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Conjecturing via Analogical Reasoning trigger Divergent and Convergent Thinking
Supratman and Linda Herawati

Universitas Siliwangi


This study aims to reveal divergent and convergent thinking due to conjecturing via analogical reasoning. Revealing divergent and convergent thinking was carried out by the exploration of 67 eighth grade students of Tasikmalaya State Middle School through problem-solving open questions of analogy. With the think-aloud method that is equipped with unstructured interviews, verbal data is obtained relating divergent thinking and convergent thinking. Students with divergent thinking are able to produce new ideas that are often associated with creativity, while people with types of convergent thinking are able to analyze ideas and be associated with their ability to solve problems (problem-solving).

Keywords: conjecturing via anlogical reasoning, divergent thinking, convergent thinking

Topic: Mathematics Education


Conference: International Seminar on Applied Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ISAMME 2019)

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