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Saifudin (a*), Muji Setiyo (a), Suroto Munahar (a), Noto Widodo (a)

(a) Automotive Engineering Department, Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang, Magelang, Indonesia
*Corresponding author: saifudin[at]


A minor breakdown of the cooling system will cause engine overheating. One of the factors causing the engine overheating is the crust on radiator of cooling system. Based on the problem, therefore, corrosion on the cooling system, especially radiator, should be controlled. There are some methods in controlling the corrosion; one of them is the inhibitor treatment. The research aims to know the corrosion mechanism, the corrosion type, and the kind of inhibitor that produces the lowest corrosion rate. The tool used to measure the chemical composition of the radiator is spectrometer, while microscope optic is used to know the radiator corrosion type. The corrosion rate testing is used three electrode cells according to tafel extrapolation method. The results of the test of the nitric acid inhibitor treatment with the addition of various methods showed that the most optimal result is on the addition of nitric acid inhibitor by 5%. It is proven by the decrease of corrosion rate from 0,002207 mmpy to 0,00171 mmpy.

Keywords: Corrosion; Inhibitor; Radiator

Topic: Mechanical Engineering


Conference: 1st Borobudur International Symposium (BIS 2019)

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