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Public Perception of Zoning School Policy In Surakarta Public Senior High Schools
Rokhima Esti Mahyani (a*),Rutiana Dwi Wahyunengseh (b), Rina Herlina Haryanti

Sebelas Maret University Surakarta


Abstract, By the year in 2017 the implementation of new learners acceptance policy (PPDB) in Surakarta Public senior high schools had been changed. In 2017 the policy emphasized with its social accesible one by receiving quota till 20% . owever in 2018 when the policy still being implemented there were changes thus added the zoning system. Ministry of Education And Culture said in 2019 they will enforce the zoning policy and the Poor Certificate of Unable will no longer to bemain requirement. Since 2017 Surakarta State Senior High Schools PPDB experienced a lot of polemic and it became public concern. Polemics that occurred from the last two years illustrates there are many people who have different perceptions toward this policy; meaning that although the policy is not necessarily understood by the public yet many differences in interpreting had been occured. So this study will analyze on public perception about policy change toward the PPDB 2019 in Surakarta. The research will use qualitative method.

Keywords: Perception, Public Policy, Policy Evaluation

Topic: Kebijakan Publik


Conference: International Conference on Administration Science (ICAS 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (ROKHIMA ESTI MAHYANI)

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