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Emoji as a Mediating Variable between Consumer Engagement on SNS with Positive Affect, Brand Attachment, and Purchase Intention
Mahatma Putri*, Irwansyah**

*Student Master of Communication Management Faculty of Social Science and Political Science, Universitas Indonesia (Salemba), Indonesia
**Lecturer in Master of Communication Management Faculty of Social Science and Political Science, Universitas Indonesia (Salemba), Indonesia


Emoji is a language that emerge from computer-mediated communication patterns as a representation of nonverbal cues that can be found in interpersonal and business contexts. The purpose of this paper is to know the roles and functions of emoji, especially on SNS (Social Networking Service), as a language that is often used in communication between brands and consumers. This paper explores the role of emoji in advertising as a mediating variable between consumer engagement with positive affect, brand attachment, and purchase intention. This is a conceptual paper, compiled based on relevant literature to investigate possibilities related to emoji. This paper promotes a phenomena that appear simple but have an impact on everyday life, based on the studies conducted by Das, Wiener, and Kareklas (2019) as well as Arya, Sethi, and Verma (2018). It is found that emoji can be used to direct attention, express emotions, and are considered a positive, creative and innovative way of communicating. It is expected that this paper will provide additional information related to the design and strategy of marketing communication. For organizations or brands, this paper is expected to provide an overview of the potential of emoji to enrich communication with consumers.

Keywords: emoji, consumer engagement, positive affect, brand attachment, purchase intention

Topic: What are the topics?


Conference: The 2nd Conference on Issues in Social and Education Research (ICISER 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Mahatma Putri)

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