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Analysis of Training Needs for Improving the Performance of Forest Management Unit Employees (Study in Riau, Riau Islands, Jambi, Bengkulu and South Sumatra Provinces)
Ali Hamdani, Paningkat Siburian, Zainuddin

Post Graduate Program of Universitas Negeri Medan
Medan, Indonesia


The purpose of this study was to analyze the training needs to improve the performance of Forest Management Unit (FMU) employees in Riau, Riau Islands, Jambi, Bengkulu and South Sumatra Provinces. This research is a combination of quantitative and qualitative research by gathering information from all FMU employees. The research data collection was obtained through filling out questionnaires, interviews and documentation studies. The results of this study indicate that there are still many FMU employees whose forestry technical competence is not in accordance with the standards set by the Minister of Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia. The conclusion is that based on the results of the analysis of field data processing, the competency category that is needed by the FMU employees as respondents in order to carry out their tasks and improve the performance of employees in the FMU institution can be facilitated through training activities, for the category needed to be facilitated through on the job activities training, technical guidance and training refresher, for less needed categories it can be facilitated through seminar activities and remote modules. The results of research on Training Needs Analysis (TNA) need to be followed up in the form of the design of the Training and Education program, training materials such as; modules and the development of the abilities of teachers and other educators.

Keywords: Training Needs, the Performance of Forest Management Unit Employees

Topic: Educational Policy and Administration Education


Conference: The 4th Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership (AISTEEL 2019)

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