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Moh. Roqib and Suparjo

IAIN Purwokerto


This paper elaborates the role of teacher in counteracting the influence of the transnational ideology of Khilafah to high school students which has potentials to give birth to religious radicalism and endanger their nationalism. This qualitative research with ethnographic approach took place at SMA N 1, SMA 2 and SMA N 3 Purwokerto. The reason for choosing Purwokerto as the location of the research is because it is a student city with Javanese Banyumasan cultural characteristics, while choosing high school students as the sample is due to their unstable and dynamic personality and their important role in determining the model of religious and national life in Indonesia in the future. Based on the research, 3 (three) conclusions were revealed. First, the pattern of students religious views in general is moderate. Some students recognize the concept of Khilafah with a relatively minimal understanding of information that does not have implications for their personality in religion and nationality. Secondly, most students are familiar with the concept of khilafah through the internet, social media, and social and scientific interaction. Third, as a form of awareness of the dangers of transnational ideology (such as the ideology of Khilafah), teachers build and foster students- awareness both through structured learning and the development of religious activities in schools so that they are careful in associating and wise in utilizing the internet and social media thus avoiding the influence of radical religious ideology that endangers nationalism.

Keywords: Islam; khilafah; media; nationalism; high school students

Topic: Education


Conference: 1st Borobudur International Symposium (BIS 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Naqiyah Naqiyah)

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