The Ability of Eichhornia crasipes and Pistia stratiotes to reduce pollutans in waste water batik Bunyamin Muchtasjar*1, H. Hadiyanto*2, and Munifatul Izzati*3
1 Departement of Health Science, University of Muhammadiyah Purwokerto 53181, Indonesia, (E-mail: beben_ump[at] 2 Departement of Chemical Enginering, Diponegoro University, SH-Tembalang , Semarang 50239, Indonesia, (E-mail : hadiyanto[at] 3 Departement of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Diponegoro University, SH-Tembalang , Semarang 50239, Indonesia, (E-mail : Munifatul_Izzati[at]
Batik production is mostly done by craftsman who belong to small and medium industrial groups. They are in the middle of a residential area. Low education is often the reason for not caring about the environment. With limited capital, none of these industries has wastewater treatment plants. So that they dispose of their waste directly into the river. Environmental pollution is certain to occur. In the batik production process, the wastewater produced reaches 95%. The volume of clean water used in the batik production process is 61.9 liters per piece of cloth. You can imagine the amount of wastewater that will occur. In this study using a phytoremediation model with 3 tanks made of multilevel arranged glass. The phytoremediation model becomes his choice, simple technology, inexpensive, and even ordinary people can easily carry out its operations. Phytoremediation is the processing of pollutants using plants that are able to live in polluted environments with high concentrations of pollutants. The use of Eichhornia crassipes and Pistia stratiotes plants are choice in phytoremediation. The research have been made on Eichhornia crassipes and Pistia stratiotes in reducing pollutants in batik wastewater. The parameters observed were ammonia and chromium (Cr). The results showed that plants can reduced ammonia levels by 78.36% with Eichhornia crassipes, and by 73.13% with Pistia stratiotes. The Eichhornia crassipes can reduce Cr by 63.76% and Pistia stratiotes plants can reduce by 83.39%. In connection with the results of the study, it can be concluded that Eichhornia crassipes and Pistia stratiotes plants can reduce pollutants in batik wastewater.
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