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The Development of Interactive Mathematics Learning Media based on Local Wisdom and 21st Century Skills: Social Arithmetic
Heni Pujiastuti, Rifda Risydiani Utami

Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa


Learning media is one of the supporting components in learning process. In this development research, learning media is packaged using aspects of local wisdom and 21st century skills. The aim of this research is to develop an alternative learning media in accordance with the competencies of 21st century skills without leaving the values of local wisdom in the form of knowledge about the culture, habits and characteristics of the region, especially in Banten Province. The development model used in this research is ADDIE with 5 stages; Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. As a result, this research has successfully developed the AndroMath application. AndroMath application contains a summary of the material, examples of questions, practice questions and quiz games with social arithmetic material for seventh grade students of junior high school. AndroMath application is developed in smartphones with the Android operating system. The feasibility test on this application is carried out by six experts, consisting of three media experts and three material experts. The percentage score from all expert were 89.58% for media assessment and 89.02% for material assessment. The result show that the AndroMath application is worthy to use for student in the learning process.

Keywords: Interactive Learning Media, 21st Century Skills, Local Wisdom, AndroMath

Topic: What are the topics?


Conference: The 2nd Conference on Issues in Social and Education Research (ICISER 2019)

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