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Can Negative News Influence Your Intention to Vote?
Anisa Humairoh (a*), Nurdin Sobari (b)

a) Magister Management, Universitas Indonesia
Jalan Salemba Raya 4, Central Jakarta, Indonesia
b) Magister Management, Universitas Indonesia
Jalan Salemba Raya 4, Central Jakarta, Indonesia


The growth of negative campaign commited during marketing is one of the factors that is making this topic interesting. On the other hand, the negative coverage done by the media can also be the source of negative campaign. The Negative reports from the media can then influence publics intention to vote. Therefore, this study is aiming on examining the role of negative news in moderating party identificaiton, political trust, political interest and government performance towards interntion to vote. This studys subject is the impact of negative news towards incumbent governors on the election of the DKI Jakartas Governer in 2022. The method used for this study is Structural Equation Model (SEM) method with moderation variable. Results shows that political interest doesnt have any significant relations towards the intention to vote. On the other side, the other three variables are proved to be positively related to intetion to vote. Meanwhile, negative news is proved to strengthen the intention to vote of identification party and political trust variable but not for government performance. In conclusion, negative news can influence ones intention to vote but is inefective in weakenig ones intention to vote.

Keywords: Political Marketing; Intention to Vote; Negative News; Negative Campaign

Topic: Marketing


Conference: The 3rd International Seminar of Contemporary Research on Business and Management (ISCRBM 2019)

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