MASCULIN WOMEN CONSTRUCTION IN DISNEY (BRAVE & MOANA) FILMS Luna Safitri Salsabil, Dr. Agustina Zubair M.Si., and Dr. Henni Gusfa M.Si
Mercu Buana University
The film is a product of mass media that elevates the cultural and social values in society. Women in social construction are always portrayed feminine, as in Disney animated films. However, since the early 2010s, Disney animated films shift their image of women. Women in Disney used to be portrayed in a subordinated, dependent and passive position have now turned into an independent, capable, active and not necessarily need men, such as Brave and Moana. The concept of Gender and Media in this study aims to see how the media constructs women. The theory used is Sigmund Freud identification theory which discusses how to construct and establish gender subjectivity and map gender with Mulvey Gender Concept. This is qualitative research with Chris Mertz semiotics to show signs in films and Charles Sanders Piere semiotics in interpreting data. The paradigm in this study is constructivist, to explain how meaning is being formed. The results of this study construct women to be the main characters in the films Brave (Merida) and Moana (Moana) which lead to masculine characteristics. Like being strong, independent, active, rational, intelligent and not always related to romance. Suggestions from this study are expected to be a reference for gender studies and provide awareness about being women in this era.
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