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Factors that Affect Job Satisfaction of Academic Employee
Karina Putri Alamanda*, Desita Dyah Damayanti, Dewi Kamaratih, Aniq Hudiyah Bil Haq,,,

Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur


Employee satisfaction was a major issue affected organizational goals through the performance and achievements of its employees. Job satisfaction also affects employee-s life satisfaction and vice versa. The purpose of this research was to find out the factors that influence job satisfaction and the design a program to increase job satisfaction. The data was collected by an interview and observation through purposive sampling selection techniques to 7 employees with high, medium and low levels of job satisfaction. The results indicate that work-it-self, leadership, coworkers, advancement, salary, working conditions, customer satisfaction and individual value was the factors that influence job satisfaction. Further, forms of job satisfaction were applied in four forms behavioral (exit, neglect, voice, and loyalty). Then, the program which can be applied was interpersonal communication skills training. Interpersonal communication skills were intended to support work changes that occur and improve relations between leaders and employees. The programs provide persuasion, openness and empathy in communication skills. By paying attention to employee satisfaction and managing it, had an impact on organizational objectives and related to psychological well-being of employees.

Keywords: Qualitative research, job satisfaction, academic employee, university

Topic: Psychology


Conference: 1st Borobudur International Symposium (BIS 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Karina Putri Alamanda)

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