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Enhancing Organizational Support to Reduce Voluntary Employees Turnover Level in Private Organizations: The Mediation of Work Stress
Arif Partono Prasetio, Sumrahadi, Elvira Azis, Abyan Ghiffarie, Dhianya Ayuning Prameswari

TELKOM University


The present study was aimed to examine the relationship between perceived organizational support and turnover intention among employees in private sector. The study also focused work stress as mediator in the relation. The participants of this study were employees in consultant and garment industry. Data was collected throught human resources manager and we have 215 useable responses. Results of the study revealed that employee perceived that there was strong organizational support. They also experience low level of turnover intention. Emplyoyees experience medium to low level of work stress. Process Macro with SPSS was used to identify the relation between variables and also to examine whether there is a mediation or not. Current study using cross-sectional approach to highlight the existence of relationships between variables. It was found that perceived organizational support has significant negative effect on work stress and turnover intention. While work stress has positive effect on turnover intention. The study also proved that work stress played a mediation role on the relationship between perceived suport and turnover intention. It is important for organization to provide adequate support for employees so they will experience less stress and will stay longer.

Keywords: perceived organizational support, work stress, turnover intenion.

Topic: Organizational Behavior, Leadership and Human Resources Management


Conference: The 4th Global Conference on Business, Management and Entrepreneurship (GCBME 2019)

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