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Improvement of Knowledge about Iron Deficiency Anemia and Its Prevention in Bustanul Athfal Teachers Malang
Diah Hermayanti, Meddy Setiawan, Hawin Nurdiana

Medical Faculty, Malang Muhammadiyah University


Background : Iron deficiency anemia is still of the national nutritional problems in Indonesia. This anemia mainly affects women and children. In women, increased of iron need is due to pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. In infants and children this due to thier needs for growth. Iron deficiency anemia is also influenced by socioeconomic factors, malabsortion, and infection. In this study, a deficiency anemia prevention training was conducted in Busthanul Athfal teacher in Malang. Goals : comparing the average knowledge about iron deficiency anemia and its prevention before and after training. Methods : the research was conducted with training activities and pre-post test. Data was analized by comparative analytic paired Ttest. Results and discussion : The questionnaire wa filled by 46 paticipants. The avarage value of pre test wa 47.8 and the post test was 75.2. T different test 0.000 9p<0.05). There is an increase in knowledge about iron deficiency anemia and its prevention Conclusion : There was an increase in knowledge about iron deficiency anemia and its prevention after training in Busthanul Athfal teachers.

Keywords: iron deficiency anemia, knowledge, prevention

Topic: Community Health


Conference: The 2nd Health Science International Conference (HSIC 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Diah Hermayanti)

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