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Intrapreneurship, Job Satisfaction, Gender, and Employee Performance: A Model
Laili Qomariyah (a*), Aning Az Zahra (b)

a) Faculty of Psychology and Humanities
Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang
Magelang, Indonesia
b) Faculty of Psychology and Humanities
Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang
Magelang, Indonesia[at]


Intrapreneurship is the entrepreneurial behavior of employee which is one of the important variables to improve employee performance. This study aims to investigate the effect of intrapreneurship as a mediator for job satisfaction and gender on employee performance. The study was conducted using a quantitative approach with a survey method by filled the scale of intrapreneurship scale, job satisfaction scale, and employee performance scale. Number of research subjects are 117 employees who came from many sectors with criteria is employee who work in unit of marketing, sales, and, services. Data analyzed by structural equation modeling (SEM) with the mediation model. The result of the research showed that intrapreneurship able to be a full mediator of the relationship between sex and employee performance, and sex to be not significant toward employee performance by controlled intrapreneurship. Partially the researchers also analyzed the relationship between gender toward employee performance without controlled intrapreneurship and the results of the analysis showed that gender was able to influence employee performance variables significantly. The result confirms that intrapreneurship was able to complete mediator. Also, intrapreneurship can partially mediate the relationship between job satisfaction and employee performance. The practical implication of this research is companies can improve the intrapreneurship competencies of the employee, especially for employees who are already in the unproductive age to continue to maintain and improve their performance

Keywords: intrapreneurship, employee performance, job satisfaction, entrepreneurial behavior

Topic: Psychology


Conference: 1st Borobudur International Symposium (BIS 2019)

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