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Impact of E-Ticketing Application on Bus Transportation in Bandung City
Eddy S Soegoto(a) Rudy Setiawan(b) Rizky Jumansyah(c)

(a)Department Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik
(b)Informatics Engineering Department
(c)Department Sistem Informasi


This study aims to determine the impact of the application of the e-ticketing system on bus transportation for the peoples of Bandung. To support research, the method used is a qualitative research method aimed for the peoples of Bandung and to one of the bus transportation service providers in the city of Bandung. The results show that there are some positive impact on the implementation of e-ticketing system, one of which is to increase public interest in the public transport in order to reduce the congestion that often occurs during. This is because the implementation of e-ticketing systems on public transportation provides convenience and comfort in ticket booking services, both for the peoples and for the providers of transportation services. Of course the convenience and comfort can encourage peoples to use public transportation in carrying out their daily activities.

Keywords: E-commerce, online business, titling services

Topic: Entrepreneurship


Conference: International Conference on Business, Economics, Social Sciences, and Humanities (ICOBEST 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Eddy Soeryanto Soegoto)

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