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Economics Feasibility Analysis Of Fragrant Lemon grass (Andropogon nardus) Cultivation And Distillation System (Case Study In Ganunghalu And Rongga District West Bandung Regency)
nugraha (a*), Dewi Shofi (a), Aviasti(a), Reni Amaranti (a),Indra Topik Maulana(b), Chicha Nursagita (a)

a) Industrial Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering UNISBA, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
b)Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Mathematics and Science,Bandung 40132, Indonesia


Gununghalu and Rongga District, West Bandung Regency is one of the district producing Fragrant Lemongrass plants. The problem identified was the poor quality of Fragrant Lemongrass. The purpose of this study was to determine the economic feasibility of a Fragrant Lemongrass cultivation (cover raw material levying, handling pasca harvest, production process) and distillation (the equipments of technological of distillation and processing) so that the results obtained were optimal and had a good impact on Gununghalu and Rongga. In this study, the economic feasibility of a Fragrant Lemongrass cultivation and distillation will be seen from the feasibility of the availability of raw materials ; Fragrant Lemongrass leaves, the feasibility of the distillation process ; the capacity of the distillation facilities, and the economic feasibility. The method used in this study is the Net Present Value. The results obtained show that to maximize the operations of Fragrant Lemongrass distillation, then for one production, the amount of raw material that must be available is as much as 1800 Kg with a distillation capacity of 600 kg, with three times the distillation process. Based on the calculation of Net Present Value shows that the investme

Keywords: Fragrant Lemongrass ; Economic Feasibility; Net Present Value ; Gununghalu ;Rongga

Topic: Other Related Topics


Conference: Social and Humaniora Research Symposium (SoRes 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Nugraha Nugraha)

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