Indonesia Conference Directory

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Low-cost solar cell using PVA.NaCl as hole transport medium and TiO2/graphite composite as photon-absorbing materials
Dui Yanto Rahman, Fisca Dian Utami, Euis Sustini and Mikrajuddin Abdullah

Institut Teknologi Bandung


Inexpensive solar cell comprising PVA.NaCl polymer electrolyte as hole transport medium and TiO2/graphite composite as photon absorbing materials has been succesfully fabricated. A suspension of TiO2 and graphite was easily deposited on Fluorine Tin Oxide using droplet method followed by heating at 200oC for two hours. PVA.NaCl was used replacing PVA.LiOH as hole trasnport medium. The content of NaCl was varied from 2,4,6,8 and 10 % compared to the content of PVA to achieve the best efficiency. 0.5% efficiency was gained using 6% of NaCl content. Although the efficiency was low, but this type of solar cell is promising to be developed in the future since cheap materials and easy fabrication were used.

Keywords: Titanium dioxide, graphite, efficiency, polymer electrolyte, hole.

Topic: Nano Science and Technology


Conference: The 7th International Conference on Advanced Materials Science and Technology (ICAMST 2019)

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