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Ani Yuningsih, M. Husen Fahmi, M. Subur Drajat, Erik Setiawan

Faculty of Communication, Universitas Islam Bandung


Dissemination of information in urban areas requires a separate strategy and approach, because people in urban areas generally have diverse characteristics and information needs. In addition, issues in each region are also relatively dynamic, with different priority problem solving scales. The flow of information and communication of urban communities for dissemination and access to information on government programs, need an interactive and a collaborative patterns of both parties. The existence of the Community Information Group (KIM) in urban areas in Indonesia, is a facilitator between the government and citizens. For example, in the city of Bandung in Indonesia, various activities are carried out by KIM, which is referred to as "ADINDA", which stands for: Access to Information, Discussion, Implementation, Networking, Dissemination and Advocacy of Aspirations. All of these activities require the competence of science and communication skills of the fasilitator, especially the skill of managing creative messages and the skill of optimally utilizing media. The facts, show that the majority of KIM administrators and also facilitators do not yet have sufficient theoretical and practical communication competencies, thus requiring empowerment in through communication training. Empowerment has been carried out through training utilizing communication media such as photos, videos, graphics and other applications on smartphones, as the main instrument used by KIM. Moreover using discussion methods, simulations and practices through the relevant communication laboratory facilities and infrastructure. Based on evaluations using pretest and posttest, quantitatively and qualitatively or observation, the results of empowerment activities indicate that there are an increase in the knowledge and skills of KIM administrators and facilitators in the use of communication media and smartphone usage. This means that the use of appropriate methods, media and training materials can optimize the role of communication in information dissemination. Optimizing the role of KIM communication in urban communities through the use of smartphone media can be done through appropriate training and empowerment activities.

Keywords: information dissemination, optimization of the role of communication, media, empowerment

Topic: Communication


Conference: Social and Humaniora Research Symposium (SoRes 2019)

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