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Utilization of Betoambari Sub District Coastal as A Learning Source for Ecosystem and Environmental Pollution Topics
Syamsul Bahari Bahar (a*), Fahmil Ikhsan Taharu (b), Ahmad Efendi (c), Agusman (d), Idwan (e)

a) Department of Civil Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Buton, Jl. Betoambari No. 36 Baubau 93712, Indonesia
b) Department of Biology Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Buton, Jl. Betoambari No. 36 Baubau 93712, Indonesia
c), d), e) Department of Civil Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Buton, Jl. Betoambari No. 36 Baubau 93712, Indonesia


This study aims to identify the potential of the coast in Betoambari District to be a source of learning on the topic of ecosystems and environmental pollution in high schools and colleges. This research is a descriptive study that attempts to describe the coastal potential of Betoambari sub-district as a source of learning. This study consists of two stages, namely the exploration phase which aims to explore the coast and identify each potential source of learning from the beach then followed by the stages of learning development using the coast of Betoambari sub-district as a source of learning. The results showed that the coast of Betoambari sub-district had various ecosystems to be used as learning resources such as coastal, coral, mangrove, and seagrass ecosystems. Besides, a large number of community activities on the coast and the presence of fuel oil ports around the coast makes this coast a potential source of learning in monitoring the level of pollution. The results of the research at the learning development stage show that the tools developed by utilizing the coast of the Betoambari sub-district as a source of learning are classified as feasible and students respond positively to learning.

Keywords: Learning resources, Ecosystem and Environmental Pollution

Topic: Learning Technology


Conference: 1st Borobudur International Symposium (BIS 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (SYAMSUL BAHRI BAHAR)

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