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The 4th Global Conference on Business, Management and Entrepreneurship (GCBME 2019)

Event starts on 2019.08.08 for 1 days in Bandung |

Page 1 (data 1 to 30 of 342) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

“Do Telecommunication Industries in Indonesia need Social Media Monitoring?”
MT, Lestari., A, Suryana., S, Mulyana., H, Mien

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Martha Tri Lestari

Telkom University Indonesia., Padjadjaran University Indonesia

The development of technology now is no need to doubt, almost every time the technology is always developing and it has an effect on the activities that occur in the world of industry that has now led to the 5.0 Industrial Revolution. The term "Buyer is King" is a saying that seems to need to be implemented in an industrial activity related to the sustainability of a company, or it can be interpreted that consumers are one of the important points that need to be considered by a company, especially regarding satisfaction than consumers or commonly called customer satisfaction. At present, in the era of industrial revolution 5.0 to find out feedback from consumers, both about customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the companys products or services through a digital platform / social media company can be measured and analyzed through measuring public opinion through "Social Media Monitoring" activities. Social Media Monitoring is a feedback measurement activity for consumers using software that can cluster a public opinion both positively, negatively and neutrally. This study wants to analyze the usefulness of a company doing Social Media Monitoring related to the existence of companies that can be built from public opinion which will eventually form an image of the company. This study wants to raise the Social Media Monitoring activities in Telecommunications companies in Indonesia, based on Literature Review where data can be obtained from journals, books, websites, and also the results of pre-research interviews by several related informants. The results of this study are expected to be able to analyze the results of the use of Social Media Monitoring so that significant benefits can be seen for a company to meet the industrial revolution 5.0 era where companies must be able to compete so that the existence of the company can continue to be built from public / consumer views.

Social Media Monitoring, Handling Feedback, Industry Revolution 5.0

Marketing Management


A behavioral model of unethical actions in public service for villagers
Rita Ambarwati (a*), Fita F. Lestariana (a), Wisnu P. Setiyono (a)

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Corresponding Author
Rita Ambarwati

a) Faculty of Business Law and Social Science, Universitas MUhammadiyah Sidoarjo
Jalan Majapahit 666B, Sidoarjo, Indonesia

Issues of morality and ethics have increasingly become more important in local government and public service settings. Unethical actions mean all the actions which are not considered ethical and moral. Characters that form Unethical Acttion in public service are corruption and nepotism. The purpose of this research is to measure the level of unethical actions in a village public service. The design of this study is survey and the data is collected through cross section using questionnaire. The unit of analysis are all villagers who use village services regularly. The results of this study indicate that corruption is the dominant factor compared to the nepotism factor in forming unethical actions in public services. The practical im-plications of this research is useful for the local government especially for village service. They need to im-prove in the effort of decreasing an unethical action of public service.

Unethical Actions; Village public service; Corruption; Nepotism

Organizational Behavior, Leadership and Human Resources Management


A Study of Target Date Fund as An Investment Instrument for Voluntary Pension Fund in Indonesia
Ardhivipala Gunawijaya

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Ardhivipala Gunawijaya

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Universitas Indonesia

The mandatory social security program in Indonesia, known as Sistem Jaminan Sosial Nasional (SJSN) for the retirement age: Old Age Security, known as Jaminan Hari Tua (JHT) and Pension Plan, known as Jaminan Pensiun (JP), gives around 35% to 40% income replacement ratio (IRR) based on recent published news. Meanwhile, the 2013 HSBC Global Report says that the desired household income level that people need to feel comfortable in retirement is 78%. Therefore, in Indonesia, the employee is expected to fill in the big gap of IRR to the desired level by participating in the voluntary pension program. The law (Undang-Undang) no. 11/92 regulates the voluntary pension program managed by Financial Institution Pension Fund, known as Dana Pensiun Lembaga Keuangan (DPLK). Data from OJK reports between 2015 to 2017 shows that participants of the voluntary program (DPLK) are risk-averse by putting their pension fund allocation into fixed income such as time deposit or government bonds. The return from those instruments based on the reports is around 5.8% to 6.3% per annum. This figure may seem unsatisfactory as an investment alternative to filling the gap of IRR. However, alternatives instrument for the voluntary pension fund in Indonesia are not so many as well as research that focuses on it. In the countries where their pension industry is more advanced like in the U.S., Canada, and the U.K, there is a favorite instrument for the pension funds, that is Target Date Fund (TDF). TDF means the pension fund provider (DPLK) professionally manages the pension fund by following an investment allocation path to meet the needs of pension fund participant planning to retire. The objectives of this study are to see whether TDF gives a better investment return to the voluntary pension fund participant in the case of Indonesian capital market historical situation, how is its agility in term of capital market volatility, and whether TDF is efficient. In order to answer those questions, this study used multiple hypothetical scenarios covering the accumulation period and the decumulation period; increment and fixed contribution; and hypothetical glide path of the TDF. The underlying instruments for the simulation consist of 2 investment allocation: 24-month time deposit and stock. Bank Indonesia and Jakarta Stock Exchange Index are the source of the historical data. The study uses four glide paths: the maximum stock path, the minimum stock path, the fixed allocation, and the inverse of the minimum stock path. The first two are taken from the U.S. glide paths universe. This study also used scenarios where simple volatility management and cost of funds are applied. With the result of this study, there is an expectation that the voluntary pension fund provider (DPLK) to start exploring the product development of TDF and feel confident to launch it in the Indonesian pension market.

Pension Fund; Target Date Fund; DPLK

Financial Management and Accounting


A Study on the Influencing Factors of Chinese Family Businesss Succession from the Perspective of Re-creation
Li Qi; Ratih Hurriyati; Disman; Mohammad Ali

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Li Qi

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Family business plays an important role in the world economy, which exists widely both in developed countries and developing countries. For the family business, the successor means the future development direction and growth trend of the business. The inter-generational succession of the family business is a multistage evolution process influenced by many factors. Based on the succession model and characteristics of Chinese family business, this paper analyzes the influencing factors of inter-generational succession of family businesses from the perspective of re-creation, and systematically classifies the influencing factors into five aspects: creators, successors, relationship, organization and environment. It provides reference for the next empirical research on the influencing factors of Chinese family business succession.

family business, influencing factors, succession, re-creation

Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship and Contemporary Issues


Accountability Public in Church Financial Reporting: a study in Gereja Pancaran Kasih, Depok
Yance Alexander Pangkerego

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Yance Alexander Pangkerego

Universitas Indonesia

This research was conducted to evaluate public accountability in financial reporting at the Pancaran Kasih Church, Depok. The problem in financial reporting in the Pancaran Kasih Church was examined by the Bovens Accountability Theory. Which is the theory explains the stages of testing the accountability of a financial report from an actor to the forum. And the results of the research at the Pancaran Kasih Church show that the church has not optimally carried out the existing stages, especially when the forum assesses the reports that have been prepared and published. At the time of sanctioning, the church underlies the judgment without being able to escape from its nature as an institution that puts love forward to humans. The implication is that in some cases there are sometimes no sanctions given only counseling for the offending actor to be aware of his actions and repent.

non profit organization, church financial reporting, public accountability

Financial Management and Accounting


Accounting Recognition of Asset Abandonment and Site Restoration in the Upstream Oil and Gas Company
Cahyanti Rena (a*), Wirjolukito Aruna (b*)

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University of Indonesia

This research will discuss the recognition of asset abandonment and site restoration or commonly known as ARO (Asset Retirement Obligation) in the upstream oil and gas company. The purpose of this research is to be able to provide an overview of the methods that can be used by companies in calculating ARO that must be paid by the company at the end of the contract period. The formulation of the problem in this research is which method is used by the company in determining the amount of asset abandonment and site restoration or ARO that is appropriate to overcome the potential problems that arise at the end of the contract period. This research is carried out by using a mixed method in analyzing the findings, so it will find the in-depth findings which will be useful to assist the companys management in making decisions. Signal theory is a theory that will be chosen in this research. Where this research-s purpose is indeed chosen to be able to provide reliable information for decision making. This research will use three stages of analysis, such as descriptive analysis, content analysis, and constant comparative analysis in linking findings to asset abandonment and site restoration as stipulated in Indonesian GAAP 57. Based on the results of this research it found that the recognition of asset abandonment and site restoration carried out according to regulations apply. While company uses the method of calculating liabilities based on future values that is continually calculate in present value.

Contingent liabilities, provisions, liability for asset abandonment and site restoration, Indonesian GAAP 57

Financial Management and Accounting


An Analysis of Workload and Job Stress on Employee Job Performance
Sumiyati; B.Widjajanta; M. Masharyono; S. N. Izzati & H. Tanuadmodjo

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Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

The present study aims to find out the influence of workload through job stress and the influence of job stress through employee performance. The object of the study is used as an analysis unit employee at Clinic X. This study is using a verificative method which used explanatory survey with 63 respondents as samples. The result of the study found that the influence of workload through job stress is in a strong category, which means that job stress has an effect on employees performance in Clinic X which is in a strong category. However, the pre-sent study has found out that if the workload is appropriate, then employees job stress will decrease. In addi-tion, if job stress is increased, the employee performance in Clinic X will increase.

Workload, Job stress, Job performance, Clinic

Organizational Behavior, Leadership and Human Resources Management


Analisis Laporan Keuangan Dalam Menilai Kinerja Usaha dengan Analisis Rasio (Studi Kasus Pada PT Tempo Inti Media Tbk)
Ujang Suherman(a*), Ikin Solikin(b)

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Corresponding Author
Ujang Suherman

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Sekolah Pascasarjana
Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi Nomor 229 Bandung 40154 - e-mail:pascasarjana[at]

Indikator keberhasilan kinerja perusahaan dapat di lihat dari laporan keuangan perusahaan dengan memperhatikan rasio keuangan. Oleh karena itu sangat penting untuk melakukan peneliti kondisi perusahaan melalui laporan keuangan dengan menganalisis rasio keuangan. Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah perusahaan yang sudah go public di bursa efek Indonesia. Data penelitian yang digunakan adalah laporan keuangan tahun 2017 dan tahun 2018. berdasarkan jenis data, penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan analisis kualitatif deskriptif dengan Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah time series. Time series adalah analisis yang membandingkan kinerja perusahaan dari waktu ke waktu, sedangkan alat ukur yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah rasio keuangan yang fokus kepada rasio liquiditas, rasio solvabilitas, rasio profitabilitas dan rasio activitas. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dan disimpulkan bahwa rasio-rasio keuangan tadi mengalami perubahan. Dari perubahan yang terjadi dapat dilihat kondisi keuangan perusahaan dalam keadaan baik atau kurang baik sehingga dapat diberikan saran yang bermanfaat untuk peningkatan usaha pada masa yang akan datang.

analisi laporan keuangan, rasio likuiditas, rasio solvabilitas, rasio profitabilitas, rasio activitas.

Financial Management and Accounting


Analisis Penerapan Good Corporate Governance dan Pengungkapan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Terhadap Kinerja Perusahaan untuk meningkatkan Nilai Perusahaan
Ayu Yowana Agustin

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Corresponding Author
Ayu Yowana Agustin

Magister Manajemen Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis penerapan Good Corporate Governance dan Pengungkapan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Terhadap Kinerja Perusahaan untuk meningkatkan Nilai Perusahaan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan Good Corporate Governance yang baik telah memadai, karena telah didukung oleh unsur-unsur Tata Kelola Perusahaan yang Baik yang terdiri dari transparansi, akuntabilitas, tanggung jawab, kemandirian, kesetaraan dan keadilan, dan didukung oleh tahapan penuh dan dengan adanya pengungkapan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) dapat meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan dan membuat nilai perusahaan menjadi baik.

Good Corporate Governance , Corporate Social Responsibility , Kinerja Perusahaan, dan Nilai Perusahaan

Financial Management and Accounting


Analysis and Design of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) for Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Logistics Service Provider (LSP) form Web-Based Application Perspective
Senny Handayani Suarsa (a), Ratih Hurriyati (b), Saepudin Nirwan (c), Muhammad Meki Munawar (d)

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Corresponding Author
Senny Handayani Suarsa

(a) Student of Management Science Doctoral Program, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia.
Business Management, Politeknik Pos Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia.
Jl. Sariasih No.54 Bandung 4015

(b) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia

(c) Informatic Engineering, Politeknik Pos Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia.

(d) Management, STIE Dr. KHEZ Muttaqien, Purwakarta, Indonesia.

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are the business sectors that became one of the foundations of the real sector of the Indonesian economy. SMEs can use Information Technology, and Information Systems include a website as one of the media to carry out the promotion because their extensive coverage, audio-visual, interactive, communicative, and promotional costs are cheaper than conventional promotional tools. In this article, the problems will address how to conduct a needs analysis for designing Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) for SMEs LSP with the web-based information system. The general objective of this study was to perform the design and determine the responses of consumers regarding the activities of IMC conducted by SME LSP, later obtained a draft campaign by using IMC through media creative, communicative, persuasive, effective and efficient in providing information so as to attract consumers to buy, and increase the number of sales. The results of this evaluation are a model of IMC by the SME, as well as the identification of the need to build a website design. Further models of IMC are implemented in the prototype application form with IMC-based and software development methods ranging from analysis to design applications. The method used is the Unified Process and DFD to describe business processes and design. The result of this research is that designing SMEs LSP can use a prototype website for the implementation of IMC.

Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC), Small and Medium Enterprise (SME), Logistics Service Provider (LSP), Website Analysis and Design.

Marketing Management


Analysis Interrelation Operational Risk Impact To The Performance Third Party Logistic in PT XYZ
Widya Oktavia Rahmawati, DR. Nofrisel, SE, MM.

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Corresponding Author
Widya Oktavia Rahmawati

University of Indonesia
Economy and Business Faculty
Magister Management

Risks or disruptions can occur when a company works on its operations and can affect the operational performance to the consumer. In previous studies there have been many studies that analyze the various conditions faced by companies both internally, externally and challenge their relationship with consumers that can have an impact, both positively and negatively on the performance of 3PL companies. Risks or disruptions can occur when they carry out their operational activities, either risk or disruption in terms of giving orientation to their customers, the quality of the relationship between 3PL and its customers or cargo management. This study is a descriptive study that will study the relationship between the risks that may occur in the companys operations and how the relationship between the possible risks associated with other risks. The results of testing the hypothesis found that there is a relationship between the relationship quality and cargo management to the performance of PT XYZ but customer orientation have no impact to the performance PT XYZ.

Logistics Risk, Disruption, Path Analysis, Interrelation, Operational Performance

Innovation, IT, Operations and Supply Chain Management


Analysis of Brand Image and Brand Trust in Purchase Decisions of Honda PCX Motorcycle Group Members in Bandung
Prama BR. H. Hendrayati, C.Furqon, H.Mulyadi

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S. Sulastri

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

The purpose of this study was to determine the image of brand image, trust, and purchase decisions, the influence of brand image and brand trust on purchase decisions of Honda PCX Motorcycle Group Members in the City of Bandung. The method used is a descriptive verification survey, with a population of 128 and a sample of 96 respondents, with a simple randomize sampling technique. Descriptive analysis uses the average range of categories, while verification uses Partial Least Square (PLS). The conclusion that brand image and brand trust are in the high enough category, while purchase decisions are in the sufficient category. Brand image has a positive and significant effect on purchase decisions, brand trust has a positive and significant effect on purchase decisions. Simultaneously, brand image and brand trust have positive and significant influence on purchase decisions.

Brand Image, Brand Trust, Purchase Decision

Marketing Management


analysis of brand trust in increasing brand loyalty
Puspo Dewi Dirgantari (a*) Fitri Asti Pratiwi (b) Rd. Dian H. Utama (b)

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Puspo Dewi Dirgantari

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

The development of the cosmetic industry in Indonesia showed an increase. The number of local cosmetics in Indonesia cause an increase in business competition. Companies need to pay attention to customer loyalty towards the brand (brand loyalty) as an important aspect in the face of competition. One of them through a brand trust because if the customer has of the brand then customers will continue to use and buy the brand or loyal towards the brand has to offer. The purposes of this study to obtain: The influence of brand trust on brand loyalty. The method use was explanatory survey with a sample size as much as 107 respondents. Data analysis technique used is simple with linier regression tools computer software statistical product for service solution (SPSS) 24.0 for windows. The result of the findings of this research show Brand trust has a positive and significant effect against the brand loyalty. This shows that the better the customer believes in the brand, the better is brand loyalty.

Brand Trust, Brand Loyalty

Marketing Management


Analysis of Commission Reduction Effects to the Travel Agent-s Sales in The Domestic Market
Hendra, Tengku Ezni Balqiah

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Universitas Indonesia

Indo Airways is an Indonesian airline that sells full-service transportation for the customer which covers domestic and international routes. Their domestic sales are handled by traditional and online travel agents with contribution 68% of total domestic sales. Those travel agents get the percentage of commission from the basic fare of each ticket sold. Started from April 2017 Indo Airways has decided to reduce the travel agents- commission in the domestic area. However, on the other hand, agent contribution to total Indo Airways sales is significant. This research investigates how the commission reduction is affecting the traditional travel agents- sales in each region of the domestic area. The analysis will be based on the theory of sales promotion, marketing mix, and the cost leader approach and a hypothesis on approaching the analysis of the effect. The analysis of the secondary data will use descriptive analysis based on time series data comparison. The study finds that all sales in the different regions are decreased, but that decrements are significant for some region only.

Airlines, Travel Agent, Commission Reduction, Sales Promotion

Marketing Management


Analysis of Cost Control Process in Pt. S- Project Management on a 2018-s Work Package: Constructing a 100-Tonne-Capacity Integrated Cold Storage Facility in Kampar District
Sarah Shahnaz Ilma (a), Dr. Nofrisel S.E, M.M (b)

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Corresponding Author
Sarah Shahnaz Ilma

a-b) Master of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia.
Salemba Raya 4, DKI Jakarta 10430

Integrated Cold Storage facilities are much needed by the Indonesian Marine and Fisheries Ministry. The construction of ICS facility in Kampar District by PT.S in the fiscal year 2018 proved that effective project management must be implemented. One way to measure the performance of PT. S- PM is by examining the control cost process throughout the project. Control Costs is the process of monitoring the status of the project to update the project costs and managing changes to the cost baseline. Control cost process is analysed using Earned Value Analysis. The results showed that PT. S- PM faced many challenges in maintaining planned values. The result of this case study is presented to the company as an improvement tool for later projects.

Construction; Control cost; EVM; Project Management

Innovation, IT, Operations and Supply Chain Management


Baini Sulhi, Yogo Purwono

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Baini Sulhi

Univeristy of Indonesia

The growth of the insurance industry in Indonesia has growing. Reserves of claims in the insurance business are mandatory and the requirements of an insurance company to be sustainable, but in Indonesia they still apply independent assumptions. Copula is a tool that is able to describe these dependencies so that claims reserves can be calculated correctly. To achieve this goal, a simulation study is given to describe dependencies that have an impact on reserves and Solvabilities Capital Needs. In this thesis, we will discuss the application of copula-based methods to analyze the structure of claim dependencies in a vehicle insurance business line. From the results of the analysis it was found that the Partial Loss TPL and Total Loss Variables had abnormal distribution. To explain the variables or variables Partial Loss, TPl and Total Loss, the type of copula vine chosen was C-vine copula with the smallest AIC and BIC values, namely AIC of 3.169612 and BIC 11.40441 for MLE and AIC of 3.427467 and BIC of 11.66226 for Tau Kendall . Copula from the Archimedean family can be used to explain the structure of the dependencies of the three variables. Copula Archimedean from the Frank family is the best model to explain the dependency structure of Partial Loss variables with TPL and TPL with Total Loss with parameter estimates of -0.1431583 and 0.5113428. Copula Archimedean from the Gumbel family is the best model to explain the dependency structure of Partial Loss variables with Total Loss with parameter estimators of 1.0921127. The best parameter estimation is obtained by using the MLE method with an AIC value of 3.169612 and BIC 11.40441.

Copula, Copula archimedean, Partial Loss, Total Loss, TPL, Vine Copula, dependensi

Financial Management and Accounting


Analysis of Destination Image and Destination Personality on Behavioral Intention (Survey in Domestic Tourists In Pariaman City)
Verinita and Refyanto

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Verinita Verinita

Andalas University

This study aims to analyze the influence of destination image and destination personality on behavioral intention. This study used a sample of 130 respondents with the criteria for the samples taken were domestic tourists who were visiting Gandoriah Pariaman beach. This study uses a sampling method with purposive sampling method The results of the study show that the destination image does not have a positive effect on the behavioral intention and destination personality which has a positive effect on behavioral intention. This indicates that the destination image does not have a positive influence on behavioral intention. This is because the coast of Gondariah, located in the city of Pariaman, is a new trainee destination so it is not popularly known by tourists. Destination personality has a positive effect on behavioral intention. This means that tourists visiting Gondariah Beach in Pariaman City feel happy that it influence their intention to behave again in the future. To increase tourist visits can be recommended to managers of tourist destinations in order to add tourist attractions so that it can add to the appeal of the coast of Gondariah in the future through the addition of play facilities for children

destination image, destination personality, behavioral intention, attraction

Marketing Management


Analysis of Dominant Causative Variable for Project-Based Work Delay at PT. XYZ
Hutomo Kusmarnadi Broto and Muslim Efendi Harahap

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Hutomo Kusmarnadi Broto

University of Indonesia

Industrial sector in Indonesia has been stated to growth more every year. Based on data collected from Ministry of Industry, the most growing industrial sector in Indonesia is transportation. This phenomenon not only affect the transportation industry itself but also affect the industrial sector amongst them such as spare parts industry and the industrial sector that supports in spare parts production. This phenomenon caused the domino effect for every layer of supply chain. One of the chain elements is the contractor that construct the production line of spare parts and other materials needed to supply to transportation industry. More projects will be demanded to contractors as spare parts demand higher. One of problem for project-based work is its completion date (schedule) where there are a lot of causative variables which will affects them. This paper analyzes which variables that become dominant for causing project-based works delay. Variables data are collected from previous study and analyzed based on actual case study at PT. XYZ (one of EPC company). The research conducted using survey to variative respondent who works at PT. XYZ (vary from position, educational background, and experience). Survey results index risk ratio for each risk variable. After survey conducted, primary data (index risk ratio) were tested for reliability and validity using principal component analysis (PCA) and Cronbach-s Alpha method. Invalid and unreliable data removed from primary data and further analysis to determine rank of causative variable. The dominant causative variables then analyzed to identify how to manage them. The output of this paper will become a performance measurement and as a basic preventive action that can be applied at PT. XYZ or another company in common.

Project Risk Management, Risk, Project, Delay,

Innovation, IT, Operations and Supply Chain Management


Analysis of Economic Literacy and Social Environment on Lifestyle and Impact on Student Consumption Behavior
Eldi Mulyana, Tetep (*), Jamilah, Ana Maulana, Odang Hermanto (1)

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Tetep Tetep

Insstitut Pendidikan Indonesia

The purpose of this research is to analyse economic literacy and the social environment towards lifestyle and its impact on student consumption behaviour. This research uses quantitative approaches with survey meth-ods. Data analysis techniques using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). Data collection using question-naire instruments. The population in this study is a student in the 13 Vocational High School Department of Office administration, accredited A in Garut. Determination of the number of samples using the formula Ta-ro Yamane. Proportionale random sampling technique is used in pulling samples. The results show that the social environment has a positive impact on lifestyle, while economic literacy does not have any impact on lifestyle. The social environment affects student consumption behaviour both directly and indirectly, while economic and lifestyle literacy directly impacts student consumption behaviour. The conclusion that the high-low behavior of student consumption is influenced by economic literacy, social environment and life-style.

Economic Literacy, Social Environment, Lifestyle, Consumption Behavior.

Organizational Behavior, Leadership and Human Resources Management


Analysis of effect reward and training on employee-s performance in textile industry
Derri Muhammad Ramdani

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Derri Muhammad Ramdani

Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung 40154 Jawa Barat - Indonesia

The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of rewards and training on employees performance in textile industry. This research also aims to show how employees improve performance in the reward and training system. The questionnaire was used as an instrument and 100 questionnaires were used to examine the opinions of respondents. Descriptive analysis, correlation and multiple regression tests were applied for data analysis. The study concluded that there is a positive relationship between rewards and training with employee performance. Most organizations implement reward and training systems to improve performance. By reviewing various findings that provide employee rewards, training and performance. The contribution of this paper is to see how to find effective solutions for employee performance in a system of rewards and training between organizations. The study of this paper is a qualitative research study.

Reward, Training, Employee Performance

Organizational Behavior, Leadership and Human Resources Management


Analysis of employee-s satisfaction and incentives provided and their impact on employee-s performance satisfaction
Try Hikmawan (a*), Budi Santoso (b)

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Corresponding Author
Try Hikmawan

a)Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung 40154 Jawa Barat - Indonesia
b) Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung 40154 Jawa Barat - Indonesia

The success of a company to achieve a goal is very dependent on the level of employee-s performance. This study aims to determine the effect of job satisfaction and the provision of incentives given to the performance of employees at Bukalapak Research & Development Bandung. The study uses an explanatory survey method with 124 employees were involved. The data were collected through questionnaire with the data analysis were using simple regression analysis and multiple regression. The results of this study show that employee-s performance can be improved through job satisfaction and providing incentives.

Employee-s Performance; Job Satisfaction; Incentives

Organizational Behavior, Leadership and Human Resources Management


Ayla Danuwidjaja

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Ayla Danuwidjaja

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

The bond rating is one that investors should consider before investing in bonds. This is because the bond ratings provide a statement that provides the companys information so that investors avoid the risks of bonds. Therefore, it is necessary to re-examine the factors affecting the rating of bonds. The population of this study is a banking company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) and listed in the rating of bonds issued by PT Pefindo from 2016-2018. The study population numbered 72 companies, then selected by purposive sampling method, to obtain the sample amounted to 9 companies. The data used is secondary data obtained from the Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI) and PT PEFINDO, while data analysis using multiple regression analysis.

Investments, Bonds, Bond Rating, Leverage, Profitability, Liquidity, Company Size, Age Bonds

Financial Management and Accounting


Shifa Nabila (a*), Adrian Achyar (b)

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Shifa Nabila

a) Master of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia, 10430 Jakarta
b) Master of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia, 10430 Jakarta

This study aims to identify five factors in YouTube advertising (entertainment, informativeness, customization, irritation and credibility) which might effect on ad value, and attitude toward YouTube ads, leading to purchase intention of consumers. The study uses conceptual models where their hypothesis is that the ad value is positively correlated with respect to the attitude toward YouTube ads, which then affects consumer-s purchase intention. For this study, our respondents include 248 active YouTube users in Indonesia that will be used for data collection and analysis. In conclusion, this study found that entertainment, customization, and credibility is positively effected to advertising value on YouTube, where ad value has a positive effect on attitude toward YouTube ads and purchase intention of consumer. In addition, this study found that irritation is negatively effected to advertising advertising value on YouTube, and informativeness has no effect on advertising value on YouTube

Ad value; attitude toward YouTube ads; credibility; customization; entertainment; informativeness; irritation; purchase intention

Marketing Management


Analysis of Factors that Affect Intention To Use on E-Learning Users Using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Approach
Dila Fitriza Rulevy (a), Ayu Aprilianti (b)

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Dila Fitriza Rulevy

(a,b) University of Indonesia

New form of learning that combines technology have increased in recent years and are projected to increase more in the coming years. This new learning trend has been described as an e-learning revolution. Some recent research shows that most e-learning programs show a higher failure rate compared to traditional learning methods. However, some researches proved that most e-learning programs showed a higher failure rate compared to traditional learning methods. Technology addiction and its availability in the modern world, and the economic potential for organizations, make it important to understand the factors that might lead to increase e-learning adoption in the organizational context. This study will see the intention of employees to use e-learning, by extending Technological Acceptance Model (TAM) using some other related factors, such as goal orientation learning, management support, computer self efficacy, and enjoyment. This study was conducted on 213 respondents in a company that owns e-learning using a questionnaire. Data obtained were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using AMOS software. The results show that of the four variables, goal orientation learning, and enjoyment have a significant positive effect on perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness, which acts as mediation towards the intention to use in the Technological Acceptance Model (TAM). In addition, an additional variable, which is satisfaction, proved a significant positive effect to intention to use.

digital transformation, e-learning, user perspective, technology acceptance model, learning goal orientation, management support, computer self efficacy, enjoyment, satisfaction, and intention

Organizational Behavior, Leadership and Human Resources Management



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Rahmat S.IP,MH

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

ABSTRACT This study aims to measure the efficiency level of the largest banks in Indonesia based on bank categories, the period 2013-2017 using the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method, with Win4DEAP software. The approach used in selecting inputs and outputs is an intermediation approach. Input factors used are assets, funds, and workforce expenses. The output factor used is credit or financing and income. The results of the study found that (1) the use of asset inputs, funds, and average labor costs increased. And the use of credit or financing output and income also increases on average. (2) The use of inputs and outputs of each bank from 2013-2017 using DEA generally achieves optimum efficiency, only one bank has not been fully optimized. The model used is DEA assuming Variable Return To Scale (VRS). (3) The efficiency of the scale of each bank with the DEA method is a bank that is at the stage of the radial movement and slack movment. In such circumstances, it can be interpreted that it is necessary to evaluate inputs and outputs to improve the orginal value according to the project value, so that optimal efficiency is generated. Compared with the results of the BOPO assessment in general, there is no significant difference.

Efficiency, DEA, Bank category, VRS, Input, Output.

Financial Management and Accounting


Analysis of macroeconomic variable shocks on the equilibrium of real effective exchange rates in Malaysia
Hasdi Aimon(a), Sri Ulfa Sentosa(a), Mohammad Aliman Shahmi(a*)

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Mohammad Aliman Shahmi

a.Master Of Economics, Faculty of Economic, Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia

This study investigates the effect and equilibrium of macroeconomic variables on real effective exchange (REER) rates in short and long terms in Malaysia. This study used time series data from 1986-2017, and Johansen-Juselius and error correction model (ECM). There are two main findings in this study. First, financial development, economic openness, and inflation have a significant effect on real effective exchange rates in Malaysia. Second, in the short term, foreign direct investment (FDI) and inflation disrupt the balance of effective real exchange rates, although in the long terms the inflation will return to its equilibrium. This research is recommended to the government to increase foreign direct investment in Malaysia, because it is a major factor that influences the equilibrium of real effective exchange rates.

ECM, Malaysia, REER

Financial Management and Accounting


Desnu Anggara Suwardi, Yogo Purwono

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Desnu Anggara Suwardi

University of Indonesia

in motor vehicle insurance business an insurer often needs to build up a reserve to ensure the company can fulfill its obligation. Chain ladder is one of the most widely used method in claim reserving. However, chain ladder method is very vulnerable to outlier. This study focused on claim reserving that resistant to outlier data by using robust chain ladder. There are two step to robustify chain ladder method. The first step is to detect outlier by using median as development factor to compute the residual, and adjust the outlying values. The second step is apply a classic chain ladder method to the adjusted data. This study show that robust chain ladder has a better result than a standard chain ladder method.

Claim Reserving; Chain Ladder; Robust Chain Ladder; Motor Vehicle Insurance; outlier

Financial Management and Accounting


Mochamad Vrans Romi (a*), Edi Suryadi (b)

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Mochamad Vrans Romi

Indonesia University of Education

ABSTRACT: This study aims to examine the influence of leadership and organizational commitment on organizational citizenship behavior, the problem of this research related to citizenship organizations is the behavior of educational staff at Bandung Islamic University, where the results of employee evaluations are often ineffective and inefficient. This type of research is descriptive verification research through a survey approach, the sample of this study were 135 educational staff at Bandung Islamic University. Data collection through field surveys and questionnaires to be further analyzed using multiple linear regression tests. The results of this study show a positive and significant effect of leadership and organizational commitment on organizational citizenship behavior of educational staff at Bandung Islamic University

Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Leadership, and Organizational Commitment

Organizational Behavior, Leadership and Human Resources Management


Analysis of Quality Management System Implementation in Toll Road Construction (Case Study : Bogor Ring Road Toll Road)
Manggala Kusumo Wijayanto and Anton Wachidin Widjaja

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Manggala Kusumo Wijayanto

Universitas Indonesia

One of the ways for Indonesia to gain economic equity is by building toll road. Toll road becomes one of the National Strategic Projects (Proyek Strategis Nasional - PSN) of Indonesia to connect all areas expanding from the suburbs to the cities. PT.Marga Sarana Jabar is one of them, connecting Bogor outer ring road area to Jakarta, Sukabumi and Balaraja. Toll road operator must provide a comfortable road trip to the users. They have to minimize any of congestion, damaged roads, or other inconveniences. One of the root causes of any inconveniences comes from the quality that delivered during toll road construction did not comply to the standards. Quality Management System (QMS) during construction can ease the supervisor to monitor the quality. However, there were troubles during the implementation of QMS in construction. This research uses primary and secondary data obtained from archive and questionnaires. The method of analysis using qualitative analysis that also supported with Nvivo12 tools to identify the highest possibility factors causing poor quality. The main conclusion of this research is that human resource is significantly affecting to the success of QMS implementation. Appropriate training of human resources will be immensely required to improve the construction quality.

Quality Management System, Toll Road, Maintenance Costs

Innovation, IT, Operations and Supply Chain Management


Analysis of Social Media Marketing Activities Effectiveness in Airline Industry: Influence on Brand Equity, E-WOM and Repurchase Intention
Saskia Yusliana Kusumah (a*), Tengku Ezni Balqiah (b)

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Saskia Yusliana Kusumah

a) Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Indonesia
b) Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Indonesia

The growth of social media users around the world are increasing rapidly, making it as one of the strongest platform option to conduct marketing activities. This research aims to analyze the effectiveness of social media marketing activities (SMMAs) on brand equity to enhance customers- e-WOM activity and repurchase intention in the airline industry. It is expected that the result of this research may be used as fundamental data in the development of the effectiveness airline SMMA strategies. Data will be collected with survey from airline passengers who are the followers of the airline-s social media accounts. The collected data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The result showed that Perceived Risk was the most significant SMMA dimension, and Brand Equity is significantly affected by airline SMMAs. It-s also validated that Brand Equity influence directly on e-WOM and Repurchase Intention, while e-WOM activity has impact on Repurchase Intention.

Social Media Marketing Activities (SMMAs); Marketing Effectiveness; Brand Equity; e-WOM; Repurchase Intention

Marketing Management


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