Faculty of Economy and Bussiness, Telkom University Kampus Utara Gedung Marore Jalan Gegerkalong Hilir No. 47, Bandung 40152, Indonesia rezaauliayushendri[at]
At present the sales competition for insurance products has Increased dramatically starting in the last few years. In addition, competition began to become more fierce, marked by the active start of the AEC organization or the ASEAN Economic Community in early 2016. Competition in insurance sales is assumed to be even more fierce with the existence of the AEC, because insurance companies will not only compete with domestic insurance company rivals, but also will face new competition from insurance companies from countries that are members of ASEAN. With this dramatic increase in competition, several insurance companies located in Bandung experienced a decline in sales of insurance products for a while before returning to a stable state. The opposite happened to Prudential insurance companies, although it had experienced a decline in sales but quickly returned to stability and increased sales more than in previous years. If this is left for the foreseeable future, other insurance companies will lag far behind Prudential. With the above problems, the author tries to help other insurance companies besides Prudential to increase sales by conducting research that is expected to help solve problems. This study aims to determine whether the marketing mix has an influence on insurance product purchasing decisions at the Prudential company Bandung branch office. This type of research is included in quantitative research, and based on its objectives classified as descriptive studies. The sample studied was decided using the Accidental Sampling technique which is one of technique used in Non Probability Sampling Method by selecting individuals that is easier to meet with a total sample of 96 respondents by result of sampling technique computation. The method of data collection is use survey questionare and analyze using descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. Research and testing is done with the help of SPSS program. From result of the research, is it found that variable product and process are the most significant marketing mixes variables toward purchase decision. Result of the research also point out that seven variables of marketing mixes simultaneously influence customer purchase decision.
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