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Corresponding Author
Fina Amalia Masri
a. Language and literature department, Faculty of cultural studies, Halu Oleo University
b. Language and literature department, Faculty of cultural studies, Halu Oleo University
c. Indonesian Language and Literature Department, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Halu Oleo University
d. Language and literature department, Faculty of cultural studies, Halu Oleo University
This research stems from the emergence of a problem which is the lack of knowledge of millennial children about folklore from their respective regions, especially children in Southeast Sulawesi. Preservation of folklore which is one part of traditional literature is very important because one of the functions of folklore is as childrens character education. One of the folklores from Southeast Sulawesi that needs to be preserved is “Tula-Tula Metulungino Mie Kodosa folklore” originating from Muna. The purpose of this study was to determine the character education contained in Tula-Tula Metulungino Mie Kodosa folklore. This research is a literature study. The method used is descriptive qualitative method. The source of the research data comes from the book, Buton and Muna Folklore in Southeast Sulawesi, which was published by the Ministry of Education and Culture in the Language Development and Language Development Center in 1998 in Jakarta, 144 pages thick. The results showed that in the Tula-Tula Metulungino Mie Kodosa folklore there is character education that is helpful, kind, patient, and never give up. Keywords: Character education, Muna Folklore, Tula-Tula Metulungino Mie Kodosa.
Character education, Muna Folklore, Tula-Tula Metulungino Mie Kodosa
Corresponding Author
Sato Hirobumi
Universiti Yala Rajabhat (YRU), Thailand & Universiti Malaya (UM), Malaysia
This paper discusses the ellipses of nominal phrases that are assumed to be in the compound sentences of Malay-Indonesian. These phenomena of the ellipses have long been questioned by the Dutch and Japanese scholars since the 19th century but todays Malay-Indonesian grammar textbooks do not show the positive effect of referring to the fruits of their studies. We often found a similar explanation in Malay-Indonesian grammar books that does not fit at all the phenomena and the facts of the ellipses of nominal phrases in its compound sentences. This means that contemporary scholars (including native speakers) do not stare at the facts of Malay-Indonesian because they only follow the English grammar blindly. It proved that these patterns of the ellipses of nominal phrases involve the problems of the grammatical voice of Malay-Indonesian verbs that have been raised since the 19th century. By analyzing the phenomena of the so-called the ellipses of nominal phrases in this language, we present here a hypothesis that the predicate verb in the following clause focuses on the lexical information of a nominal phrase that it refers to in the preceding clause of a compound sentence.
ellipsis of noun phrase, ergative construction, focus of verb, grammatical cases of nominals, semantic role, syntactic function.
Corresponding Author
Hasanuddin University
Abstract Indonesia is well-known for its diversity of ethnicity, language, religion and tradition. The various of local languages makes Indonesia differ to another countries. Furthermore, what makes Indonesia special is the existence of local languages which its whereabouts only exists on the paper, but also is proven by the use of language this modern era. As the part of Indonesia, Sikkanese (Sikka regency people) use their local language in daily communication aside from Bahasa. The use of local language in daily communication is one of strategies to preserve and inherit the culture. There are some forms language which used by Sikkanese in communication and Proverbs is one them which still exist until today. Unfortunately, many Sikkanese are not familiar even do not know the meaning of several Proverbs. This matter leads to several misunderstanding and misinformation, and even worst this condition bringing half of Sikkanese no longer to use proverbs because it is incomprehensible. This paper discusses about several forms, meanings and functions of Sikka proverbs which commonly occur in daily communication that are difficult to be understood
Sikka Proverbs, Form, Meaning, Function.
Corresponding Author
tri wahyuningtyas
Doctoral Study Program of Cultural Studies of Udayana University
The puppeteer of wayang topeng (wayang : puppet, topeng : mask) in Malang has a stronger aesthetic power orientation compared with other puppeteers. Aesthetic knowledge is gained through experience of art, interaction that is built from social and environmental existence. The existence forms a comprehensive capability of the puppeteer of wayang topeng in Malang. The application of the aesthetic knowledge of the puppeteer becomes a symbol of power of wayang topeng show that has high quality of expression and creations. The flat-screen performance format also makes the thought of puppeteer present the show in accordance with aesthetic sense of audience and producer. This study aimed at describing the aesthetic knowledge of Wayang Topeng in Malang, identifying the aesthetic power within Wayang Topeng in Malang, and analyzing the aesthetic power resulted in Wayang Topeng performance in the Tale of Panji Reni using flat screen stage set. This qualitative research used interview and observation data which is analyzed by using interpretation. Research method for this study was art phenomenology. The study of aesthetic power used interview and observation data of wayang topeng show in Malang, East Java. Results of research: 1. Description of aesthetic knowledge of puppeteer of wayang topeng in Malang; 2. Description of aesthetic power of puppeteer in transforming wayang topeng show in the story of Panji Reni in flat screen format.
aesthetic power, puppeteer, wayang topeng in Malang
Corresponding Author
Hasanuddin University
Objective: This paper analyzes sexuality problem of the main character: An ambition of infidelity Emma Bovary in Madame Bovary Gustave Flaubert 1857. Method: The study was conducted in descriptive qualitative. Literature was used as the primary and secondary data Result: Complex in sexuality problem through an ambition of infidelity Emma Bovary as a wife is shown in several pages. Conclusion: In this research analysis reveals an ambition infidelity Emma Bovary as a wife through sexuality problems that Emma Bovary had an affair secretly 3 times with her husbands male friend. And with a variety of items given such as household furniture, dresses, more satisfaction of sexuality, where all the affair can satisfy the passion of sexuality problem
Infidelity; Sexuality problem; Emma bovary
Corresponding Author
1 Mahasiswa Pascasarjana UHO
2 Dosen pada Jurusan Ilmu Pertanian, PASCASARJANA-UHO
³ Dosen pada Jurusan Ilmu Pertanian, PASCASARJANA-UHO
4 Dosen pada Jurusan Sosiologi, PASCASARJANA-UHO
The implementation of agrarian reform should be directed at the achievement of agrarian transformation as the ultimate goal of implementing agrarian reform. Interestingly, the achievement of agrarian transformation is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand, because various things influence each other in the effort to achieve the agrarian transformation. The social relationship between agrarian subjects is one of the crucial things in it, because the implementation of agrarian reform involves various parties involved as agrarian subjects. The agrarian subjects are interrelated with one another in efforts to manage agrarian resources. Differences in interests between agrarian subjects in the management of one and the same agrarian source often lead to dissociative social processes. The collaborative approach in the social relations of agrarian subjects becomes a necessity as a bridge to cross the boundaries of multisectoral relations in order to achieve collective goals which ultimately lead to the achievement of agrarian transformation. This paper intends to examine the importance of collaboration in implementing agrarian reform to achieve agrarian transformation.
Agrarian reform, agrarian transformation and collaboration
Corresponding Author
Poppy Firtatwentyna Nilasari
(a) Departement of Interior Design, Petra Christian University, Surabaya - Indonesia
Fashion trend is a reflection of social and economic status to explain popularity. In the beginning, fashion trend in Indonesia tend to imitate the western style, in terms of material and design. As time goes by, traditional fashion has developed harmoniously with the western until today. Traditional fashion trends that come into contact with modern design styles will create their own character and be reborn. This will come in demand and loved by the millennials, so that this particular generation will pay more respect to Indonesian traditional culture. Kinds of Indonesia cultural ornamental styles are so many, one of them is the Dayak tribe ornamental style in East Kalimantan. Ulap Doyo is very well known in East Kalimantan. In addition there are several motifs that characterize each design, one of them is batang garing, burung enggau, mandau or shaho. Design method that is used is design thinking method. This method will be begun with observation, theoretical studies, creating design alternatives to get designs that fit the needs of the millennials. The results of fashion designs that are suitable for the millennials are stylist designs that are suitable for daily life.
Fashion Trend, Millennial Generation, Ornamental Style, Dayak Tribe, East Kalimantan
Corresponding Author
Universitas Negeri Makassar
This study aims to analyze the application of learning community in learning complex procedural text writing skills. The sampling technique is purposive sampling technique (determining the sample using research in accordance with the objectives and characteristics of the study). The instruments used were observation sheets, tests and lesson plans. The technique used to collect data is a test and observation technique. Data obtained in two ways were analyzed by descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The results showed that the learning community method was effectively applied in the learning of students complex procedure text writing skills.
Learning community method, complex procedure text
Corresponding Author
Aron Meko Mbete
Warmadewa University
Research for the sake of linguistic progress remains very important. On the other hand, the development of applied linguistics adds quality to the linguistic axiological value in answering linguistic problems in Indonesia. Negative attitude towards: (1) Indonesian as the national and official language; (2) embarrassed (no longer skilled) in local languages as a mother tongue; and (3) more proud of foreign languages (English), is a matter that disturbs national identity. Therefore, the lingual-cultural sovereignty of Indonesian in its own country should be upheld. The "Spirit" of Sumpah Pemuda is a breath of national integrity that must be guaranteed its sustainability. Recovery of a positive attitude, loyalty for national languages supported by regional languages, and controlled enriched foreign languages, become a necessity. The grade of substantial-instrumental values of language, Indonesian is the soul and media of the nation, regional languages are the soul and media of tribes, while foreign languages are only media of communication between nations. Thus, the quality of the use of Indonesian and the competence of a variety of standard languages become: (1) common core strengths; (2) the guardian of Indonesian nature, and (3) creative use resources. Therefore, the real effort to save is very important. Strategies for developing the quality of Indonesian, preserving local languages, and using foreign languages for controlled enrichment should be designed and implemented.
applied linguistics, linguistics ideology, identity pillars, nation-state
Corresponding Author
I Nyoman Wardi
Archaeology Department Faculty of Arts, Udayana University
This scientific paper aims to reveal the history and cosmological meaning of the Gebog Domas of the Bali Mūla community (Bali Aga) in the Kintamani District Region of Bangli, Bali Province. The study was conducted through data collection with observation techniques, in-depth interviews and literatures studies. The collected data were analyzed descriptive-qualitatively with the Cultural Semiotic and Ethnoarchaeological theories approaches. The study showed the following results. Gebog Domas is a picture of a cosmic-magical mandala and is the identity of the Bali Mūla / Bali Aga community (sub-cluster of Austronesian) in Kintamani District, Bangli Regency, Bali Province. The Gebog Domas cosmological concept which consists of four united Gebog Satak (Gebog Satak Sukawana, Kintamani, Selulung and Bantang) is thought to have originated from pre-Hindu (prehistoric) times. The concept of Gebog Domas, apparently later adopted in the Hindu political kingdom system in the latter times. In addition, during the Ancient Bali Period (IX-XIV centuries AD), the Pucak Bukit Panulisan site was also a state temple in mountain (uranisch) when the kuta rajya (royal city) was centered in Pejeng-Bedulu (now its territory includes the Regency of Gianyar). Cultural-Semiotically, the concept of Gebog Domas means: balance and harmony between microcosm-macrocosm. In the world view of local community (Bali Aga), the Gebog Domas, implicitly contained the meanings: rahayu (safety and health), social integrity, order and peace of life, conservation of the natural environment, fertility (productivity), prosperity (jagadhita) and finally expected to manifest in sustainable life. Now in the Postmodern era, the cultural wisdom embodied in the Gebog Domas cosmology is a challenge for local community (Bali-Indonesia) to preserve and implement in real life.
cosmology, gebog domas, bali mūla, pucak panulisan
Corresponding Author
La Ode Bardia
Konawe Regional Government
Dari catatan sejarah Muna disebutkan bahwa raja pertama yang memerintah Kerajaan Muna aalah Beteno Ne Tombula ( Baitul Zaman). Ia memerintah tahun 1417-1467. Pengangkatannya menjadi raja karena dianggap orang yang sakti dan kharismatik. Beteno ne Tombula dikisahkan dalam cerita mitos sebagai orang yang ditemukan keluar dari bambu. Kisah ini dikembangkan dengan alam pikiran orang yang hidup pada masa itu yang dianggap hal yang biasa. Namun, jika diinterprestasikan seacara ilmiah bahwa orang yang dipilih menjadi pemimpin (raja) harus memiliki kelebihan dan kharisma sebagai legitimasi agar dapat diterima dan ditaati oleh rakyatnya. Yang menggelitik penulis mengangkat masalah ini adalah “Mengapa Raja Muna I itu muncul dari bambu. Apanya yang menarik dari tanaman ini, padahal masih banyak tanaman lain yang jauh lebih menarik. Makna fiosofi apa yang ada dibalik simbol bambu ini. Teori yang digunakan untuk mengungkap makna dibalik simbol ini adalah antropolinguistik sebagaimana yang dikemukakan Oleh Foley (1997;3) secara tegas ia mengatakan bahwa linguistik antropologi memandang dan mengkaji bahasa dari konteks antropologi, budaya dan bahasa untuk menemukan makna dibalik pemakaiannya. Selanjutnya Foley, mengatakan bahwa Linguistik Antropologi adalah disiplin ilmu yang bersifat interpretatif yang lebih jauh mengupas bahasa untuk menemukan pemahaman budaya. Dalam kacamata Antopolinguistik dapat diinterpretasikan bahwa “Beteno Ne Tombula” adalah pemimpin atau raja yang memiliki sifat seperti bambu. Di dalam tanaman bambu terkandung nilai-nilai luhur. Demikian juga seorang raja atau pemimpin harus memiliki nilai-nilai luhur.
Beteno Ne Tombula, Antropolinguistik, Nilai-nilai luhur
Corresponding Author
Hardin S.Pd., M.Si.
(a) Halu Oleo University
(b) Halu Oleo University
(c) Halu Oleo University
This article aims to strengthen the value of character through traditional games on elementary school students in SD Negeri 11 Tobemeita, Kendari City. This is very important, considering the phenomenon of childrens activity when moral degradation occurs due to the intensity of children playing modern games. Where, modern games are identical with the use of technology such as video games and online games. In addition, modern games are very influential on the behavior of children who tend to be passive and individual in nature and behave less well on their peers. The impact of addiction to modern video games and online games on children is a very serious problem that must be overcome by this nation. Therefore, concrete steps are needed in overcoming this problem. The alternative solution offered is to introduce and familiarize children in playing traditional games in their environment. The methods used are interviews, observation of socialization and documentation. As for the character values in traditional games instilled in Tobemeita State Elementary School 11 students are the value of cooperation, the value of creativity, the value of socialization, the value of honesty and the value of creativity.
Strengthening Character Values, Traditional Games, Elementary School Students.
Corresponding Author
La Ode Sidu Marafad, M.S.
Faculty of Teacher and Education, Halu Oleo University, South East of Sulawesi,
Kendari Indonesia
This paper is entitled Characteristics of Word Forms of Fractions in Muna Language. The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyze the variation of word forms of fraction in Muna language. The problem is, how does the variations in the word form of fractions in Muna language? The method used is descriptive qualitative method. The result is the word forms of fractions in Muna language are very varied. The form variation depends on the character and the shape of the object to be divided. When it is a solid object, the name of the word fraction depends on the shape, how it is divided, and the size of the object. Coconut fruit that has been peeled, then split, the parts are called setawe one piece. Jackfruit cut in half; the parts are called sebhogha one piece or rua bhogha two pieces. A bamboo is cut in two; the parts are called sebhegha one piece. A piece of wood, then cut, the parts are called sebhera one piece. However, wood that is in an upright position, then cut is called selako ‘one piece-. The rope is broken, the parts are called an ‘a piece-. For liquid, the chopped number depends on the position of the liquid surface in its place. Water that is filled in a bottle, if the surface position is about a quarter is called sekorono. If the surface position is about half is called sewuntano. If the surface position is about three-quarters is called sesalangga.
characteristics, word form, fractions, Muna language
Corresponding Author
Manik Warmadewi
Universitas Warmadewa
The tittle of this paper is ‘Code Mixing in the Students- Passages at SMAN 1 Mengwi-. This paper discusses the form of words and phrase in the code mixing in the students of SMAN 1 Mengwi chosen because of research needs and there are many code mixing as the analysis process. The data of this research were taken from the students SMAN 1 Mengwi. This research is used library research method in the analysis of use of code mixing in book Language contact and bilingualism. These research procedures were, first I read book of Language contact and bilingualism. Second, the sentences that contained code mixing was written on the paper. Third, the sentences were connected with the theory. Moreover, the last procedure, is the data were analyzed especially the forms of words and phrase in the use of code mixing. The theory which is used to analyzing the data is based on the context of situation which proposed by Ronald Wardaugh in his book entitled An Introductions to Sociolinguistics (1986) as main theory, and Pieter Muysken in his book entitled Bilingual Speech: A Typology of Code-Mixing (2000). As supporting theory.
code mixing, word, phrase
Corresponding Author
Made Susini
Universitas Warmadewa
The title of this paper is Code Switching and Code Mixing Used in Skinnyindonesian24. In this paper, the discussion is focused on English-Indonesian code switching and code mixing that it used by the writer as an effect of bilingualism needed in this modern life. The study is limited to only the following points: types of English-Indonesian switching and mixing and the functions of English-Indonesian code switching and code mixing. All of data were taken from the Skinnyindonesian24 YouTube channel from two brothers of Da Lopez they are Jovial da Lopez or Kajo and Andovi da Lopez. The data is taken from School Trour video released on October 30, 2018. The data collection method in this paper is library research. The library research is done by watching the School Tour video by Skinnyindonesian24 carefully. There are three steps in data collection. First, watch the School Tour video carefully and repeatedly to understand the content. Second, note the data which contain code switching and code mixing. The last steps, separated the words are included in the types and factors causing code switching and code mixing. The data were analyzed using the qualitative method, the theory applied in this study were based on the theory proposed by Wardhaugh (1986: 103) in his book entitled "An Introduction to Sociolinguistics”. The result from data research shown that there were three types of code switching and code mixing found, they are tag swithing intersentential switching, intra-switching and insertion, alternation, congruent lexicalization. The factors that caused the writer to used code switching are four factors and all of them are contained in video the Skinnyindonesian24. There are also several factors that cause the author to use code mixing, from five factors, there were three factors are found in the data, they are language dominance, language attitude, psycholinguistic motivation.
Bilingualism, Code Switching, Code Mixing
Corresponding Author
Joseph Carlton Lovestrand
Yayasan Suluh Insan Lestari
Designing orthographies is a challenge because each orthography needs to be adapted to the language and to the society that will use it. Two examples from very different parts of the world illustrate how the process of orthography design must be localized: Barayin (Chad, Africa) and Kodi (Sumba, Indonesia). Phonologically, on challenge in the Barayin orthography is that it must find a way to represent contrastive tone. In Kodi, most words can drop a syllable in many contexts. The Kodi orthography rules must decide if the language should be written the way it is pronounced, or if syllables that are not pronounced should still be written. Government involvement in Chad is primarily through a set of guidelines. For example, they recommend the letter
orthography, mother tongue literacy, Barayin, Chad, Kodi, Sumba
Corresponding Author
Jafar Lantowa
State University of Gorontalo, Indonesia
Folklore is a story of the past that is the hallmark of each region that contains the cultural and historical diversity. Folklores whose stories are similar are South Kalimantan folklore "Telaga Bidadari" and Makassar folklore "Taman Bidadari". Because of these similarities, the author examined further the structure of the two folklores to find similarities and differences. This study aimed to determine the similarities and differences in structure contained in the South Kalimantan folklore "Telaga Bidadari" and Makassar folklore "Taman Bidadari" in the form of themes, characters and characterizations, plot, setting, and message. The method used in this study was descriptive qualitative research method. This study was conducted by noting the quotations of events contained in the two folklores, then analysed them through structure and comparative literature studies. The result showed similarities in the elements of theme and plot, and differences in the elements of characters and characterizations, settings, number of characters, and number of conflicts.
Folklore; Structure; Comparative Literature
Corresponding Author
Amiruddin Eso
a. Department of Biomedical Science, Faculty of Medicine, Halu Oleo University, Indonesia
b. Faculty of Cultural Science, Halu Oleo University, Indonesia
c. Medical Education Program, Halu Oleo University, Indonesia
Learning is phase of the attitude change as the result of experience and environment interaction that involves cognitive process. This study aims to compare visual, auditory and kinesthetic style toward academic achievement of Medical Education Student. An Observational analytic with cross sectional design. Samples were 184 respondents of Medical Education Programm with stratified sampling technique. Data analysis using Chi Square Statistical Test and Kolmogorof Smirnov. Significant level at 0,05. There was significant difference of visual and auditory style toward academic achievement (p = 0,018 and r = 0,114). There was significant difference of visual and kinesthetic style toward academic achievement (p = 0,005 and r = 0,111). There was no significant difference of auditory and kinesthetic style toward academic achievement (p = 0,955 and r = 0,009). It be concluded that visual better than auditory and kinesthetic style toward improvement of academic achievement.
academic achievement, auditory, kinesthetic, Visual learning style, Medical Education student
Corresponding Author
Universitas Sembilan Belas November Kolaka
Contrastive analysis is the science of language that is used to compare the two languages or more to obtain the differences or similarities. Indonesian Language (BI) and Sasak language (BS) have different characteristics and structures according to the rules of each language. To determine the structure of the two languages can be demonstrated by comparing both languages. In this study, the researchers limited the problem comparing BI and BS based on personal pronoun. The purpose of this study is, to describe differences in BI and BS based on persona. The approach used in this study include theoretical and methodological approaches. Theoretically, this study uses a synchronous approach contrastive, while methodologically this study using a comparative descriptive approach. The data source of this research is the sentence BI and BS acquired from textbooks, mass media, and the conversation in the BI and BS, data collection method in this research is to use techniques refer, engineering and technical note introspection. Analysis of the data used to compare the BI and BS based persona is descriptive contrastive. The results of this study indicate persona in the form of Pronouns BS meno-mene dialect, has a free form, phrases and bound form.
Contrastive Analysis, personal pronoun, BS (Sasak Languange)
Corresponding Author
Kampus A UNJ, Gedung Bung Hatta, Jl. R.Mangun Muka, Kec. Pulo Gadung, Kota Jakarta Timur, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 13220
The purpose of this research is to find out the forms of cultural hegemony in Novel Under the Shadow of Ode by Sumiman Udu. Cultural Influences in the novel Under the Shadows Ode Karya Sumiman Udu is a love story of two human children namely Amalia Ode and Imam who are hindered by the cruelty of customs and culture, in this novel tells of a society that still holds fast to the values of wisdom and advice- the interpretation is still ambiguous in its interpretation. Seeing that Amalia Ode has a peerage, the Imam cannot do anything because the Amalia Ode family has a very different social stratification from the Imam, Amalia Ode is like fertile soil, good seeds if cared for must grow well. The amount of news that spread so that makes the Imam does not feel at home anymore to hear it also tells that someone who wants to find a mate does not require and impose the will of others to get married. The hegemony consideration that makes the hegemony of dominance is very thick when Amalia Ode and Imam are used as material for the warmest gossip, a habit that has been carried down for generations.
Hegemony, Culture, Stratification, Power, Domination
Corresponding Author
Ummul Hasanah
Korean Language, Vocational College, Universitas Gadjah Mada
In the business perspective, Korean companies are recognized and famous for their distinctive Korean corporate culture. Value of confucianism is used strongly in Korean corporate culture which can be very new when adapted to people from different culture. The new corporate culture brings culture shock to those working in Korean companies which somehow affects their job satisfaction respectively. This study aims to reveal the culure shock and job satisfaction of Diploma 3 Korean Language Graduates from Vocational College, Universitas Gadjah Mada in various Korean Companies in Indonesia. By using questionnaire on Job Satisfaction based on Wellness Council America Standard and qualitative method, the data is obtained and analyzed. The result shows that despite various culture shocks employees might experince when working in Korean company, most feel satisfied when working mainly because of a chance to use Korean Language skills better when working in Korean company compared to working in Indonesian company. Hence, it can be concluded that as long as Korean Language graduates are able to adapt and learn in Korean corporate culture, they can gain satisfaction in working which will become a win win solution both for Korean companies in Indonesia and the Indonesian employees themselves.
culture shock, job satisfaction, Korean company, Korean language, alumni, Korean corporate culture
Corresponding Author
I Gusti Ayu Agung Dian Susanthi
Universitas Warmadewa
In this paper, the writer tries to analyze and discuss about the type, class words and the use of deixis found in the movie script Sing. Data were collected from the movie script of Sing. The data were then classified based on types to Levinson-s Theory (1983). The specific aims of this paper is to describe and analyze the types of deixis in the movie script, analyze sentence by sentence. By doing this research be able to know more details about the types of deixis. Then analyzed, it was the types, class words and the use of deixis in the movie Sing. In collecting the data, observation method was applied. First the writer watched the movie than observed the subtitle in the movie. Then were quoted the selected data, and classified in accordance with their types of deixis. Based on the result of analysis, it was found there are five types of deixis, such as person deixis (including I, my, me, she, her, his, she, he, we, you, they) time deixis (including now ), place deixis (including here ), discourse deixis ( including this, that ) and social deixis (including mommy and grandpa ).
Meaning & Deixis
Corresponding Author
La Yani Konisi
Indonesian Study Department of Halu Oleo University
The category of demonstrative in several languages is very limited. In Indonesian language, there are only two demonstrative forms, they are ini ‘this/these- and itu ‘that/those-. It just only refers to distance of speaker. It differs to Ciacia language. In Ciacia language (CL), the classification of CL is not only based on the distance of speaker but also the direction factor. Even, the classification of based on the distance can be divided further in rather close, close, far, rather far, and very far. Likewise, classification of based on the direction can divided in forward, sideways, downward, and towards the back (passed). CL is one of local languages in Southeast Sulawesi. The data were collected through interview method with recording and noting techniques. The data was analyzed through apportioned and changing methods. Based on the result of data analysis, demonstrative of CL language is classified based on the forms, they are (a) single form, (b) integral form, (c) compound form. Based on distance and direction, it can be classified as follow (1) rather closed with all directions, (2) closed with all directions, (3) rather far: (a) upward, (b) sideways, (c) downward; and far position: (a) forward, (b) upward/high, and (c) backward/far.
Demonstrative, direction, distance, Ciacia language
Corresponding Author
Zahrani Zainuddin
(a) Halu Oleo University
(b) Halu Oleo University
(c) Halu Oleo University
(d) Halu Oleo University
(e) Halu Oleo University
Contrastive linguistics is one branch of linguistics that studies and describes the similarities and differences in structure or aspects contained in two or more languages. Contrastive studies of Indonesian (B1) and Arabic (B2) are important because Indonesian language absorbs much of the Arabic vocabularies. B1 and B2 have different characteristics and structures according to the rules of each language. This study aims to compare the derivational system in B1 with B2 using a contrastive study, which describes the affixes of derivational formatures and their construction in B1 and B2, as well as the types of derivations in B1 and B2. This research is a library research with descriptive qualitative methods. Data obtained from several Indonesian and Arabic literatures. The results of this study reveal that there are 21 affixes derivational formatures in B1 and 10 affixes derivational formatures in B2. Furthermore, the types of derivations are deverbal, denominal, deadjektival and deadverbial.
Contrastive Linguistics, Derivational Morphology, Indonesian, Arabic
Corresponding Author
Halu Oleo University
This study aims to analyze a clear description of the development of local content curriculum at the elementary school level in urban, coastal and rural areas by introducing the natural conditions, cultural environment, social environment in the area. This research was carried out in elementary schools in Konawe, namely Unaaha 1 Public Elementary School and Unaaha State Elementary School 2, State Elementary School 1 and Analahumbuti State Elementary School 2, State Elementary School 1 and Muara Sampara State Elementary School 2. Meanwhile, the determination of information uses the snowball sampling method. With the following criteria: (1) Teacher, (2) Headmaster, (3) Head of Office, (4) Head of Curriculum Unit (5) Community leaders with knowledge of the problem being studied. Data collection techniques carried out by in-depth interviews, observation techniques and Focus Group Discussion techniques. Based on the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded that: (1) Local content curriculum is an inseparable part of the national curriculum, its existence is prioritized so that the implementation of education in the region increases its relevance to the circumstances and needs of its environment, aimed primarily at making students love the environment because the local content curriculum is adjusted to the characteristics, regional potential, and prospects for regional development including regional excellence. (2) The process of developing a local content curriculum in SDN Konawe Regency is carried out directly by the school. The schools referred to here are the principal, the teacher of local content studies, and the school committee.
Development of Local Content Curriculum, Elementary School Level
Corresponding Author
Faika Burhan, S.S., M.A.
(a) Halu Oleo University
(b) Halu Oleo University
(c) Halu Oleo University
(d) Halu Oleo University
(e) Halu Oleo University
This study aims to describe: 1) Bugis Diaspora in North Konawe (1964-2016), 2) The economic development of the Bugis community in North Konawe in 1964-2016. 3) Factors supporting the development of the economic life of the Bugis community in North Konawe. The method used in this study is the historical method with the following stages 1) Topic Selection, 2) Collection of sources, 3) Source criticism (external and internal), 4) Interpretation of sources (analysis and synthesis), 5) Historiography. Research Results 1) Bugis Diaspora in North Konawe originated from the arrival of Bugis people from the Pattiro Kajuara and Kaju districts of Bone. The arrival of the Bugis community in North Konawe went through three stages, namely (a) Since the Dutch intervention in the government of the Kingdom of Bone, (b) the beginning of the independence of the Republic of Indonesia, and (c) the DI / TII rebellion. 2) The economic development of the Bugis community in North Konawe was divided into two periods, namely 1964-1990 and 1990-2016, on the grounds that in the two periods there were significant differences in the economy of the Bugis community in North Konawe. In the period 1964-1990 the Bugis people lived with knowledge and skills that were still simple and traditional, so that their production was limited to their daily needs. In the period 1990-2016, the Bugis community had begun to recognize and use modern infrastructure in fishing and farming so that the economic income of the Bugis community increased.
Diaspora, Bugis Society, Economic Development.
Corresponding Author
Efriani M.Ant.
Prodi Antropologi FISIP Universitas Tanjungpura
Jalan Prof. Hadari Nawawi, Pontianak 1049
Dayak Tamambaloh is divided into 4 social classes; Samagat, Pabiring, Ulun /Banua and Pangkam. Samagat is the highest strata and has the right as a leader called Tamanggung. Tamanggung is a Samagat with pure blood not mixed with the strata underneath. Therefore, Samagat is obliged to marry fellow Samagat with the aim of preserving offspring for the birth of prospective Tamanggung. However, this obligation collides with the exogamy marriage system of the Tamambaloh Dayak core family. Thus, this study aims to examine the way Samagat maintains its social strata. This research uses the concept of symbolic interaction. This study uses a qualitative method. Data collected by interview and observation. The unit of analysis for this study was Samagat Dayak Tamambaloh. This research shows, there is a panyonyok custom which becomes a symbol transaction to maintain the social strata of Samagat. Panyonyok is a dowry gift in the form of a fire cannon or gong or crock by the bridegroom to the bride. Symbolically Panyonyok has four functions. First, to maintain, raise the social strata of offspring or children. Second, the symbol of the union of the extended family of men and women. Third, a symbol of assurance of husband and wife loyalty. Fourth as a media "showing off", or a form of prestige.
Dowry, Social Strata, Marriage Culture
Corresponding Author
Ghulamin Khalim Subagiyo
Universitas Negeri Semarang
Environmental problems are often recurring and almost the same, but there is no surefire solution to overcome them so that damage to nature and the environment continues to occur. Literary ecocritics is a perspective that considers environmental aspects into literature. This study aims to analyze the ecological dimensions in the novel Kelomang. This type of research is qualitative research. The approach in this research uses the sociology of literature approach. The data in this study were in the form of fragments of the text of the novel Kelomang by Qizink La Aziva which allegedly had links to ecology. The data collection technique used in this study is the documentation technique. The data analysis technique used in this study is the analysis of literary ecocritical analysis. Ecocritical studies in this research are natural ecology and sociocultural ecology of the community. Natural ecology is in the form of a literary relationship with efforts to preserve nature and a relationship of literature with nature as a source of human life. Sociocultural ecology is a replica of the condition of a society in relation to nature and culture. Found several phenomena, such as the rise of cases of corruption, bribery, and the firmness of principles against the practice of corruption and bribery.
Ecocritics, Literature, Novels
Corresponding Author
Ike Ratnawati
Arts Education Doctoral Degree Program Universitas Negeri Semarang (ike.ratnawati.fs[at]um.ac.id)
Arts Education Doctoral Degree Program Universitas Negeri Semarang (triyanto[at]mail.unnes.ac.id)
Visual Arts Departemen Universitas Negeri Semarang (kirmuharrar[at]mail.unnes.ac.id)
In Indonesia, batik grows and develops in accordance to the dynamics of society. Batik is not only a traditional artwhich is closely attached to Indonesia, but now batik is an idol in both social and economic development. One example is the Banyuwangi-s batik motif, which its use is not only as a sacred function but also as a profane function. Banyuwangi-s batik motif is not only on its fabric, but it will also function as a local identity. Banyuwangi region is trying to be a leader in building a new and dominant community structure in East Java. Moreover, in terms of education, all teachers behaviors should also be based on the new structures that have to contend with cultural realities and cultural interactions. The research method used to present the efforts to affirm the local identities in Banyuwangi-s batik motifs is a qualitative study supported by cultural studies approach. In this study, the problem being discussed is how the Banyuwangi-s batik motifs are and how they reflect to the local identities of its culture, including batik, which has specific characteristics related to Banyuwangi community. Thus, Banyuwangi-s batik motif is an interesting area of study and is important as seen from several perspectives.
Local Identity, Motifs, Banyuwangi-s Batik
Corresponding Author
Andi Paida
Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar, UIN Alauddin Makassar
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui keefektifan model pembelajaran berbasis proyek terhadap peningkatan kemampuan menulis teks eksposisi siswa Kelas XI SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Makassar. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Makassar tahun ajaran 2018/2019. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XIKPW SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Makassar yang terdiri dari 14 siswa dengan 14 siswa perempuan dan 0 siswa laki-laki. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan dua instrumen, yaitu angket kompetensi afektif dan tes hasil belajar (kognitif) bahasa Indonesia. Hasil analisis statistika menunjukkan bahwa hasil belajar bahasa Indonesia siswa kelas XIKPW SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Makassar dikategorikan sedang dengan skor rata-rata 81 dengan standar deviasi 2,68 dari skor ideal 100. Dari hasil analisis di atas maka dapat disimpulkan terdapat keefektifan antara pembelajaran berbasis proyek dalam menulis teks eksposisi siswa terhadap hasil belajar bahasa Indonesia kelas XI KPW SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Makassar.
Eksposisi, dan pembelajaran berbasis proyek
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