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Science Technology Integration With Islamic Values: Empowering Education Model
Moch. Charis Hidayat, Sokhibul Arifin, Asrori, Rusman

Islamic Education Department, Faculty Of Islamic Studies, Muhammadiyah Surabaya University, Indonesia


Dichotomous view of science and technology with the religious consequences on ambivalence in the Islamic education system. On one side considers the issue of Islamic educational institutions muamalah not the main areas to be assessed; while on the other hand, the modernization of Islamic education system will need to enter the general education curriculum. This resulted in a shift in meaning that religious subjects only a legitimacy to achieve the goal of a modern education system as well as a gap between the Islamic educational system with the teachings of Islam. Therefore, the integration of Islamic values into science and technology in the learning process is a necessity to improve the quality of Islamic education are still lagging behind. Through this integration, the universality of Islamic values will underlie the development of science and technology and also the continuity of the educational process. Integration efforts are expected existence of Islamic educational institutions more effectively implement transformation of Islamic values into science and technology so that the implementation of the educational process can bring benefits to the welfare of mankind as a whole as well to eliminate the negative effects of science and technology as the basis for the modernization which is sometimes contrary to the values humanitarian, cultural and religious.

Keywords: Islamic Education System, Islamic Value and Integration, empowering education model

Topic: Learning Technology


Conference: 1st Borobudur International Symposium (BIS 2019)

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