Universitas Warmadewa
The title of this paper is Code Switching and Code Mixing Used in Skinnyindonesian24. In this paper, the discussion is focused on English-Indonesian code switching and code mixing that it used by the writer as an effect of bilingualism needed in this modern life. The study is limited to only the following points: types of English-Indonesian switching and mixing and the functions of English-Indonesian code switching and code mixing. All of data were taken from the Skinnyindonesian24 YouTube channel from two brothers of Da Lopez they are Jovial da Lopez or Kajo and Andovi da Lopez. The data is taken from School Trour video released on October 30, 2018. The data collection method in this paper is library research. The library research is done by watching the School Tour video by Skinnyindonesian24 carefully. There are three steps in data collection. First, watch the School Tour video carefully and repeatedly to understand the content. Second, note the data which contain code switching and code mixing. The last steps, separated the words are included in the types and factors causing code switching and code mixing. The data were analyzed using the qualitative method, the theory applied in this study were based on the theory proposed by Wardhaugh (1986: 103) in his book entitled "An Introduction to Sociolinguistics”. The result from data research shown that there were three types of code switching and code mixing found, they are tag swithing intersentential switching, intra-switching and insertion, alternation, congruent lexicalization. The factors that caused the writer to used code switching are four factors and all of them are contained in video the Skinnyindonesian24. There are also several factors that cause the author to use code mixing, from five factors, there were three factors are found in the data, they are language dominance, language attitude, psycholinguistic motivation.
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