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Influence Management of Madrasah Head Strategy in Improving Teacher Performance in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah in Bandongan District
Angga Saputra, Suliswiyadi, Nurodin Usman

Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang


This study aims to determine and empirically test the influence of Madrasah Principal Management Strategy on the Performance of Ibtidaiyah Madrasah Teachers in Bandongan District.Data collection methods in this study used a questionnaire method. The population in this study was the Teacher and Principal of Madrasas in 6 Madrasah Ibtidaiyah in Bandongan District. The sample in this study was 46 teachers and 6 principals, the sampling technique was determined by purposive sampling technique. Data analysis techniques in this study used quantitative analysis with statistics.The results showed that the management strategy of the madrasah head had no effect on teacher performance. Another factor of this research can be organizational commitment, and internal control and other variables not explained in this study. These results indicate that Ho was accepted and Ha was rejected. These results indicate that the variable management of madrasah head strategy does not affect teacher performance.

Keywords: Management of Madrasah Principals strategies on Teacher Performance

Topic: Education


Conference: 1st Borobudur International Symposium (BIS 2019)

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