“Do Telecommunication Industries in Indonesia need Social Media Monitoring?” MT, Lestari., A, Suryana., S, Mulyana., H, Mien
Telkom University Indonesia., Padjadjaran University Indonesia
The development of technology now is no need to doubt, almost every time the technology is always developing and it has an effect on the activities that occur in the world of industry that has now led to the 5.0 Industrial Revolution. The term "Buyer is King" is a saying that seems to need to be implemented in an industrial activity related to the sustainability of a company, or it can be interpreted that consumers are one of the important points that need to be considered by a company, especially regarding satisfaction than consumers or commonly called customer satisfaction. At present, in the era of industrial revolution 5.0 to find out feedback from consumers, both about customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the companys products or services through a digital platform / social media company can be measured and analyzed through measuring public opinion through "Social Media Monitoring" activities. Social Media Monitoring is a feedback measurement activity for consumers using software that can cluster a public opinion both positively, negatively and neutrally. This study wants to analyze the usefulness of a company doing Social Media Monitoring related to the existence of companies that can be built from public opinion which will eventually form an image of the company. This study wants to raise the Social Media Monitoring activities in Telecommunications companies in Indonesia, based on Literature Review where data can be obtained from journals, books, websites, and also the results of pre-research interviews by several related informants. The results of this study are expected to be able to analyze the results of the use of Social Media Monitoring so that significant benefits can be seen for a company to meet the industrial revolution 5.0 era where companies must be able to compete so that the existence of the company can continue to be built from public / consumer views.
Keywords: Social Media Monitoring, Handling Feedback, Industry Revolution 5.0
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