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The Effectiveness of On-street Parking Fee in Pangkalpinang City
Revy Safitri (a*), Ririn Amelia (b), Jeanne Darc Noviayanti Manik (c)

a) Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Bangka Belitung, Jl. Kampus Terpadu Balunijuk, Indonesia
b) Mathematics Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Bangka Belitung, Jl. Kampus Terpadu Balunijuk, Indonesia
c) Department of Law, Faculty of Law, Universitas Bangka Belitung, Jl. Kampus Terpadu Balunijuk, Indonesia


The Capital of Bangka Belitung Province, Pangkalpinang City, become a center of various activity that generates high vehicle trips. The high vehicle trips require larger parking spaces. Therefore, the parking space in this city not only provide parking lots but also provide on-street parking. The Government of Pangkalpinang City has established the policy of on-street parking fees for parking management. But, the implementation of on-street parking in Pangkalpinang City has not run optimally. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the current on-street parking fee. In this study, the effectiveness of the on-street parking fee is reviewed based on current fees, willingness and ability to pay for parking users. Data collection was collected by distributing questionnaires to on-street parking users. The results showed a difference between the official and current on-street parking fees. In addition, the current fee is considered too low when compared to the users willingness to pay and ability to pay.

Keywords: on-street parking, parking fee, willingness to pay, ability to pay

Topic: Civil Engineering


Conference: 1st Borobudur International Symposium (BIS 2019)

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