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Rabbani Characters Building in Pesantren Al-Islam Lamongan, East Java, Indonesia
Muhammad Hambal Shafwan (a*), Din Muhammad Zakariya (b)

a) Department of Isalmic Education, Post Graduate, University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya
Jalan Sutorejo 59, Surabaya 60113, Indonesia
b) Department of Isalmic Education, Post Graduate, University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya
Jalan Sutorejo 59, Surabaya 60113, Indonesia


This research aims to reveal the character building in the Pesantren al-Islam Lamongan, The method used in this reseach was qualitative. The results of this research are as follows. Firstly, the character building in the Pesantren al-Islam Lamongan was based on the ideas presented by the kyais and the management as formulized in the khiththah of the pesantren namely to have a rabbani generation with faith and sincerity, good morals, high spirituality, wide knowledge insights, healthy and strong physical condition, and readiness to make some propaganda about Islam. Secondly, the implementation of ẖalaqah in Pesantren al-Islam may be classified into two categories. (1) ẖalaqah taklim, intended to give some insights to the santries on the right aqidah and the correct worship. The employed techniques of the halaqah implementation were bandongan, sorogan or the combination of the two. (2) ẖalaqah tarbiyah, intended to build santries to become muslims with noble morals and with some awareness and spirits of teaching and of struggling Islam. The technique of the ẖalaqah implementation is to give materials of tazkiyat al-nafs accompanied with amaliah ibadah sunnah, and teaching and harakah materials and also guidance in reciting the Holy Quran and in guiding the characters.

Keywords: Rabbani, Characters Building, and Pesantren.

Topic: Education


Conference: 1st Borobudur International Symposium (BIS 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Muhammad Fazlurrahman Hadi)

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