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Knowledge Sharing Process on Sustainable Public Service Program Innovation, a case study in Surakarta City
I Made Sutama, Anis Eliyana, Badri Munir Sukoco

Universitas Airlangga


Knowledge Sharing (KS) is the most important component in Knowledge Management (KM) which is the main driver in creating sustainable innovation. Five-yearly leadership sucession is always followed by massive mutations so that both phenomena are become threats to the sustainability of public service innovations. This qualitative research will explore on: How does the process of innovation program knowledge sharing occur in relation to the sustainability of public service program innovations after the succession of regional heads in the Surakarta City Government? The findings shown that there has been knowledge sharing program innovation occurred after succession and massive mutation, which are influenced by four variables: role of the leader, transformation of innovative mindset, mechanism of social interaction, and external drive. In connection with these findings, further research is recommended to deepen the construct model of the proposition that can be done on local government organizations that totally fail to continue their program innovations post-succesion. Other quantitative research constructs can also be developed by testing the level of influence of the four KS variables innovation programs in both profit and non-profit organizations.

Keywords: Knowledge Management, Knowledge Sharing, Inovation Cycle, Public Service.

Topic: Sustainable Development


Conference: International Conference on Sustainable Environmental Development and Economical Growth (ISEDEG 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (I Made Sutama)

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