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Andi Lely Nurmaya. G (a*), Irsan (b), Nur Dahniar (c), Mitrakasih Laode Onde (d), Hijrawatil Aswat (e)

Departement of Primary Teacher Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University Of Muhammadiyah Buton.


The educational process is inseparable from the large role of educators (teachers) will succeed or not learn that takes place at school. In carrying out the task, the teacher challenges various challenges, challenges and challenges in the field, not the least number of teachers who are less able to process the learning process so it is difficult to influence students at school. The amount of research conducted by teachers is also very lacking due to the lack of knowledge and ability of teachers in carrying out a study. The solution offered to overcome the discussion discussed in the field is to conduct self-empowerment activities of teachers with the term self-empowerment which is the main key in efforts to improve professionalism in elementary schools. This research was conducted in Southeast Sulawesi Province in the Baubau City Primary School. The method in this research is descriptive qualitative using instruments in data collection. The results obtained from the study show that teacher self empowerment can provide positive results on increasing professionalism in learning activities at school, teachers will get new ideas and techniques about the teaching and learning process.

Keywords: Self Empowerment, Teacher Professionalism

Topic: Education


Conference: 1st Borobudur International Symposium (BIS 2019)

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