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Improving Cognitive Development in Recognizing Numbers and Colors by Using Demonstration Method For Children
Puji Suryani, Henliandra Oktavianur, Khairunisa, Reza Edwin Sulistiyaningtyas, Lilis Madyawati, Munifah Bahfen

Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta
Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang


This study aims at finding out the improvement of students cognitive development in recognizing numbers and colors after demonstration method was applied to A1, aged 4-5, class of TK ABA (Aisyiyah Kindergarten) Jayan Borobudur in semester 1 the academic year of 2019-2020. It is a classroom action research conducted in 2 cycles. The subject of this study was 13 students, 7 boys, and 6 girls. The data in the form of the students cognitive development in recognizing numbers and colors were obtained from observation, interview, and documentation. The data were then analyzed using the descriptive qualitative method. The result showed that there was a cognitive development in recognizing numbers and colors after the action. Before the action, there were five students categorized as not yet developed, and eight students categorized as start to develop. After the cycle I, a student belonged to not yet developed, three students belonging to start to develop, and nine students belonging to developed as expected. After cycle II, the was no students in the category of yot yet developed, three students in dtart to develop, three students in Developed as Expected, and nine students in the Well-Developed category.

Keywords: Preschool Children, Cognitive Development, demonstration method.

Topic: Education


Conference: 1st Borobudur International Symposium (BIS 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Ari Suryawan)

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