Event starts on 2019.07.31 for 1 days in Cimahi
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Corresponding Author
Mokhammad Ridwan Yudhanegara
Applied Mathematics
Corresponding Author
Sukiri Yono
Sriwijaya University
The aim of this study was to see the collaboration of students through the lesson study for learning community (LSLC) on circle material. The subject of this study was a eight-grade studentsat SMP 1 Palembang. The method of this study quantitative descriptive by using a survey method with the PMRI approach. Data is obtained through observation of student activities documentation of events in the classroom, in the form of photos and videos, and collection of student tasks. Stages of LSLC is Plan, See, Do and Re-Design. The learning process is carried out with two activities, each activity consists of Sharing tasks and Jumping tasks. In sharing tasks, students work on sharing activities in groups, while in jumping students do the questions individually and the problem has been raised from the previous level. The use of LSLC gave a positive impact on students of class VIII in SMP N 1 Palembang on circle material. Positive impacts that arise include raising a sense of care for friends, reducing competition and collaboration between students in learning.
Circle material, LSLC, PMRI
Mathematics Education
Corresponding Author
Hasanuddin University
A boundary element method (BEM) is utilized to find numerical solutions to boundary value problems of quadratically graded media governed by a spatially varying coefficients anisotropic-diffusion convection-reaction equation. The variable coefficients equation is firstly transformed into a constant coefficients equation for which a boundary integral equation can be formulated. A BEM is then derived from the boundary integral equation. Some problems are considered. A FORTRAN script is developed for the computation of the solutions. The numerical solutions verify the validity of the analysis used to derive the boundary element method with accurate and consistent solutions. The computation shows that the BEM procedure elapses very efficient time in producing the solutions. In addition, results obtained for the considered examples show the effect of anisotropy and inhomogeneity of the media on the solutions. An example of a layered material is presented as an illustration of the application.
Boundary element method; Diffusion-convection-reaction; Anisotropic inhomogeneous media; Incompressible flow
Applied Mathematics
Corresponding Author
riva lesta ariany
a) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
jalan Dr. Setiabudhi 229, bandung, Indonesia
b) Uin Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
jalan A.H Nasution 105, bandung 46014, Indonesia
c) Universitas Pasundan Bandung
jalan Lengkong besar 68, bandung, Indonesia
d) Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang
jalan perintis kemerdekaan 1, Tangerang 15118, Indonesia
The ability of mathematical representation is an important ability possessed by prospective mathematics teachers, the ability of mathematical representation examined in this study include: visual representation, mathematical representation and representation of words. This study discusses the representation ability of mathematics education students in Calculus courses in terms of Early Mathematical Ability (KAM). The research subjects were all students who studied mathematics in semester IV which consisted of 3 classes. The third class is given different training, namely inquiry learning, guided inquiry and expository. The instrument used consisted of a mathematical initial ability test, and a mathematical representation ability test. Data analysis in this study used two-way ANOVA. The results of data analysis showed that the learning model used did not distinguish mathematical representation abilities, while KAM had a significant influence on students mathematical representation abilities. The learning model with KAM fully together influences the ability of students mathematical representation.
KAM, Mathematic Education, prospective mathematics teachers.
Mathematics Education
Corresponding Author
Hadin Hadin
This article aims to examine the mathematical connection skills of students who learn using the Problem Based Learning approach compared to those who use ordinary learning. This research is using the experimental method. The population in this study were eighth-grade students of MTs Al-Hikmah 02 Talegong Garut district 2017/2018 academic year with a sample of the study were eighth-grade students of MTs Al-Hikmah 02 Talegong consisting of VIII B classes as a control class and VIII A as experimental classes taken randomly. The instrument used in this study was a mathematical connection ability test in the form of a description of 5 questions, as well as the scale of learning independence. Data were analyzed using the IBM SPSS Statistic 1.7 for windows program. From this study, the following results were obtained: (1) Increased mathematical connection ability of students with mathematical learning using the PBL approach better than those who used ordinary learning. (2) Learning independence of students who use the PBL approach is better than students who use ordinary learning. (3) Implementation of learning steps using the PBL approach can develop mathematical connection skills and student learning independence. (4) the difficulties experienced by students in solving the problems of mathematical connection ability are found in indicators that understand or connect the relationship between mathematics and other sciences outside mathematics.
Mathematical Connections, self regulated learning, Problem Based Learning.
Mathematics Education
Corresponding Author
Risma Amelia
IKIP Siliwangi
Mathematical learning requires deductive and abstract thinking. Geometry material is material that requires a high-level thinking process of students. Therefore, it takes the process of abstraction of students in understanding mathematics, especially geometry material. Straight-line equation material is a prerequisite in understanding geometry material further. This study intends to measure the process of thinking students in the matter of straight line equations. The population in this study were junior high school students in the city of Cimahi, and the samples in this study were class VIII students of one of the junior high schools in Cimahi City. This research is a descriptive qualitative study. The instrument in this study is a test that is analyzed to see and measure the students abstraction process which appears in the material of straight line equations.
Abstraction Process, Straight Line Equation
Mathematics Education
Corresponding Author
Agusmanto J.B. Hutauruk
a) Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas HKBP Nommensen
Jalan Sutomo No.4A. Medan, Indonesia
* a7hutauruk[at]uhn.ac.id
b) Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Borneo Tarakan
c) Departemen Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
This paper discusses the effect of the Problem Based Learning model with the Metacognitive approach on achieving students mathematical resilience. This study also discusses the interaction between learning models with mathematical prior knowledge towards mathematical resilience abilities, and also analyzes student behavior that reflects mathematical resilience abilities based on the learning model. This research is a quantitative study, with two classes as research subjects namely the experimental class and the control class. The research instrument uses a scale of mathematical resilience, interview guidelines, and observation sheets. Research findings obtained include: (1) the learning model used does not have a significant effect on achieving students mathematical resilience, as a whole or based on mathematical prior knowledge, (2) there is no interaction between learning models and mathematical prior knowledge towards achieving students mathematical resilience and (3) the experimental and control class students did not show dominant behavioral differences that reflect mathematical resilience.
Mathematical Resilience; Problem Based Learning; Metacognitive
Mathematics Education
Corresponding Author
Vira Pratiwi
Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya
This research was conducted by analyzing the findings of learning obstacles. These findings are used as the development of learning trajectories of algerbaic thingking. Learning trajectories consist of systematic material about tables and diagrams in elementary schools. Problem modeling is represented through tables and diagrams from concrete levels to abstracts. This article aims to explain the process of abstraction that occurs in students through tables and diagrams. This research was conducted using qualitative methods and parts of didactical design research. This research was conducted on 5th grade of 10 students from two different schools. The results of this study are in the form of abstraction stages that are used to created algebraic thinking learning trajectories for elementary school students.
algebraic thinking, elementary schools, tables and diagrams
Mathematics Education
Corresponding Author
bq. indana zulfa
a) Departemen Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setia Budhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
Common mistakes that often do students in solving mathematical problems include errors in understanding the concepts of mathematics, errors in the use of mathematical formulas, miscalculation, misunderstanding of symbols and signs, a mistake in choosing and using the settlement procedure. The Aim of this research is to describes the mistakes of the students to solve the problem of logarithms and to know the factors that Become causes of students in making errors in problem-solving logarithms. This type of research is descriptive research with phenomenology research design. Respondents are five students of grade 10 at one of senior high school in Bandung. Data collected in this study were calculated using a test, interview, and documentation. the results of this study indicate there are three factors types of errors are Errors in understanding the concept, Errors in a calculation, and Procedural errors
students Error, Logaritm, Problem-solving
Mathematics Education
Corresponding Author
Aloisius Loka Son
a) FIP Universitas Timor.
Jl. Eltari KM. 9 Kefamenanu 85613, Indonesia
b) FMIPA Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.
Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229 Bandung 40154, Indonesia
This study aims to reveal student algebraic problem-solving errors based on Polya and Newman hierarchical indicator. The subject was a study of 30 students of grade VII in one of the junior high school located in the Timor Tengah Utara, NTT, Indonesian, 2018/2019 period. Process of collecting data used tests and interviews. The result of the student problem-solving ability test was grouped into three parts, namely 5 of the student in the low category, 20 of the student in the medium category, and 5 of students in the high category. The result of the analysis based on Polya indicator indicated that a group of low students made an error on all indicators. The medium of category students made an error in carrying out the plan and looking back. For those in the high category, they make an error in looking back indicator. While the result of the analysis was based on Newman hierarchical indicator that a group of low students made an error ranging from comprehension to encoding. Group medium student makes an error in the process skill and encoding process. For those in the high category, they tend to make an error at the encoding indicator.
Problem-Solving, Polya Theory, Newman Theory Hierarchy.
Mathematics Education
Corresponding Author
Fadli Azis
a) Magister of Mathematical and Natural Science Padjadjaran University
* fadliazis16[at]gmail.com
b) Department of Mathematical and Science Padjadjaran University
In this paper proposes an EOQ mathematical model for deteriorating items during the inventory process. The model is developed with exponentially decreasing demand, constant deterioration, and allowing for shortages. The time-varying holding cost is a linear function of time. The ordering cost, the holding cost, the deteriorating cost, and the shortage cost are considered in the inventory management. A numerical example is presented to illustrate the model and the sesitivity analysis of various parameters is carried out.
Inventory, EOQ, deterioration, exponential declining demand, shortage
Applied Mathematics
Corresponding Author
sri tirto madawistama
(1) Universitas Siliwangi, Indonesia.
(2) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia.
This study aims to thoroughly investigate how the equilibrium of pre-service teacher in the probability theory course through learning based on Valsiner theory. The method used is descriptive qualitative by taking as many as one experimental class as a sample to be traced. It was concluded that through observations and short interviews it could be shown that in the first and second meetings, students were still experiencing cognitive conflict so that there was no equilibirium in students. then at the third, fourth meeting and the next meeting students have shown a positive response so that a balance or equilibrium can be seen from each student representatives response through the given teaching material and also through inter-group discussions between groups so that there is uniformity of knowledge and no longer heterogeneous.
Equilibrium, Valsiner Theory
Mathematics Education
Corresponding Author
Martin Bernard
a) Fakultas Pendidikan Matematika dan Sains, Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Siliwangi, Jalan Terusan Jenderal Sudirman, Cimahi 40526, Indonesia
a) Fakultas Pendidikan Matematika dan Sains, Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Siliwangi, Jalan Terusan Jenderal Sudirman, Cimahi 40526, Indonesia
This study aims at how students can solve calculus problems must go through many processes or strategies needed to get a decision that can be applied with VBA for Excel as visualization and interactive media. There are several indicators for measuring High Order Thinking, namely a) the way students analyze the problem by making the algorithm stage, b) Students evaluate the results of work that are matched with making VBA media for Excel, judging from the decision to conclude the results of the answers, c) Students are able to construct, develop , and formulate the problem. The instruments used are taken from non-routine calculus questions related to daily life, so that students to master calculus are not only sufficiently understanding but students are able to interpret calculus that can be applied and developed by their own experience not only to get results in numbers but the way students think about deciding a conclusion related to ICT-based technology.
High Order Thinking Skills Mathematics, Calculus, VBA for Excel
Mathematics Education
Corresponding Author
Devi Nurul Yuspriyati
This study aims to determine the obstacle to learning student teachers in the subject of numerical methods. In the form of descriptive qualitative research that takes the subject of mathematics education students STKIP Siliwangi Bandung which follows the course of numerical methods in the first semester of the school year 2017/2018 semesters 7. Data obtained with tests and interviews with students. The results of the study could be concluded error occurred with the use of selection formula to solve the problems in a matter of numerical methods, it demonstrates an understanding of the material is still low numerical methods, and errors that occur because of kekurangtelitian students in processing the figures given in the problem. The study was conducted on October 16, 2017 until December 15, 2017 held in 2014 forces STKIP students who follow courses Siliwangi numerical methods. The results of this study are many factors that influence the occurrence of resistance velajar students in receiving the material in the course of numerical methods such as internal factors students themselves during the learning takes place, lecturers factor in explaining the factors classroom atmosphere, the factor of time there during the learning takes place. So that students learn subjects hampered in numerical methods.
obstacle learning, numeric methods
Mathematics Education
Corresponding Author
ismel dwi pratiwi
Sriwijaya University
The purpose of this study was to determine students mathematical literacy seen from students solving the PISA type problem with an Occupational context . This research is a qualitative descriptive research type . The subjects in this study were 26th grade IX students of SMP Negeri 14 Palembang. Students completing the PISA type math problem in the context of coffee processing and the results are then analyzed, supported by observations as long as students solve questions, interview students and mathematics teachers. The results of the study show that students mathematical literacy that appears when solving mathematical problems, namely communication skills , mathematical ability , choosing strategies, reasoning and arguments; and the ability to use language and symbolic, formal and technical operations .
Mathematical Literacy, PISA, Research Descriptive Qualitative
Mathematics Education
Corresponding Author
Martin Bernard
a) Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Siliwangi, Jalan Terusan Jendral Sudirman, Cimahi 40526, Indonesia
b) Fakultas Pendidikan Matematika dan Sains, Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Siliwangi, Jalan Terusan Jendral Sudirma, Cimahi 40526, Indonesia
This study aims to examine the achievement and improvement of metacognitive abilities and mathematical dispositions of elementary students in terms of Higher Order Thinking Questions by applying VBA MS-based applications. Excel. This research is a quasi-type experiment with the design of One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The population in this study were all fifth-grade elementary school students in Cimahi City, while the sample was determined using a purposive technique. The instrument used consisted of tests of metacognitive abilities and mathematical dispositions. The results showed that (1) There were achievement and improvement in metacognitive abilities and mathematical dispositions of elementary school students in terms of Higher Order Thinking Questions by applying VBA MS-based applications. Excel; (2) Students who get learning by applying VBA MS-based applications. Excel to see the metacognitive abilities and mathematical dispositions of elementary school students viewed from the Higher Order Thinking Questions, grew a positive attitude towards mathematics; (3) Students who get learning by applying VBA MS-based applications. Excel is increasingly active in learning, giving rise to high motivation and interest in learning.
Metacognitive Ability, Mathematical Disposition, and VBA-Based Applications Excel
Mathematics Education
Corresponding Author
Sonya Fanny Tauran
1) Departement of Mathematics Education, Universitas Advent Indonesia, Jl. Kol.Masturi No. 288 Parongpong, Bandung Barat. Indonesia. E-Mail: fanny_tauran[at]yahoo.com
2) Departement of Mathematics Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No.229, Bandung, Indonesia.
3) Departement of Mathematics Education, SPs Universitas Pasundan, Jl. Sumatera No. 41 Bandung , Indonesia.
The purpose of this study was to determine the mathematical reasoning achievement and enhancement of students. The population was eighth grade students in West Bandung, and the sample was eighth grade students from two schools (public and private school). Even the two schools were taken as two classes as the experimental group and the control group. The two average difference -test is used in data analysis. The results showed that 1) the mathematical reasoning enhancement of students who acquire ARCS motivation model with contextual approach was better than the students who acquire conventional learning; 2) there were different enhancement of students mathematical reasoning based on the classification of type of school and gender.
ARCS, Contextual,Mathematical Reasoning, Type of school, gender
Mathematics Education
Corresponding Author
Lisana Sumarah Pratignyo
a)Magister of Mathematical and Natural Science Padjadjaran University
b)Departement of Mathematical and Science Padjadjaran University
This research was carried out at the Faculty of Science and Technology at the Islamic University of As Syafiiyah. There were problems that occured, some lecturers worked in companies or in offices with sufficient time which made it difficult to determine the right lecture schedule according to the willingness when teaching lecturers. Lecturers schedules that change and the process of making class schedules that are still manual results in taking a long time and difficulty managing scheduling. This study aims to optimize the suitability of teaching and learning activities with lecture scheduling which takes place with the Simulated Annealing method. This optimization methode scheduling uses Simulated Annealing, data collection methodes with field studies are interviews and observations, literatur studies and the like and with software using the Matlab program. The results of study can make it easy for administrators to process and arrange schedulling lecturers that are appropiate for the lecturers willingness to help the scheduling process better and not take long time.
Simulated Annealing; Optimization; Scheduling; Matlab
Applied Mathematics
Corresponding Author
Martin Bernard
a) Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Siliwangi, Jalan Terusan Jenderal Sudirman, Cimahi 40526, Indonesia
b) Fakultas Pendidikan Matematika dan Sains, Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Siliwangi, Jalan Terusan Jenderal Sudirman, Cimahi 40526, Indonesia
This study aims to determine the increase in verbal-linguistic intelligence of elementary students in solving mathematical problems by applying mathematics learning based on VBA PowerPoint (PPT) integrated with Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). The method used in this study was quasi-experimental One Group Pretest-Posttest Design carried out in one of the elementary schools in Cimahi City. Data collection was collected using pretest and posttest for verbal-linguistic intelligence in solving mathematical problems and student questionnaires on VBA PPT and STEM. Based on data analysis of verbal-linguistic intelligence students in solving mathematical problems experienced a significant increase with VBA PPT-based learning integrated with STEM. The overall response of the students showed that almost all students stated that they were very happy with ICT-based learning such as VBA PPT integrated STEM, and they were more interactive and very memorable to gain experience following the stages of learning given to create high motivation and interest in learning.
Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence, VBA PowerPoint, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Mathematics Education
Corresponding Author
Harry Dwi Putra
Mathematics Education, Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Siliwangi.
Jalan Terusan Jenderal Sudirman, Cimahi, 40526, Indonesia
Mathematical reflective thinking skills and self-regulated learning are very important for high school students. It is necessary to study the association between mathematical reflective thinking skill and self-regulated learning. The study was conducted on 112 high school students in Cimahi. The research instruments consisted of a reflective thinking skill test and a self-regulated learning scale. The association uses the Pearson-Chi Square test and contingency tables. To find out the degree of association between critical thinking skills and self-regulated learning using the contingency coefficient (C) compared to Cmax. The results of the study indicate that Asymp. Sig. Pearson Chi-Square obtained is 0,00 smaller than the significant level of 0,05 so that it can be stated that there is an association between reflective thinking skills and self-regulated learning in high school students. The contingency coefficient (C) is 0,61 while the Cmax value is 0,83 so that the association degree (r) is 0,73 in the interval which is classified as high criteria. Students who have high mathematical reflective thinking skills will also have high self-regulated learning.
Mathematical Reflektif Thinking Skills; Self-Regulated Learning; Senior High School Students; Association
Mathematics Education
Corresponding Author
Sri Adi Widodo
1. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
2. Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa
The purpose of this article shows that sociomathematical norms can be raised through learning media. Sociomathematical norms are social norms related to problem-solving in mathematics learning. Sociomatematic norms can be formed from interactions between students or teachers in learning mathematics so that the culture of mathematics can be formed in a group or the class community at school. This preliminary study is not to create learning media that can improve the norms of sociomathematical but can only utilize conceptual by comparing various literature related to social norms, sociomathematical norms, and learning media. Theoretically, using visual media can improve sociomathematical norms, so that mathematical culture in the class can be formed. This is because visual learning media can be used by students to interact with the surrounding environment. In this regard, the teacher needs to prepare visual learning media to help mathematics learning so that the mathematics culture in the class can be formed.
Sociomathematical Norms; Learning Media
Mathematics Education
Corresponding Author
Wati Susilawati
UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
The rapid advancement of the latest technology, the absence of interactive multimedia in schools and the inferior ability of students mathematical representation creating an alternative breakthrough in developing Android-based learning applications. The purpose of the research is to improve the ability of students mathematical representation through Android Challenge Based Learning. The quasi-experimental examination held at the Madrasah Aliyah Negeri II Bandung. It involved 79 students, 39 experimental classes and 40 control classes. The findings indicated that there an increased ability of mathematical representations of students with Android-based Challenge Based Learning than students in the regular class. There was no difference in the performance of mathematical representation between students with Challenge Based Learning based on Android and conventional learning based on Early Mathematics Knowledge in the High, Medium and Low categories. Challenge based learning based on android facilitated the process of conflict, discovery, social interaction, and reflective processes of students so that the ability of mathematical representation is improved while the material easily understood and exciting.
android app, challenge-based learning, mathematical representation
Mathematics Education
Corresponding Author
Bima Gusti Ramadan
a) IKIP Siliwangi, Jalan Terusan Jenderal Sudirman Cimahi, Cimahi Tengah, Cimahi
This study aims to analyze the links between students cognitive stages and creative thinking skills and mathematical learning interests. This study involved 36 11th grade students, test of logical thinking (TOLT), a description of the creative thinking ability (CTA), learning interest scale (LI). Based on TOLT, the study found the cognitive stage distribution of students as follows: 30% of students were in the formal stage, 25% were transitional stages, and 45% were concrete stages. In addition, the researchers found, overall in CTA and LI students achieve quality at a fairly good level. Judging from the cognitive stage of students, the quality of CTA and LI students in the formal and transition stages is classified as a fairly good level, and concrete students achieve the quality of CTA and LI at moderate levels. In addition to completing the CTA tasks, concrete students experience more difficulties while the students in the transition stage and the formal stage experience a little difficulty. Another finding is that there is no association between CTA and LI. Overall, the findings relate to the cognitive stage, the quality of the CTA and LI students based on their cognitive stages according to the childs Cognitive Development Theory.
Cognitive Stage, TOLT, Creative Thinking, and Learning Interest Mathematics.
Mathematics Education
Corresponding Author
Asep Ahmad Sehabudin
Each teacher in the school almost shows a role that seems more dominant than the participation of students in the teaching and learning process. The atmosphere makes students less active and less opportunities to develop self-creativity and make them continue to depend on the teacher and others. Whereas in the context of facing competition in the present era, qualified and highly skilled human resources are needed, able to work together and dare to compete. This study tried the Group Investigation (GI) type of cooperative learning model. This model prepares students to be in groups and work together both with group friends and other friends so that they are motivated to learn more actively. This research is an experimental study using two groups of students. One group as the experimental group and the other group as the control group. The purpose of this study is to compare the mathematics learning achievement of students who get conventional GI type cooperative learning models. The population is all seventh grade students at Caringin 1 Public High School, while the research sample is two classes of four VII classes at Caringin 1 Public High School. The instrument in this study is a form of seven questions. The results of the study on the final test were obtained, the value of tcount = 6.17 by taking the significance level of 1% and db = 30 + 32 - 2 = 60, then obtained t table = 2.39. It turns out that tcount = 6.17> t table = 2.39, this means H0 is rejected. So it can be concluded that student learning achievement in mathematics subjects that learn to get the GI type cooperative learning model is better than students who get conventional learning models. Received at 1% significance level.
Cooveraitive Learning, Investigation Group, Convensional Learning Model
Mathematics Education
Corresponding Author
Fiki Alghadari
(a) Mathematics Education, STKIP Kusuma Negara Jakarta
Jalan Raya Bogor Km. 24 Cijantung, Indonesia
There has been more than one the solving process of the problem sometimes. It has been named an open-ended context when related to an approach, and in this study purposed to use a geometric-function problem for analyzing each process that was experienced a student when they were conceptualizing the completion. Three students purposively who was a sample is registered by the senior high school in a science program at the region of West Jakarta, Indonesia. Student solved the problem in this explorative study, there were two choices of completion ways actually, technical or conceptual, but they used the procedural technique operational. Two conceptualizing process in solving the problem, it was constructing the algebraic representation of the function and organizing concepts. But, there is only one between the other where was effective and efficient of the process based on the perspective of the management theory. The first process was efficient by recognizing the function in algebraic and graphic representation. But, the second process affected the solution ineffective because all three students have been miss controlling the domain function concept even though it is a resource. So, an effective and efficient for learning is when students involving more conceptual knowledge.
Conceptualizing, Geometric-Function, and Metacognitive
Mathematics Education
Corresponding Author
Supratman -
Universitas Siliwangi
This study aims to reveal divergent and convergent thinking due to conjecturing via analogical reasoning. Revealing divergent and convergent thinking was carried out by the exploration of 67 eighth grade students of Tasikmalaya State Middle School through problem-solving open questions of analogy. With the think-aloud method that is equipped with unstructured interviews, verbal data is obtained relating divergent thinking and convergent thinking. Students with divergent thinking are able to produce new ideas that are often associated with creativity, while people with types of convergent thinking are able to analyze ideas and be associated with their ability to solve problems (problem-solving).
conjecturing via anlogical reasoning, divergent thinking, convergent thinking
Mathematics Education
Corresponding Author
a)Magister Mathematics Education of Post Graduate at IKIP Siliwangi Bandung
Jl. Terusan Jenderal Sudirman, Cimahi 40526, Indonesia
The purpose of this experiment was to analyze contribution of discovery learning and peer teaching (DL-PT) on student-s mathematical critical thinking (MCT) and self confident (MSC). The experimental took pretest-postest control group design and involved 72 eleventh grade students, a MCT test, a MSC scale, and perception on DL-PT and on DL scales . The study found that on MCT and its N Gain, students getting treatment with DL-PT attained better grade than students taught by DL alone; even if both student-s grades were at medium level, and students realized difficulties on examining the truth of enumeration process and on proving problem. On MSC, there was no different student-s grades between students taught by DL-PT and by DL alone and those grades were at medium level. In addition, there was no association between MCT and SCM, students learned actively during DL-PT and DL and students performed positive opinion on DL-PT and on DL
mathematical critical thinking, mathematical self confident, discovery learning and peer teaching.
Mathematics Education
Corresponding Author
Siti Hindun
Departemen Pendidikan Matematika, IKIP Siliwangi, Jl. Terusan Jenderal Sudirman, Cimahi, Indonesia
Self efficacy (SE) and mathematical critical thinking skills (MCTS) have been studied extensively. But study about the correlation of booth based on students cognitive stages (SCS) is rarely done. This study involved 25 students from seventh grade determined by purposive sampling technique in one of the schools in Cimahi. The instrument used the Longeot test, Test of Logical Thinking (TOLT), an Essay MCTS, and a scale of SE. Data analysis performed: percentage calculation, testing of mean difference, and correlations testing at a significance level of 5%. Based on the results and discussion it was concluded that, in general, the SCS classification of seventh grade students based on the Longeot Test and TOLT scores was obtained 24% of students were in the concrete stage, 68% of students were in the transition stage, and 8% of students were in the formal stage. This means that most seventh grade students are in the transition stage. There are differences in MCTS based on SCS. There is no difference in SE based on SCS. The relations of SE and MCTS based on SCS is not significant.
Students Cognitive Stage (SCS), Mathematical Critical Thinking Skills (MCTS), Self Efficacy (SE)
Mathematics Education
Corresponding Author
Marzuki Marzuki
1Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika, IAIN Langsa Jl Meurandeh, Langsa Lama, Kota Langsa, Aceh 24354.
2Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika, Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setia Budhi, Bandung 40154, Indonesia.
*marzuki[at]upi.edu; marzuki[at]iainlangsa.ac.id
This study aims to obtain the explanation of mathematical creative thinking skills based on visual and kinesthetic learning styles from mathematical communication skills. The subject of this study is a collection of scores on mathematical creative thinking abilities, learning styles and mathematical communication skills of 26 students of the Laboratory High School UPI, tenth-grade (14 students of visual learning styles and 12 students of kinesthetic learning styles). This study is a comparative causal study. Analysis of data using ANCOVA because in this study involved one dependent variable namely the ability of interval-scale creativity and two independent variables namely category-scale learning style and interval-scale mathematical communication skills as well as covariates. The results of the study show that;1) there is a linear relationship between mathematical communication skills and creative thinking abilities, which that the assumption of ANCOVA is fulfilled;2) there are differences in creative thinking skills between students who have a visual learning style with students kinesthetic learning styles without regard to mathematical communication skills, and based on the average creative thinking abilities of students with kinesthetic learning styles higher than visual learning styles;3) there is a simultaneous influence between mathematical communication skills and learning styles towards creative thinking abilities.
Creative Thinking Ability,Learning Styles and Mathematical Communication Skills
Mathematics Education
Corresponding Author
Mellawaty Mellawaty
a) Departement of Mathematics Education, Universitas Wiralodra
b) Departement of Mathematics Education, Universitas Negeri Semarang
The method in this study, Mixed Method Design with concurrent embedded strategy. This research was conducted mathematical creative thinking skills of students class VII-B of Indramayu State Middle School 1, Academic Year 2018/2019. Sampling technique used snowball sampling technique.There were three stages in this research, the first was designing learning process stage that consisted of syllabus, lesson plan, learning syntax and expert validated test items. The second was the implementation. It was conducted to see the students- respond and activity during the learning process. The third was evaluation stage. This was conducted to know the learning effectiveness. The result, it was obtained that (1) the learning design integrated Mathematical Habits of Mind (MHM) and Missouri Mathematic Project (MMP) consists of syllabus, lesson plan, learning syntax, students- worksheet and TKBKM were valid; (2) The respond of students and teacher were 82,9% good and happy to involve in the process of learning design that integrates Mathematical Habits of Mind (MHM) and Missouri Mathematic Project (MMP); (3) the learning that integrates Mathematical Habits of Mind (MHM) with Missouri Mathematics Project (MMP) learning is effective in improving mathematical creative thinking students with moderate categories.
Mathematical Habits of Mind (MHM), Missouri Mathematics Project (MMP) learning model, Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability
Mathematics Education
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