The Drying Method and Temperature Effect on Moringa oleifera Leaves Antioxidant Activity Devi Dwi Siskawardani and Sri Winarsih
Department of Food Technology, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, INDONESIA.
World Health Organization (WHO) admits herbal medicines as valuable and available resource for Primary Health Care (Tilburt and Kaptchuk, 2008). Moringa oleifera is an substantial food commodity which had enormous attention as ‘the tropics natural nutrition-. The leaves, fruit, flowers and immature pods commonly are used as a highly nutritive vegetable, particularly in India, Pakistan, Philippines, and several countries in Africa (Anwar and Bhanger, 2003; Anwar et al., 2005). Moringa oleifera proven to have multi-system effects in the human body (Ghasi et al., 2000). It becomes a famous herb in the community, but it is insufficient scientific evidence to explain the mechanism and validate its efficacy apparent uses. Moringa oleifera is rich in compounds containing the simple sugar, rhamnose called glucosinolates and isothiocyanates (Bennett et al., 2003). The previous study proved that Moringa leaves contains β-carotene, vitamin C, protein, calcium and potassium which act as good natural antioxidants sources. Thus it was able to enhance the shelf-life of fat foods due to the presence of various types of antioxidant such as ascorbic acid, phenolics, flavonoids, and carotinoids (Dillard and German, 2000; Anwar et al., 2005; Makkar and Becker, 1996). The high concentrations of ascorbic acid, oestrogenic and β-sitosterol, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A, B and C, riboflavin, α-tocopherol, folic acid, nicotinic acid, pyridoxine, β- carotene, protein, and in particular essential amino acids (methionine, cystine, tryptophan and lysine) present in Moringa leaves made it a virtually ideal dietary supplement (Makkar and Becker, 1996). Drying refers to a process of water removed and decreasing of herbs moisture content, which aimed to prevent microbial and enzymatic activity, consequently product preservation for extend shelf life. The weight and volume reduction of plant will give positive consequences for distribution and storage. Nowadays, consumers are more concerned about healthy lifestyle, the demands for natural and safe herbs are enhancing. Nevertheless, it was very little known about the Moringa leaves phytochemical components based on different drying methods and temperature. Therefore, this research aimed to determine the effect of drying process (method and temperature) on antioxidant activity, total phenolics, flavonoids content, and color of Moringa leaves. Antioxidant Activity The drying temperature gave very significant effect (p 1%) on antioxidants activity, phenolic of Moringa leaves. Accrording Chithiraikumar (2017) DPPH assay is a simple, acceptable and most widely used technique to evaluate the radical scavenging potency of plant extracts (its absorption spectrum at 515–528 nm) when it accepts a free radical species. The antioxidant activity was highly loss in oven drying than cabinet dryer treatment. Intense thermal process also might cause significant loss in antioxida
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