Nickel Thin Film Preparation and Its Characterization as Catalyst for HWC-in plasma-PECVD-Growth of Graphene
Momang A. Yusuf(a,b), Kurniati A.(a), Ajeng Eliyana(a), Jasruddin D. Malago(b), Fatimah A. Noor(a), Toto Winata(a*)
(a)PECVD Laboratory, Physics of Electronics Materials Research Group, Physics Department, Bandung Institute of Technology, Jl. Ganesa 10, Bandung, 40132, West Java, Indonesia
(b)Physics of Materials Laboratory
Physics Department, Mathematics and Natural Science Faculty, State University of Makassar
Jl. Mallengkeri Raya, Makassar, Indonesia
Keywords: catalyst, graphene, nickel, thin film, HWC-in plasma-PECVD
Topic: Synthesis and Characterization Techniques
Conference: The 7th International Conference on Advanced Materials Science and Technology (ICAMST 2019)
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