approach. The study sample was 547 students in class XI-Science Program (IPA) representing 7 Public High Schools (SMAN) in Medan, namely SMAN 4 Medan, SMAN 6 Medan, SMAN 8 Medan, SMAN 10 Medan, SMAN 11 Medan, SMAN 12 Medan, SMAN 14 Medan, and SMAN 14 Medan. The research data was taken from the knowledge of students by using diagnostic tests in the form of multiple choices. While data acquisition was analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the students knowledge in all high schools of Medan were relatively good (76.88), meanwhile based on each school, namely the students of SMAN 6 were very good (82.24), SMAN 11 were good (80.09), SMAN 4 were good (78.16), SMAN 12 were good (76.38), SMAN 14 were good (75.93), SMAN 10 were good (73.36) and SMAN 8 were good (72.03), respectively.
Knowledge, Diagnostic Tests, Structure and Function of Plant Tissues
Education and Research Global Issue
Corresponding Author
Hotrimsyah Simbolon
This study was conducted for students in State High Schools throughout Central Tapanuli District with the aims were to find out: (1) the students scientific literacy skills; (2) the correlation between the parents formal educational background and students scientific literacy skills; (3) the correlation between the science learning intensity and students scientific literacy skills; and (4) the correlation between the science learning processes in schools and students scientific literacy skills. The population were all students of XI-Science Program in State Senior High Schools throughout Central Tapanuli District with the sample was taken randomly with 256 students. This type of research was descriptive correlative research. The research instruments were tests of students scientific literacy skills, and questionnaires of students scientific literacy factors, namely: the parents formal educational background, the learning science intensity, and the students science learning processes. Data analysis techniques used in this study included descriptive analysis and correlative analysis using multiple regression analysis at a significant level &
Scientific Literacy, Parents Formal Education, Science Learning Intensity, Science Learning Process
Education and Research Global Issue
Corresponding Author
(1) Postgraduate student, Medan State University, Willem Iskandar Pasar V, Medan, Indonesia
(2) Department of Chemistry, Medan State University, Medan, Indonesia
This type of research is research and development (R & D). The purpose of this study is determine the level of feasibility of practical guidance semiriset based guided inquiry on BSNP for Senior High School. This research was a descriptive analysis study. The sample are 3 lecturer of chemistry and 20 teachers of chemistry. The instrument used BSNP questionnaire. The results of the study show that (1) aspect of feasibility the content in practical guidance semiriset based guided inquiry have an average of 4.61 and used school subject have an average of 3.14 (2) The aspect feasibility of language in practical guidance semiriset based guided inquiry have an average of 4.63 and used school subject average of 3.03 (3) The aspect feasibility of presentation in practical guidance semiriset based guided inquiry have an average of 4.63 and used school subject have an average of 3.21 (4) The aspect feasibility of graphing in practical guidance semiriset based guided inquiry have an average of 4.62 and used school subject have an average of 3.09. Based on the aspect of feasibility the content, language, presentation, and graphing in practical guidance semiriset based guided inquiry on BSNP for Senior High School and used school subject have an average of 4.62 (valid that meaning decent and does not need revision) and 3.12 (valid that meaning sufficient and does not need revision (sufficient).
Analysis, Practical guide book, Questionnaire
Curriculum, Research and Development
Corresponding Author
Mindo Lilis Hutabarat
1. Postgraduate Students in Biology Education, Medan State University
2. Department of Biology Education, Medan State University
*Contact Person e-mail: hutabaratmindo[at]gmail.com
This research aims to obtain information about scientific literacy in Biology books in the 10th grade of Medan city high schools (SMAN) at Bacteri material. The scientific literacy categories analyzed are 1) the knowledge of science, 2) the science of way of thinking, 3) the investigative of science, and 4) the interaction of science, technology, and society. The subject of this research is the teaching material used by Biology High School teachers, namely books published by Yrama Wydia, Grafindo, and Quadra. The method used is a descriptive method by analyzing the teaching materials used in SMAN 1 Medan, SMAN 3 Medan, and SMAN 4 Medan. Data analysis using descriptive statistics. The results of data analysis showed that scientific literacy in the book published by Yrama Wydia was: the knowledge of science is Good, science as a way of thinking is Good, the investigative of science is Not Good, the interaction of science, technology, and society is Good In the Grafindo book, namely: the knowledge of science is Good, science as a way of thinking is Good the investigative of science is Not Good the interaction of science, technology, and society is Good. And in Quadras book, namely: the knowledge of science is Good, science as a way of thinking is Good, the investigative of science is Not Good, the interaction of science, technology, and society is Good.
Science Analysis, , Scientific Literacy, Bacteria
Curriculum, Research and Development
Corresponding Author
Helmi fauziah Nasution
(1) Postgraduate Student, Medan State University, Willem Iskandar Pasar V, Medan, Indonesia
(2) Department of Chemistry, Medan State University, Medan, Indonesia
This study was aimed at describing: affective assessment material in the textbook evaluation of chemistry learning outcomes in the UNIMED chemical education study program according to the national standards of higher education and curriculum KKNI. This study was contentanalysis using the qualitative approach. The data analysis techniques used consisted of unitizing, sampling, recording, inferring, and narrating. The results of this study are as follows. (1) Most of the integrated indicators in the textbook are appropriate, but there are still material incompatibilities with the learning outcomes listed in the RPS (2) The content of affective assessment unfulfilled most of the indicators, but it still needs to be equipped with the rubric to assist teachers in implementing the assessment. This assessment is to describe the ability of the students from the aspects of attitude, knowledge, and skills.
Affective assessment, Curriculum KKNI, National standards of higher education.
Curriculum, Research and Development
Corresponding Author
Nurul Indah Pratiwi
Universitas Negeri Medan
Practicum guides are one of the important teaching materials. The provision of appropriate practicum guides and in accordance with existing needs is needed, in order to support the learning process of students. This study aims to analyze biomolecular practicum guides used by students of the chemical education program at Unimed. The method in this research is descriptive analysis, using a practicum guidance analysis questionnaire given to three expert lecturers. The average analysis results obtained are 2.7; 2.65; 2.5. Based on the results of the analysis it was found that biomolecular practicum guides used by students of the chemical education program Unimed were still not in accordance with the KKN curriculum, for that in further research it was necessary to develop biiomolecular practicum guides that were in line with KKNI curriculum.
Biomolecular; Practicum Guides; KKNI Curricullum
Curriculum, Research and Development
Corresponding Author
Paradita Kumala Lemmy
The purpose of this study is to find out whether there is a significant relationship between: (1) achievement of social development in childhood who have single parents, (2) how is the social behavior of children who have single parents, (3) how childrens social behavior who is cared for by a single mother, (4) how is the social behavior of a child cared for by a single father. This study was an analytic observational study with a cross sectional design. The population of this study was all early childhood education in 3 kindergarten schools in Medan City. The research method used in this study is a qualitative analytical descriptive method. The sampling technique used is Area sampling. Data collection techniques for social development using questionnaires, interviews, documentation and observation. The data analysis technique uses 3 techniques, namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. Based on the results of the data analysis and the discussion carried out obtained: (1) There is a difference between the social development of children with single parents and complete parents where children with single parents tend to have unstable emotions. They are easier to cry when disturbed by their friends for those who are cared for by a single mother, for those who are cared for by a single father, they tend to be angry, rebellious and hit when they are disturbed by their friends; (2) engagement parenting conducted in independent and not involved to the other; (3) accessibility is a single parent, father always give time to accompany for playing and activities his child everyday.
Social Development, Childhood, Single Parents
Curriculum, Research and Development
Corresponding Author
Nela permata Sari lubis
*Postgraduate Student Economic Science, Universitas Negeri Medan
**Lecturer Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Medan
Regional development is a multidimensional process, which includes various actions that lead to the reorganization and comprehensive reorientation of the economic and social system of society. Realization of regional economic development goals requires development policies that are endogenous development (based on regional uniqueness). Each region has a superior economic sector that is considered as the engine of growth (the main driver) in economic growth. This research was conducted in 25 districts in the province of North Sumatera from 2013-2017. The research methodology used is LQ analysis, RCA and OLS (Ordinary Least Square) linear regression method. The purpose of this study was to determine the leading commodity in the agricultural sector in each district and its influence on the growth of the province of North Sumatra. The results obtained by the district of Nias: pigs, sweet potatoes, areca nut, mandailing cocoa: cinnamon, sugar palm, rubber, tapila manila ducks: horses, coffee, sugar palm, Central tapanuli soybeans: kapok, sea fish, pork, pepper. North Tapanuli: peanuts, tobacco, cinnamon, horses Toba samosir: buffalo, manila ducks (eggs and meat), pork labuhanbatu: palm oil, cattle, hindered rubber: sea fish, oil palm, common water fish, simalungun chicken eggs: coffee, pepper, sugar palm, goat, cassava dairi: candlenut, coffee, free-range chicken, chicken karo: tobacco, sugar palm, chicken meat, Deli serdang field rice: sugar cane, areca nut, chicken, egg, lamb
Superior Commodity, Competitive Commodity, Agricultural Sector
Economics, Business and Management Education
Corresponding Author
Department of Economics, Post-Graduate Medan State University
The phenomenon that often occurred in connection with the exchange rate fluctuations in currency values is uncertain. Changes in behavior rupiah exchange rate against the U.S. dollar that occurred in Indonesia are affected by economic fundamentals and openness factors. The aim of this research is to analyze the influence of inflation, interest rate, openness, and exchange rate volatility Rp/USD to the exchange rate of rupiah exchange rate against the U.S. dollar. This research used Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (ARCH) and Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (GARCH) method. This research used three months data started at the first three months in 2008 until the fourth three months in 2018.According to the result of partial test results (z test) indicates that inflation, interest rate, openness and exchange rate volatility Rp/USD positive and significant effect on rupiah exchange rate against the U.S dollar partially. While the simultaneous test (F test) indicates that inflation, interest rate, openness and exchange rate volatility Rp/USD has significant effect on rupiah exchange rate against the U.S dollar simultaneously.
Inflation, interest rate, openness, exchange rate volatility Rp/USD, rupiah exchange rate against the U.S dollar
Economics, Business and Management Education
Corresponding Author
Muhammad Yulhelmy Isra
Postgraduate Program Universitas Negeri Medan
This study aims to determine the effect of the Human Development Index (HDI), Economic Growth, Poor Population, Government Expenditures on Health Education and Government Expenditures on inequality between regions in North Sumatra. The analytical method used in this study is a descriptive analysis method and also the method of multiple regression analysis with the Fixed Effect method using panel data from 33 districts/cities from 2012-2016. The data of this study are secondary data originating from the Central Sumatra Provincial Statistics Agency and the Directorate General of Fiscal Balance, the Ministry of Finance which was downloaded through the official website of each institution. The results showed that economic growth, the number of poor people, and government expenditure in the health sector had a positive and significant effect on income inequality in North Sumatra. While government spending in education has a negative and significant effect on income inequality in North Sumatra. The variable Human Development Index (HDI) has a negative and insignificant effect on income inequality in the North Sumatra region. The estimation results also show that the variation in the change in the value of the non-inequality-free variable can be explained simultaneously by the independent variables namely the variables of HDI, PE, PO, DP, and DK of 99.42% while the remaining 0.58% is explained by factors others that are not included in the model.
Inequality, HDI, Economic Growth, Poor Population, Government Expenditures in Education and Health
Economics, Business and Management Education
Corresponding Author
D.Yuliana Sinaga
This study aims to describe the quality of mathematical communication skills of student who are given learning using the Realistic Mathematics Learning (PMR) approach to fraction material. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive case study. The subjects of this study were the fifth grade students of the Medan Markus Private Elementary School totaling 40 people, then the subjects were analyzed qualitatively in terms of the indicators of ability (high, medium and low), aspects of errors and aspects of blank answers. The research instrument consisted of: Tests of mathematical communication skills and interview guide sheets. Data analysis techniques include data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results showed that students mathematical communication skills were 22.5% in the high category, 37.5% in the moderate category and 40% in the low category. Furthermore, through qualitative analysis, it can be concluded that: 1) High-ability students are able to communicate mathematically well; 2) Students who are capable of being unable to communicate mathematically; 3) Low-ability students are not able to communicate mathematically; 4) Students mistakes occur in understanding problems, using concepts and steps needed to solve problems; 5) In blank answers students are not able to understand the steps to solving problems, students are less able to use and apply count operations, students are not able to understand the concepts in problem solving
Qualitative Analysis; Mathematical Communication; Realistic Mathematics
Curriculum, Research and Development
Corresponding Author
Iwan Jepri S.Si
Pascasarjana Unimed, Pendidikan Matematika
ABSTRACT Iwan Jepri, Analysis of Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability in Solving Mathematical Problems based Learning Styles in Class VIII Middle School Students. Thesis. Medan: Postgraduate Program, State University of Medan, August 2019. This research aims to obtain an overview of students learning style at St. Peters secondary school in Medan, then analyse the students mathematical creative thinking skills in the problem of solving the study style of the accommodation, Divergent, convergent, and learning assimilation styles. In addition, interviews were conducted with studentsmistakes to find students difficulties in solving problems.Based on the results of a study of 33 students, obtained students with accommodation learning styles amounted to 5 students (15.15%), students with divergent learning styles amounted to 8 students (24, 24%), students with convergent learning styles have 7 students (21,21 %), and students with an assimilation learning style total 13 students (39.39%). Based on the test results of students mathematical creative thinking abilities obtained levels of creative thinking abilities in the high category amounted to 4 students (12.12%), the medium category numbered 7 students (21.21%), and the low category numbered 22 students (66.66%). From the results of interviews with the students, the style of accommodation learning has difficulty in concept indicators, procedures, and principles. In divergent learning styles students have difficulty on fact indicators, concepts, and principles. In convergent learning styles, students experience difficulties in indicator, fact, and principle procedures. In an assimilation learning style, students experience difficulties in fact, concept, and principle indicators. Keywords: creative thinking, learning style
Creative thinking, learning styles
Mathematics,Science and Nursing Education
Corresponding Author
Nur vita
Postgraduate Program in Mathematics Education Medan State University North Sumatra
The aims of the study was the level of mathematical metacognition and connection ability, the process of answering the problem of metacognition and connection problems, the difficulty of students solving metacognition and connection problems of high, medium, low and very low ability. Qualitative analysis of descriptive analysis. Subjects of class VIII numbered 38 people. Research Results metacognitive ability is very low 13 percent, low 37 percent, moderate 18percent and high 32 percent, connection ability is very low 16percent, low 39 percent, moderate 29 percent and high 16percent, the process of student answers is described there is no conflict with the agreement exist in mathematics. Metacognition of high-level students meets planning indicators, monitoring indicators and assessment indicators, is capable of fulfilling planning indicators, does not meet monitoring indicators and assessment indicators, low-ability students do not meet planning indicators, monitor indicators and assessment indicators, very low ability does not meet planning indicators, planning indicators and assessment indicators, mathematical connections of high-ability students fulfill connection indicators between mathematical topics, connections with other sciences and connections with real life, are capable of not meeting connection indicators between mathematical topics, fulfilling connection indicators with other sciences and connections with real life, very low ability does not meet the connection indicators between mathematical topics, connections with other sciences and connections with real life.
Keywords: metacognition, mathematical connection, jigsaw type cooperative learning model
Transformative Learning and EducationalLeadership
Corresponding Author
a) Kacabdis Pendidikan Sunggal North Sumatera
b) Dosen Universitas Negeri Medan
c) Dosen Universitas Negeri Medan
The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which the use of resources used related to the implementation process of New Student Admission Policy (PPDB) and To find out the organization related to the implementation of Online New Student Admission (PPDB) policy in Upper Middle School in the Education Agency North Sumatra Province. The method used in this study is a descriptive research method with a qualitative approach. The location of this research was conducted at the North Sumatra Provincial Education Office in Teuku Cik Ditiro No.1 SMAN 1 Sunggal consisting of Student Parents, Students, operators. Data collection techniques are interviews, documentation. Data Analysis Techniques are Data Reduction, Data Presentation, and Conclusion Withdrawal. From the results of the research found in the use of resources in the implementation of new student admissions (PPDB) Online, the education office authorized to implement this policy uses human resources by empowering 9 outside programmers and one from within the education office to design the PPDB Online website system. Empowering the Ministry of Communication and Information. While the problem of organizing is a task of the education office as an organization which is tasked with managing the problem of education in order to improve its services to the community.
New student admissions, online, resources
Educational Policy and Administration Education
Corresponding Author
1)Postgraduate Biology Education, Universitas Negeri Medan (UNIMED),
2)Departement of Biology Education, Postgraduate Program,Universitas Negeri Medan
Jl. Willem Iskandar Psr. V Medan Estate-Indonesia (20221)
The objectives of this research are : Knowing how the science process skills of students based on gender, based on schools location the human respiration system topic on grade XII Science SMA Negeri in Langsa city. The type of this research is descriptive quantitative, research observed 150 respondents of class five grade student from Senior high schools in Langsa city-aceh. The data collecting was done by using essay test of science process skill of student.The result : The science process skills with score 75,41%, based on gender, at the female students is 74,55% and male students is 71,59%, based on schools location which in town area is 75,16% and in village area is 72,32% (good cattegory) of students at the human respiration system topic on grade XII science SMA Negeri in Langsa City-aceh.
Keywords: Analysis, Science Process Skills, Human Respiration System
Education and Research Global Issue
Corresponding Author
Febiana Wulandari
a) Students in Master of Chemistry Education, PostgraduateProgram, State University of Medan, Indonesia
b) Lecturer in Master of Chemistry Education, PostgraduateProgram, State University of Medan, Indonesia
The implementation of the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (KKNI) in higher education curriculum will strengthen the accountability of the implementation of education while ensuring the quality of graduates. The quality of graduates can be seen from the results of learning outcomes that have been obtained by students. Teaching material is one of the learning tools that is influential in the process of obtaining learning outcomes so as to improve the quality of learning in higher education. The Chemistry Study Evaluation and Evaluation Course is a course taught at State University of Medan at the bachelor degree level of the Chemistry Education study program. This course includes material on understanding philosophies, concepts, principles and procedures in educational assessment and evaluation. This research was conducted to analyze the existing textbooks so that they get considerations to produce textbooks that are in accordance with the national standard university. This study is also part of the Study on Development of Multimedia-Based Innovative Performance Assessment Teaching Materials to Improve Student Learning Outcomes of Chemistry Education Study Program in State University of Medan.
analysis; KKNI; teaching materials; learning evaluation; performance assessment
Curriculum, Research and Development
Corresponding Author
rimelda rona sari
Universitas Negeri Medan
United States as one of the worlds largest coffee importer and the coffee consuming country in the worlds second largest potential market for North Sumatra province. This research aims to determine the most influential factors on the volume of export of coffee North Sumatra province to the United States period 1997-2017 in the short-term and long-term. The data used is secondary data obtained from the Central Statistics Agency, Trading Economics and the International Coffee Organization. The method of analysis using the Error Correction Model. The results showed United States GDP in the short-term, United States GDP in the long-term and in world coffee prices in the long-term a significant influence on the volume of coffee exports Indonesia. The rupiah exchange rate against the dollar America in the short-term, the rupiah exchange rate against the dollar America in the long term and in world coffee prices in the short-term does not have a significant effect.
GDP; World Coffee Prices; Exchange Rate; Exports; Error Correction Model
Economics, Business and Management Education
Corresponding Author
Elsa Nopita Sitorus
State University of Medan
The purpose of this study was to analyze and find out the difficulties of mathematical creative thinking processes in problem-based learning. This research is a descriptive qualitative study. The subjects of this study were students of SMP Negeri 13 Medan in class VIII-5 totaling 32 students. The data analysis method used is the Miles and Huberman Method. The results of this study indicate that the analysis of the difficulties of mathematical creative thinking processes in problem based learning, namely 1) in the very high category, students have no difficulties. 2) in the high category, students experience difficulties in applying ideas to the elaboration indicator. 3) in the medium category, students have difficulty planning the application of ideas and applying ideas to indicators of flexibility, authenticity and elaboration. 4) at the level of students ability, students have difficulty planning the application of ideas and the difficulty of applying ideas to the indicators of fluency, having difficulty synthesizing ideas, planning the application of ideas and applying ideas to indicators of flexibility, authenticity and elaboration. 5) in the very low category, students have difficulty synthesizing ideas, planning the application of ideas and applying ideas to indicators of fluency, flexibility, authenticity and elaboration.
Creative Thinking in Mathematics, Creative Thinking Processes, Problem Based Learning Models.
Mathematics,Science and Nursing Education
Corresponding Author
Sri Wulandari
Medan State University
This study aims to analyze how the influence of Indonesia-China bilateral economic relations on the Indonesian economy in 2005-2018. This study uses Indonesias balance of payments variable to measure the Indonesian economy. By analyzing the theory Balance Of Payment Keynesian so variable in this study include, Indonesias balance of payments as a dependent variable and the exchange rate IDR/CNY, Indonesias gross domestic product (Indonesias GDP), Chinas gross domestic product (Chinas GDP), Indonesias interest rates, and Chinas interest rates as an independent variable. The method used in this study is the ECM method (Error Correction Model). The results showed that in the short term the exchange rate IDR / CNY, Chinas Gross Domestic Product, the BI interest rate had a positive and significant effect on the balance of payments in Indonesia while the Indonesian Gross Domestic Product and Chinese interest rate had a negative and significant effect on the balance of payments in Indonesia. In the long run the exchange rate IDR / CNY has a positive and significant effect, Chinas Gross Domestic Product has a positive but not significant effect, the BI interest rate has a negative and no significant effect, Indonesia Gross Domestic Product has a negative and significant effect and the Chinese interest rate has a negative and no significant effect on balance of payments in Indonesia.
Keyword: Indonesia, China, Indonesias Balance of Payments, Rupiah / yuan Exchange Rates, Indonesian GDP, Chinas GDP, Indonesias Interest Rates, Chinas Interest Rates.
Economics, Business and Management Education
Corresponding Author
Ditta Manullang
a) BP-PAUD dan Dikmas Provinsi Sumatera Utara
Jalan Kenanga Raya no.64 Tj.Sari Medan
b) Education Management, State University Of Medan
c) Education Management, State University Of Medan
The Center for Early Childhood Education Development and Community Education or known by the name BP-PAUD and Dikmas of North Sumatra Province is the technical implementing unit of the Ministry of Education and Culture, which has implemented an ISO quality management system since 2007. In 2017 BP-PAUD dan Dikmas of North Sumatra Province has officially obtained ISO 9001:2015 quality management certification. The implementation of ISO 9001: 2015 quality management system aims to the management of BP-PAUD and Dikmas of North Sumatra Province institutions to run in a planned and systematic manner. So that in carrying out the tasks of the institution namely the development of programs and the quality of early childhood education and community education can be achieved effectively and efficiently. ISO 9001: 2015 focuses on the performance of institutions / organizations with a risk-based thinking approach and the Plan-Do-Check-Action concept that is applied at all levels of the organization. PDCA operates as a continuous improvement cycle, with risk-based thinking at each stage. In the Quality Planning (Planning) phase of BP-PAUD and Dikmas of North Sumatra Province has taken quality planning actions as the first step in carrying out quality management. At the stage of the quality management (Do) process, things have been carried out such as preparing quality manuals, making / revising operational standard, compiling work programs, conducting risk analysis, monitoring quality targets, carrying out internal audits once a year and conducting RTM (Management Review Meeting) . At the quality control stage (Check) is carried out through internal audit activities. This activity aims to carry out monitoring and evaluation of work programs. Internal audit activities as well as a control tool to ensure that the activities that are running in accordance with what has been planned. At the corrective action stage (act), by conducting the RTM (Management Review Meeting).
Ouality Management System, ISO 9001:2015
Economics, Business and Management Education
Corresponding Author
Departement of Economics, Faculty of Economic, State University of Medan, Medan 20221, Indonesia
Abstract-This study aims to explain economic growth in Indonesia. The variables that affect rate of economic growth are government spending, domestic inflation difference, difference of BI Rate and The Fed Rate, money supply, exchange rate, unemployment. In this study, the data used are secondary data published by the Central Bureau of Statistic and bank Indonesia. The data are annual data from 1991 to 2018. The analytical tools used are Ordinary Least Square regression. The results showed that government spending, exchange rates and unemployment had no significant effect on economic growth in Indonesia, but the difference in domestic inflation & foreign inflation, the difference in domestic interest rates & Fed rate, Money supply significant economic growth in Indonesia.
Government Spending; Domestic Inflation Difference; Difference of BI Rate and The Fed Rate; Money Supply; Exchange Rate; Unemployment, Economic Growth
Economics, Business and Management Education
Corresponding Author
Friska Damayanti Syahfitri
Universitas Negeri Medan
This study aims to analyze the needs of developing a virtual laboratory based on problem solving which will then be used as a platform for the development of virtual laboratories. The type of research that will be carried out is qualitative descriptive analysis. Data collection techniques were carried out by distributing questionnaires to high school students majoring in science who had received ecosystem material on biology subjects and interviewed biology teachers. The acquisition of student and teacher answers is summed and averaged, converted into percentage forms and then analyzed and drawn conclusions. The results showed that 83% said that the biogeochemical cycle sub-material was difficult and very difficult to learn on ecosystem material, as much as 77% said that biology preferred practicum rather than just theory and as many as 43% of students said the time spent in practicum very limited in school. And as many as 88% of students agree if there is computer-based learning for laboratory experiments. For the analysis of the problems in the material obtained from the results of 100% questionnaire teacher respondents stated that the difficult thing to teach students is the sub-material biogeochemical cycle ecosystem and from the 6 teachers all expressed the need for media or teaching aids to help teachers in learning sub-material biogeochemical cycle, especially in practicum. From these results, the practicum is very necessary in learning biology, but the facilities and infrastructure are inadequate and the safety and time factors are also the main obstacles in practicing, so this requires a computer-based teaching aid to be developed in this case in the form of a virtual laboratory.
virtual, virtual laboratory, PBL, ecosystem, biogeochemical cycle
Curriculum, Research and Development
Corresponding Author
Ahmad Tarmizi
Universitas Negeri Medan
The focus of this research is how the use of technology media to test instruments for soccer shooting skills. This study aims to find out how the work of utilizing technology media on test instruments for soccer shooting skills. This research uses Research and Development methods. The subjects in this study were 15 sports students from Universitas Negeri Medan (Unimed). For a small group trial consisting of 5 Unimed sports students and a large group trial consisting of 10 Unimed sports students. The technique used for data collection in this study is a questionnaire, interviews, documentation, and observation. Questionnaire is used to find out the opinions of respondents to the shooting skills test tool that uses technology media. Observation is used to see the needs needed in the field. Questionnaire is a data collection tool that contains a number of questions or statements that must be answered by the research subject. The data analysis technique used is data from questionnaire results which are classified into two groups of data, namely qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative data is obtained through expert validation activities, responses and criticisms and suggestions. While quantitative data through field trials, were analyzed by descriptive quantitative analysis. To find out whether the use of technology media for the test instrument for soccer shooting skills is effective.
Football Shooting Test, Media Technology
Curriculum, Research and Development
Corresponding Author
Ali Hamdani
Post Graduate Program of Universitas Negeri Medan
Medan, Indonesia
The purpose of this study was to analyze the training needs to improve the performance of Forest Management Unit (FMU) employees in Riau, Riau Islands, Jambi, Bengkulu and South Sumatra Provinces. This research is a combination of quantitative and qualitative research by gathering information from all FMU employees. The research data collection was obtained through filling out questionnaires, interviews and documentation studies. The results of this study indicate that there are still many FMU employees whose forestry technical competence is not in accordance with the standards set by the Minister of Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia. The conclusion is that based on the results of the analysis of field data processing, the competency category that is needed by the FMU employees as respondents in order to carry out their tasks and improve the performance of employees in the FMU institution can be facilitated through training activities, for the category needed to be facilitated through on the job activities training, technical guidance and training refresher, for less needed categories it can be facilitated through seminar activities and remote modules. The results of research on Training Needs Analysis (TNA) need to be followed up in the form of the design of the Training and Education program, training materials such as; modules and the development of the abilities of teachers and other educators.
Training Needs, the Performance of Forest Management Unit Employees
Educational Policy and Administration Education
Corresponding Author
Frensi Hasanah
a) Student in Master of Chemistry Education, Postgraduate School, State University of Medan, Medan, Indonesia
b) Lecturer in Master of Chemistry Education, Postgraduate School, State University of Medan, Medan, Indonesia
One effort to improve the quality of education in Indonesia was to develop teaching materials that are not yet in accordance with the national education standards. This study aims to analyze the suitability of teaching materials based on national education standard. This research was part of development research that uses quantitative and qualitative. The instrument of this study uses the feasibility assessment sheet of teaching materials in accordance with the national education standards. The research sample was conducted at the Tanjung Pura 1 State Vocational High School. There were three aspects of assessment of this book, namely the feasibility of content, the feasibility of language, and the feasibility of presentation using the type of linkert scale with a score of 1-4, with criteria: 4 = very good; 3 = good; 2 = not good; 1 = bad. The analysis used was descriptive analysis which waas done by calculating the percentage value from the aspect of content, language and presentation. The results of the analysis of the quality of chemical teaching materials based on the national education standard body. 1) the feasibility of the contents of book A 63.54% and book B 81.25%, 2) the feasibility of language book A 68.3% and book B 78.3%, and 3) the feasibility of presenting book A 62.57% and book B 65.47%. Based on the results of the average analysis of books according to the national education standards body with a percentage of books A 64.8% and book B 75%.
Analysis, National education standards, content eligibility, language feasibility, feasibility of presentation
Curriculum, Research and Development
Corresponding Author
Mieta Setieya
APPRAISAL ATTITUDES BY THE JUDGES ON INDONESIAN IDOL GRAND FINAL SESSION Mieta Setieya, Zainuddin, Rahmad Husein English Applied Linguistics Study Program Postgraduate School, State University of Medan, Medan Tataazwir@gmail.com ABSTRACT This research was carried out to investigate the appraisal attitudes by the judges on Indonesian idol grand final session. . The objective of the research is to find out the types of attitude applied by the judges on Inndonesian idol grand final session The subjects of this research are 5 judges of Indonesian idol, they are Ari Lasso, Armand Maulana, Bunga Citra Lestari, Judika, and Maia Estianty. The utterances of the judges when give the comment to the contestants were the data of this research. Descriptive qualitative method was used in this research. The instrument of the research was observation. The types of fillers were analyzed by using theory of Martin and Rose (2007). In this research found three types of atiitudes used by the judges of Indonesian idol. The types found in this research were affect, judgement and appreciation. It means all the types of attitudes were found in this research. Keywords: attitudes, types of attitudes, judges.
Attitudes, types of attitudes, judges
Social,Language and Cultural Education
Corresponding Author
Ika Vanesia Siagian
a) English Applied Linguistic Study Program, Postgraduate School, State University of Medan, Medan, Indonesia
Jl. William Iskandar Ps. V, Kenangan Baru, Percut Sei Tuan, Kabupaten Deli Serdang, Sumatera Utara 20221 *vanesiasiagian[at]gmail.com 082391264492
b) State University of Medan, Medan, Indonesia
Appraisal is a system of interpersonal meanings which concerns with evaluation. The evaluation is used to negotiate human social relationship. Attitude is one of interacting domains in appraisal which concerns with feelings such as emotional reactions, judgements of behaviour and evaluation of the things. The feeling can be delivered orally or written. In written form, attitude can be found in argumentative writing as this kind of genre deals with opinion and persuasion. In line with this idea, this study is aimed to investigate types of attitude and its realization used in students argumentative writing. The research was conducted by using qualitative design. The data were words or phrases taken from the students argumentative writing. The data were collected by using documentary technique and identify the words or phrases into types of attitude based on Martin and White theory (2005). The findings showed all types of attitude, i.e. affect, judgement and appreciation are used in students argumentative writing.
Appraisal, Attitude, Argumentative Writing
Social,Language and Cultural Education
Corresponding Author
Firdha Sabrina
English Applied Linguistic, State University of Medan
This research was carried out to investigate the attitudinal appraisal in Ahoks speech. The objective of the research is to find out the type of attitudinal appraisal that used Ahok in his speech. The subject of this research is Ahok who gave speech at Kepulaun Seribu in 2016. The utterences of Ahoks speech in word or phrase were the data of this research. This research used descriptive qualitative method and the instrument of this research was observation. The types of attitudinal appraisal were analyzed by using theory of Martin (2003). In this research found 3 types of attitudes appraisal are applied in Ahoks speech, the types are affect, judgment and appreciation where every types of attitudinal appraisal applied in positive and negative.
Attitudinal appraisal, speech
Social,Language and Cultural Education
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