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Uncovering Potential of Mimba and Piretrium Extract as Biolarvacide of Aedes aegypti for Dengue Control
Firda Yanuar Pradani 1 Mutiara Widawati1 Siwi Pramatama Mars Wijayanti 2

1) LokaLitbangKes Pangandaran,National Institute Health of Research and Development
2) Public Health Department, Faculty of Health Sciences, Jenderal Soedirman University


Currently, several problems raised from the frequent application of chemical insecticide for dengue control such as insecticide resistance and environmental health issues. This fact supporting the need of the alternative active ingredients which are natural and could not develop insecticide resistance. This study aims to find out the potential of Pyrethrum (Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium (Trevir.) Vi) and Neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) as biolarvacide against Aedes aegypti. This is a quasi-experimental study using several combinations of Pyrethrum and Neem extracts. Larval deaths were observed every hour until 24 hours and a number of dead larvae were calculated. Results of this study showed that almost all formulations caused death of larvae in the first hour except formulation 5 (2 ml Pyrethrum + 1 ml DMSO + 24 ml liquid parrafin + 24 ml chitin), formulation 8 (49 ml neem + 1 ml Tween 20) and formulation 11 (49 ml neem + 1 ml DMSO). These results emphasized the potential of a formulation containing Pyrethrum and neem as biolarvacide against Aedes aegypti.

Keywords: dengue, Pyrethrum, neem, larvacide

Topic: Communicable and Non Communicable Diseases


Conference: The 3rd International Conference of Health Sciences (ICHS 2019)

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